Baseball Saved Us    

By Ken Mochizuki, Illustrated by Dom Lee (Lee & Low Books Inc. ~ in 1993)

Inspired by the experience of the author’s parents. Shortly after his family, along with thousands of Japanese Americans, are sent to an internment camp after the attack on Pearl Harbor. As having isolated life with fighting the heat  and dust of the desert, his father builds a baseball diamond and forms a league in order to boost the spirits of the internees. He and other boys learn to play the baseball game not only to win, but also  to gain dignity and self-respect.


米国シアトル生まれ育ちの日系米国人Ken Mochizukiが、韓国ソウル生まれ育ちで米国に住むDon Leeと制作した絵本であり、両者にとって共に処女作である。第二次世界大戦中、米国政府によって強制隔離キャンプに送られた両親をもつKen Mochizukiは、実話から影響を受けてこの絵本を制作した。キャンプ生活で兄が荒れた心になってゆく過程と、主人公の少年が野球をすることによってたくましく成長してゆく様子が、見事に描かれている。過酷な戦争体験の背景はあるが、それ以上に、少年の成長記録である。

Jingle Dancer          

By Cynthia Leitich Smith, Illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright & Ying-Hwa Hu                    (Morrow Junior Books ~ in 2000)

Jenna loves the tradition of jingle dancing that has been shared by generations of women in her family, and she hopes to dance at the next powwow (Native American’s gathering). She wants her dreaming dress will sing with jingles, and adults women surrounding her help to make her dream come true.



Block Party Today!

By Marilyn Singer, Illustrated by Stephanie Roth (Alfred A. Knopf ~ in 2004)

On the first Saturday of June, everyone on Barkley Plaza is exciting with having a Block Party. Except a girl who breaks her friendship with other 2 girls, and she decides to spend all day in her bed. As hearing louder and joyful noise from out side, it’s getting harder for the silly girl to stay by herself in the bed. It’s a big marvelous annual event of the diversity community.



I have two homes                     

By Marian De Smet, Illustrated by Nynke Talsma (Clavis Publishing Inc. ~ in 2012)

As facing to the difficult theme about parents’ separation, a girl shows her serious process of her new life on based of both parents love for her. >>>The Original German book was published in Belgium and Netherlands in 2008, and English translated book was published in 2012.



Madam President

By Lane Smith (Hyperion Books for Children ~ in 2008)

After reading the book about American President, a confident girl fantasizes about herself as president. She negotiates a treaty between a cat and dog and appoints a toy cabinet……..and so one. At the end of imaginary presidential busy day, she is absolutely exhausted and orders Vice President-doll to finish for her the rest of presidential tasks.



Because Amelia Smiled                

By David Ezra Stein (Candlewick Press –2012)

Because Amelia smiles as she skip down the street, her neighbor Mrs. Higgins smiles too, and decides to send a care package of cookies to her grandson Lionel in Mexico. The cookies give Lionel an idea and his idea inspires a student who in turn inspires a ballet troupe in England……and so the good feelings make their way around the world. Lovely story to see how we inspire each other in good way.



Things I learned in Second Grade        

By Amy Schwartz (Katherine Tegan Books –2004)

Before Ms. Jones’s 2nd class, Andrew didn’t know how to spell many words and how to subtract large numbers. But now that he has graduated from 2nd grade, he knows how to do many things. Every year in school is a significant building block to the next. As capturing the magic of learning and growing during the 2nd grade, the book celebrates to improve self-motivation.



One Family                  

By George Shannon, Illustrated by Blanca Gomez (Frances Foster Books ~ in 2008)

This is counting book of family, from one member to 10 members, as showing the diversity of different family size. The lovely interactive book shows how a family can be big or small and comprised of people of a range of genders and races.



Baby Face

By Cynthia Rylant, Illustrated by Diane Goode                                                                      (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers ~ in 2008)

The six babies present their daily life with gentle poems. As the sub-title ” A book of love for baby”, this is to celebrate all of the treasured moments in a baby’s life filled with love.


副題に A book of love for babyとあるように、赤ちゃんへの愛情溢れるリズミカルな言葉とイラストでいっぱいである。主役の赤ちゃんが代わる度に、赤ちゃんの生活にとって大事な単語が現われ一章を構成している。6人の赤ちゃんは外見の多様性をそれぞれに現してはいるが、赤ちゃんの共通性には変わりがない。新しく親となった人達を、兄や姉となった子ども達を、そして赤ちゃんが恋しくなった総べての人達をきっと満足させてくれるに違いない絵本である。

100 things that make me Happy

By Amy Schwartz (Viking, a division of Penguin Young Readers Group ~ in 2008)

This lovely book features 100 everyday objects and activities from a child’s world that elicit pleasure. The text is in rhyming couplets like as ” bucket trucks/yellow ducks”, and each of the rhymes is accompanied by a delightful illustration featuring a diverse cast of characters.

