The travel game                      

By John Grandits, Illustrated by R. W. Alley (Clarion Books ~ in 2009)

The youngest family member, Tad is growing up in Buffalo, East Cost where his family has a tailor shop and Tad is surrounded by Polish relatives. After work and a lunch, Aunt Hattie and Tad play their favorite Travel Game with a globe and the book “1001 pictures from around the world”. As they spin the globe, Tad’s finger lands near Hong Kong, and both of them read about their imaginary travel destination.



Zero is the leaves on the tree

By Betsy Franco,Illustrated by Shino Arihara  (Tricycle Press ~ in 2009)

It’s easy to count to three of something, but how do you count zero?  This important math concept is explored in a way that will inspire children to find zero everywhere in their daily fife, like as the branches of a tree.



Pizza in Pienza                         

By Susan Fillion  (David R. Godine Publisher ~ in 2013)

An Italian girl, who lives in Pienza and whose favorite food is Pizza, tells us the essential history of Pizza. Text is written in English and Italian, and the more details of Pizza history is found in the last pages. Easily imagine how much the author/illustrator loves Italian Culture, after her one year living experience in Italy.



I am I                            

By Marie-Louise Fitpatrick (Roaring Brook Press ~ in 2006)

Two different boys insist Me-ism and destroy surrounding them, and finally they learn how to calm down. The author/illustrator uses very few words but shows powerful communication with pictures and the natural elements of earth, air, fire, and water. The thought-provoking fable is valuable to learn true communication, even for adult readers.



These seas count!

By Alison Formento, Illustrated by Sarah Snow (Albert Whitman & Company ~ in 2013)

Mr. Tate’s class helps clean up a local beach and listens to the sea as it tells them about all the wildlife that make it their home. The gentle story and the amazing collage combine for a powerful message about the environment and what we can do to preserve our oceans. With the diversity of class students, this message is presented for all our nations.



How far do you love me?

By Lulu Delacre  (Lee & Low Books Inc.~ in 2013)

Based on a bedtime game Lulu Delacre played with her young daughters, ” How far do you love me?” is an ” I love you” book with a twist. With every expression of love, readers visit one of twelve different locations around the world, each a beautifully illustrated scene of adults and children in a place of natural beauty.



Last stop on market street

By Matt De La Pena, Illustrated by Christian Robinson                                                    (An imprint of Penguin Group ~ in 2015)

After church on Sunday, CJ and his grandma ride the bus across town and they see many different people. But today CJ asks a series of questions to his grandma. With each question, she points out something for CJ to appreciate about his life.



Last day blues                       

By Julie Danneberg, Illustrated by Judy Love (Charlesbridge ~ in 2006)

Mrs. Hartwell’s class students  are very diversity of race and character. Her students  excite to have their summer vacations, but they don’t want Mrs. Hartwell to miss them while they’re gone. They decide to make a special gift to help their teacher to remember them. >>> In 2011, the same author and illustrator published “The Big Test” featuring with the same class students and teacher.


Mrs. Hartwell のクラスには、様々な人種の生徒がいて性格も色々である。学年末の生徒達と教師の様子が生き生きと語り描かれ、多民族・多人種クラスのダイバシティーが見事に表現されている。英文も解り易く、米国の多民族クラスの様子を知る為にも、大いに役立つ絵本である。5年後には、同じ制作者達で、同じクラスの様子を描いた”The big test”を出版している。

The big Test                  

By Julie Danneberg, Illustrated by Judy Love  (Charlesbridge ~ in 2011)

The same author and the illustrator with “Last day blues”, and the story of the same Mrs. Hartwell’s classroom. For the end of semester, Mrs. Hartwell is preparing her class to take the big test.  As her students grow increasingly anxious about  the big test, Mrs. Hartwell teaches the most valuable test-taking skill of all : learning to relax.


“Last day blues” と同じ作者とイラストレターのコンビで、多民族・多人種の同じクラス生徒達が描かれている。学期末に大きなテストを実施することを告げられた生徒達は、テスト日が近ずくにつれてナーバスになってゆくが、教師のMrs. Hartwellには、生徒達をリラックスさせる名案があった。生徒達の表情や動きが生き生きと描かれ、ストリー展開に大きな効果を上げている。

Millie’s Marvellous Hat      

By Satoshi Kitamura (Andersen Press USA ~in 2009)

Millie loves a hats, but she has no money and she cannot afford to buy any hats in the shop. But the man in the hat shop has an idea.  He produces a box containing a hat too fine and beautiful to behold, but with the most perfect shape and color imaginable, if Millie dares to imagine. Millie does dare, and soon she can not only see her own beautiful hat, but everyone else’s hats as well.

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