Sosu’s Call

By Meshack Asare (Kane/Miller Book Publish – La Jolla, CA in 2002. Original one published by Su-Saharan Publisher­­-Lagon, Accra, Ghana in 1997)

African boy, Sosu lives in a beautiful small village by ocean. During all village youth    go to fish for their living, Sosu has to stay home with his dog as he is not able to walk.   One day when a big storm is threaten the village, Sosu hits the drum with wishing the village youth can hear the warning sounds to save the village elders & little children.      >The author,  Meshack Asare is born in 1945 Ghana, and “Sosu’s Call” received “UNESCO Children & Youth’s Literature in the Service of Tolerance” award in 1999.


海と入り江に挟まれた土地に、小さな村があった。そこに住むSosu少年は歩くことが出来ず、いつも家にいて愛犬と一緒であった。ある日、村の若者達が漁に出た後に、嵐が襲ってきた。残された老人や幼子を助ける為に、Sosuは使ったこともないドラムをたたいて、村の危機を伝えた。1945年ガーナ生まれの制作者Asare氏は、この作品のイラストも描いている。1999年度UNESCO Children & Youth’s Literature in the Service of Toleranceの受賞作品でもあり、ほのぼのとした絵と物語の絵本。

Extra Yarn

By Mac Barnett, Illustrated by Jon Klassen                (Balzer+Bray,An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers – New York, NY in 2012)

Annabelle lives in a cold black-white colored small town. One day, she finds a box filled with beautiful colored yarn. She makes herself a sweater, but after finishing she finds extra yarn left over. She starts to knit clothing for everyone around her with endless and colorful yarn. Annabelle’s magical story spreads around the world.



Seaside Dream

By Janet Costa Bates, Illustrated by Lambert Davis (Lee & Low Books Inc. – New York, NY in 2010)

Tomorrow is Cora’s grandma’s birthday to cerebrate with many family members. Her grandma will be 70 years old. Cora cannot find any gift yet for her, but she knows well grandma misses her home country, Cape Verde, the island country in Westside of African Continent despite immigrated to America 40 years ago. After spending time on the beach with grandma, Cora gets an idea of birthday gift to make grandma be pleased.


アフリカ大陸の西沖合いに位置する諸島国 Cape Verde (カーボベルデ共和国)から米国に移民した祖母の70歳の誕生日に、家族が集った。40年経っても祖国を忘れない祖母と、その祖母を思いやる孫娘との心暖まる会話が、キラキラ輝いている絵本。著者自身の祖母への愛情があふれ出ている。ニューボイス賞を受賞した作品でもあり、家族の絆の暖かさを再認識させてくれる。

Butterflies on Carmen Street

By Monica Brown, Illustrated by April Ward (Pinata Books – Houston, Texas in 2007)

Julianita excitedly tells her grandfather on the way to school in the morning, that she will have a class to learn about monarch butterflies. Julianita knows grandfather remembers seeing the monarch butterflies in his village in the highlands of Mexico as he shared incredible story of the monarch to fly from Mexico to Canada over generations.  >>> On the left side of each page Witten in English (upper part) and in Spanish(bottom part), and on the right side beautiful illustrations to enjoy.



Lucky Beans

By Becky Birtha, Illustrated by Nicole Tadgell  (Albert Whitman & Company – Merton Grove, Illinois in 2010)

During the Great Depression of the 1930’s, Marshall eats beans for every single supper without any other choice. One day, Marshall finds the contest posted in the store window. It’s a guessing contest to get the closest number of counting beans in the jar displayed in the window, and the prize is a brand new sewing machine which Marshall’s mother definitely needs.  Based on the memories of Becky Birtha’s grandmother.



The Soccer Fence: A story of Friendship and Apartheid in South Africa

By Phil Bildner, Illustrated by Jesse Joshua Watson (G.P. Putnam’s Sons – New York, NY in 2014)

Inspired story by the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.  After Apartheid ended in South Africa, a young boy learns that the change takes time in the history of friendship and of nation healing.



Papa’s Mark

By Gwendolyn Battle-Lavert, Illustrated by Colin Bootman (Holiday House, Inc. – New York, NY in 2003)

Simms helps his Papa, Samuel, to learn to read and write his own name.  Despite the freedom from slave and having the right to vote after the Civil War, many black men are left in the behind of literacy ability. After several practices with Papa Samuel, Simms is very proud of his Papa when Samuel has the first opportunity to vote at the election.



Losing Isaiah

Directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal (1995)

Social worker who is a mother of teenaged daughter, meets a newborn black baby boy who is abandoned in a trash can.  She and her husband are accepted to adapt him and, the new family member named Isaiah helps to make their family band stronger and happier. Several years latter, Isaiah’s biological mother finds her son, and insists to take Isaiah back to her at the court.

一人娘もテーンエイジになり、親子の間にも夫婦の間にも隙間風が感じられた時に、白人女性ソーシャルカウンセラーが、ゴミ集積所に捨てられていた黒人の赤ちゃんに出会った。彼を養子にして、家族の絆もより強くなった頃に、黒人の産みの母親が現われた。息子が死んだとばかり思って悔やんでいた黒人の母親は、息子を自分に取り戻す為にあらゆる努力をした。裁判闘争となるが、産みの親と育ての親の問題に肌の色が更に重なり、色々と考えさせられるが、最後のシーンは感動で包んでくれる。Jessica Lange と Halle Berry が、見事に母親役を熱演している。


By Wendy Anderson Halperin  (Atheneum Books for Young Readers – New York, NY in 2013)

Different images across the world with wisdom of words tells about different peace, even inner peace for each one on this planet.   >>> The author, Wendy A. Halperin is the illustrator of “Nothing to do“.


冒頭で夫々の五感にうったえる様に、各自の五感を通じて得られる平和を促している。抽象的な平和の概念を、具体的なイラストと名言や格言で表現しているので、英語力も内容的にも高学年絵本ではあるが、平和教育には大いに役立つ教材にもなる。世界平和への願いが強く込められた構成は、素晴らしい。Nothing to do と同じイラストレーターではあるが、こちらの絵本では制作もこなしている。

The Great Big Book of Feelings

By Mary Hoffman, Illustrated by Ros Asquith (Frances Lincoln children’s books – London, UK in 2013)

On the first page, asking  “How are you feelings today?”, and then wide range of feelings comes and spreads on each page with diversity of people’s images.  >>> “The Great Big Book of Families” is different publisher, but same Author and Illustrator.


幼い頃からIT機器が生活の中に存在している今日、人間のもつ感性に焦点をあてた絵本は大変に興味深い。「今日はどんな気分(Feeling)ですか?」との問いから始まり、各ページごとに夫々の感情を解り易く、身近な例も上げて、自分のことと結びつけている。イラストでは、人種や身体的に障害をもつ子もまじえて感情を表し、見事に絵本の果たすメッセージを伝えている。The Great Big Book of Families は、出版社は異なるが、同じ作者とイラストレーターのコンビである。