Hold Them Close : A Love Letter to Black Children

By Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow,  Illustrated by Patrick Dougher, with photography by Jamel Shabazz

This book is a moving celebration of Black children.  Children will see that if they look to their glorious past, embrace their present feelings, and reach for a bright future, there is much to hold close, and they can light up the world.  >>> On the last pages, found “Background” >>>> Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow’s books in SHI collection.

この絵本は黒人の子どもたちへの時代の流れに沿った祝福である。子ども達は、勇気ある人々の過去を知り、現在の人々の気持ちを理解し、明るい未来への前進につなげるために、多くのことを心にとめて、そして世界を輝かせるのだ。>>>巻末のページに”バックグランド”の記載あり。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるJamilah Thompkins-Bigelowの作品

A History of Me

By Adrea Theodore, Illustrated by Erin K. Robinson ( Neal Porter Books – 2022 )

Life can be hard for the only brown girl in a classroom full of white students. When the teacher talks about slavery, she can feel all of her classmates staring at her. When they talk about civil rights, she is the one that other kids whisper about on the playground. In those moments, she wants to slip away or seep into the ground, and she wonders, “Is that all you see when you look at me?” What really matters is what she sees when she looks at herself. She is reflection of the courage, strength, intelligence, and creativity that’s been passed down from generation to generation through her ancestors.>>> Inspired by her daughter’s experience in school as well as the authors’ own experience.

和訳題名「わたしとあなたの ものがたり」


Black-eyed Peas and Hoghead Cheese : A Story of Food, Family, and Freedom

By Glenda Armand, Illustrated by Steffi Walthall ( Crown Books for Young Readers – 2022 )

While visiting her grandma in Louisana, nine-year-old Frances is excited to help prepare the New Year’s Day meal. She listens as Grandma tells stories – dating back to the Atlantic Slave Trade – about the food for their feast. While learning about the ingredients and the dishes they are making, Frances learns about her ancestors and their history as well. This book traces the origins of African American foodways, or eating habits, with the loving story of one family preparing a holiday dinner. >>> Inspired by author Glenda Armand’s childhood, and her note and more information found in the last pages. >>>> Glenda Armand’s books in SHI collection.

ルイジアナの祖母の家を訪ねている間、9歳のFrancesは新年の料理を作る手伝いをするのが楽しみであった。祖母の話は”大西洋奴隷貿易”の時代にまでさかのぼり、奴隷になった人達が祝いの料理を作る話に耳を傾けた。当時の人達が入手できた材料や料理について学ぶと同時に、祖先の歴史も学んだ。この絵本は、ある家族の祝いの食事の支度から、アフリカ系アメリカ人達の食文化や食習慣の起源を語っている。>>>作者の幼年期の体験に基ずいて制作された。巻末に更なる情報と作者の言葉がある。>>>>SHIコレクションにある Glenda Armandの作品

All Aboard the Schooltrain : A Little Story from the Great Migration

By Glenda Armand, Illustrated by Keisha Morris ( Scholastic Press – 2023 )

Thelma loves to watch the Sunset Limited chug through her little town of Vacherie, Louisiana. And she dreams of one day riding a real train! For now, she has her beloved schooltrain. Every morning, she and her friends walk to school, single file, chanting all the way: “Schooltrain! Schooltrain! Don’t be late! The school bell rings at half past eight!”. Then It’s on to great adventures with her teacher’s books – and her own imagination! But lately, someone named Jim Crow has been making trouble for folks in Vacherie. Aunt Bea and Uncle Ed have already moved away. When Thelma wonders, who is Jim Crow and why does he have to be so mean? Will he make trouble for Pop, too? >>>This family story, inspired by the author’s own, illuminates a dynamic chapter in American history known as the Great Migration – and the many train people rode toward freedom.>>>> Keisha Morris’s books in SHI collection.

Thelmaの住むルイジアナ州の小さな町Vacheie通過する特急列車を眺めるのが、彼女は大好きであった。そしていつの日か本物の列車に乗るのが彼女の夢であった。今は、彼女は学校列車に夢中であった。毎朝彼女と友達たちは、列を作って学校まで歩きながら大声で叫んだ”学校列車、学校列車、遅れてはだめだよ!八時半に学校の始業ベルが鳴るよ!” そしてその列車に乗ると、先生の本から学ぶ冒険や彼女の想像力を刺激する旅に出かけれた。しかし、最近ジム・クロウという名の人が、町の人達を困らせていた。Bea叔母さんとEd叔父さんは既に町を後にした。Thelmaはジム・クロウが誰で、どうして皆が迷惑するのだろうかと思った。彼女の父親も困らされるのだろうか?>>作者の家族の実体験に基ずいたこの絵本物語は、米国歴史の重要な一章である”大移住”の一コマを描いている。”大移住”の間、人々は多くの列車に乗って自由を求めて出発した。>>>>SHI コレクションにあるKeisha Morrisの作品

That Flag

By Tameka Fryer Brown, Illustrated by Nikkolas Smith (HarperCollins Children’s Books – 2023)

Keira and Bianca are best friends. At School, they are insteparable. But Keira questions their friendship when she learns more about the meaning behind the Confederateflag hanging from her friend’s front porch. Will the two friends be able to overlook their distinct understandings of the flag? Or will they reckon with the flag’s undeniable effect on yesterday and today? The author and the illustrator graciously tackle the issue of racism, the value of friendship, and the importance of understanding history so that we move forward together in a though-provoking, strring, and ultimately tender tale.

Keira と Bianca は大の仲良しであった。学校ではいつも一緒であった。しかしBiancaの家の前に掲げてある南部連合旗の背景にある歴史を知ってから、Keiraは、彼女との友情に疑問を抱き始めた。あの旗に対する明確なる理解を、二人の友人達は見過ごしてしまうのだろうか?それとも、過去から今日に至るあの旗の負の影響を、二人が熟考するようになるだろうか?この絵本の作者とイラストレーターによって、人種差別問題、友情の価値、そして互いに共に前進するために歴史を理解する重要性が、考え深く、糸口を探りながら、心暖まる結論を導くための話として見事に展開されている。

Hair Story

By NoNieqa Ramos, Illustrated by Keisha Morris ( Carolrhoda Books – 2021 )

Preciosa, non-Black Puerto Rican, has hair that won’t stay straight, won’t be confined. Rudine, Black girl, has hair that resists roller, flat irons, and rulers. Together, the girls play hair salon! They take inspiration from their moms, their neighbors, their ancestors, and cultural icons. They discover that their hair holds roots of the past and threads of the future. >>> On the last pages, there are names of prominent Black, Afro-Latinx, and non-Black Latinx figures known both for their accomplishments and their notable hairstyle, and also a glossary of Spanish words.


A Taste of Colored Water

By Matt Faulkner ( Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers – 2008 )

When Abbey comes back from town with tale of a fountain bubbling forth with “colored” water, Lulu and Jelly want to go see it for themselves. It’s the early 1960’s and colored water isn’t the fruit-flavored. Technicolor wonder that Lulu and Jelly are expecting. And having a drink doesn’t come without a price. This is a story that the naïve and whimsical imagination of a child is confounded by the reality of intolerance. >>> The history of this story’s background is found on the last page. >>>> Related resource: White Water.

町から戻って来たAbbeyから色水の吹きあがる水飲み場の話を聞いたとたんに、LuluとJellyは自分達の目で確かめたくなった。1960年代初頭の色水は、フルーツの味が付いていた訳ではない。LuluとJellyは色の付いた水に、すっかり魅了された。しかも無料で飲めるのだ。ナイーブで気まぐれな子ども特有の想像力が、不寛容な現実によって混乱を起こした例の一つである。>>>>巻末にこの話の時代背景が記載されている。>>>>関連絵本::White Water.

I love my Hair!

By Natasha Anastasia Tarpley, Illustrated by E. B. Lewis (Little, Brown and Company – 1998)

A young African-American girl describes the different, wonderful way she can wear her hair, and she and her mother celebrate their African – American identity.


That is My Dream!

By Langston Hughes, Illustrated by Daniel Miyares (Schwartz & Wade Books – 2017, Original poem in 1924)

Follow one child on a walk through his small segregated town in the 1950s. Then watch his mind take flight as he imagines a brighter, more inclusive world. >>>Langston Hughes’s inspiring and timeless poem “Dream Variation” comes joyously to life in a gorgeously illustrated picture book.

1950年代に、人種分離政策が行われていた小さな町を黒人の男の子が歩く。そして男の子の想像は膨らみ、分離ではなく融合ある明るい社会を夢見る。>>>Langston Hughesが1924年に制作した詩”Dream Variation”に、見事なイラストが加わり誕生した絵本。

Steamboat School

By Deborah Hopkinson, Illustrated by Ron Husband ( Disney Hyperion – 2017 )

Based on true events of Mr. Reverend John Berry Meachum (1789-1854}. When James first started school, his sister practically had to drag him there. His teacher, Mr. Meachum, told James “We make our own light here.” Although hard work and learning his students did, their school was shut down by a new law forbidding African American education in Missouri. Determined to continue teaching his students, Mr. Meachum built a new school- a floating school on the Mississippi River, just outside the boundary of the unjust law.

Reverend John Berry Meachum (1789-1854}氏の実話に基ずく物語。James が初めて学校へ行くことになったのも、姉が強引に彼を連れて行ってからだ。 Meachum 先生はJamesに「我々自身の希望を持てるように、勉強は必要だ」と教えてくれた。一生懸命励み勉強したにも関わらず、ミズりー州の新しい法律でアフリカ系アメリカ人への教育が禁止され、学校は閉鎖された。生徒達への教育の変わらぬ熱意により、Meachum 先生は新たな学校を作った。それは、ミズリー州の法律の支配外にある、ミシシッピー河に浮ぶ船の学校であった。