Bringing Asha Home

By Uma Krishnaswami, Illustrated by Jamel Akib (Lee & Low Books Inc. – 2006)         

It’s Rakhi, the Hindu holiday special to brothers and sisters, and Arun wishes he had a sister with whom to celebrate. Soon it looks likes as if his wish will come true. His parents are going to adopt a baby girl named Asha. She is coming all the way from India, where Arun’s father was born. But it takes logger time to have Asha than they expected.



You’re Not My REAL Mother!

By Molly Friedrich, Illustrated by Christy Hale                                                                              (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers-2004)

An adoptive mother tells her daughter all the reasons that she is her real mother, even though they do not look alike. The daughter accepts her mother’s heartfelt explanation.

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The Red Blanket                 

By Eliza Thomas, Illustrated by Joe Cepeda (Scholastic Press ~ in 2004)

Based on the experience of the American Author. In 1994, She went to China to adapt a 5 months old baby. Just before the departure to China, she found a red blanket in Kid’s dress shop and bought it. And the red blanket helped to build the bond between new mother and her daughter on each stage of her child’s growing.



Goyangi Means Cat                

By Christine McDonnell, Illustrated by Steve Johnson & Lou Fancher                         (Viking, a Division of Penguin Young Readers Group ~ in 2011)

When Soo Min comes from Korea to live with her new American family, she struggles to learn English and adjust to new surroundings. She finds great comfort in the family’s cat, Goyangi, until he runs away. But Soo Min discovers the cat has returned to home. This gentle story reveals that home is truly where the heart is. On each page Korean words appear in the background illustration, and explanations of each words’ meaning  are included.



Mommy Far, Mommy Near : An Adoption Story 

By Carol Antoinette Peacock, Illustrated by Shawn Costello Brownell                                         (Albert Whitman & Company – 2000)

Young Elizabeth has 2 mothers, one in China and the other in America. American mother tells Elizabeth how both mothers love her.



Finding Joy

By Marion Coste, Illustrated by Yong Chen (Boyds Mills Press – Pennsylvania in 2006)

During the period of one-child policy in China (People’s Republic of China) in 1979 ~ 2015, it’s a boy who looks after their aging paints in China as their traditional custom, which caused of abandoning newborn baby girls. In 1991 Chinese Government accepted officially the international adaption system, 28,000 children crossed over the border to have a new home for the following 15 years, and most of them were girls.   This is one of stories of those girls.

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By Adrienne Ehlert Bashista, Illustrated by Miranda R. Mueller (Drt prss in 2007 : )

A couple bought a stuffed bear on a shelf in an airport gift shop, and it was a present to a little boy. The bear and boy became good friends and were waiting together for another couple coming to pick up them.  “Mishuka” means a bear in Russian.




By Francois Thisdale  (Tundra Books –Toronto, Canada in 2011)

A baby girl born in China is adapted and crosses to America. The girl named Nini thinks of her mother in China and imagines her Chinese mother often. But  eventually Nini’s American mother replaces her imaginary mother in China.

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BEGINNINGS-How Families Come to be

By Virginia Kroll, Illustrated by Stacey Schuett                                                                            (Albert Whitman & Company – Morton Grove, IL in 1994)

Six children from different backgrounds present each own story; birth, adaption, guardianship, single parenthood and so on, and they ask questions to their grownups. Every child needs a home with happiness and secure.
