Circle of Seasons

By Gerda Muller  ( Dutton Children’s Book – 1995 )                                                        

The seasons form a circle that goes around the year. In charming pictures of different children and a brief evocative text, we celebrate the traditions of each passing season. Both Christmas and Hanukkah are mentioned at the end.




By Trudy Ludwing, Illustrated by Maurie J. Manning  ( Tricycle Press – 2006 )                

Charlie is a boy who does stuff he shouldn’t, and after that he just says “Sorry!”. Jack wants to be friend with Charlie, but Jack is not comfortable to follow Charlie’s way. Telling examples of apology in daily fife, this is to make to think about real apology. Details of apology and suggestions are included in the end pages.



The Pet Dragon: A Story about Adventure, Friendship and Chinese Characters       

By Christoph Niemann (Greenwillow Books – 2008)                                                  

When the dragon disappears suddenly, Lin sets off on a journey to find her best friend. By ingeniously integrating written Chinese characters into the illustrations as the story progresses, Lin gets into the world of Chinese language and culture.



These Hands

By Margaret H. Mason, Illustrated by Floyd Cooper                                                                (Houghton Mifflin Books for children – 2010)

With softly burred illustrations in sepia shades and refrain words, an old man tells his story to his grandson how his hands were used for and helped to make his life meaningful. He also tells sad part of his hands in 1950~1960 in America, that black people did not allowed to work as bread dough mixers or bread dough handlers. This is to celebrate how expanded possibility of usage of everyone’s hands.




A Family is a family is a Family

By Sara O’Leary, Illustrated by Qin Leng   ( Groundwood Books – 2016 )

In a classroom of diversity ethnic children, they are asked to think about what makes their families special. Their answer is all different in many way, but the same in the one way that matters most of all.



The Way I Act

By Steve Metzger, Illustrated by Janan Cain (Parenting Press Inc. – 2011)

This is the companion book to The Way I Feel, and to help children to recognize and appreciate their positive actions. Featuring 13 words with each practical explanation, different children show how to act positively with each word. Suggestions for parents are included in the end page of the book.


The way I feel の姉妹本であり、子ども達に学んで欲しい行動をまとめている。13の言葉を選び、それを具体的に解説し、異なる子ども達がそれぞれの言葉の意味する行動を示している。巻末には、親達への提案も掲載されている。

Goin’ Someplace Special

By Patricia c. Mckissack, Illustrated by Jerry Pinkney                                                  (Atheneum Books for Young Readers – 2001)

‘Tricia Ann decides to go to Someplace Special by herself as the first time. She gets a permission from her mother. And then she rides a bus as being mature enough to cope with segregation. It is her braved journy without any adult to Someplace Special, but it’s also exciting. Because Someplace Special is her favorite spot in the world. Finally she arrives at Someplace Special, and before entering the door she looks up at the message “Public Library: All are welcome.”  >>>Inspired by the author’s experience in 1950’s Nashvill, Tennessee.



Two is Enough

By Janna Matthies, Illustrated by Tuesday Mourning (Running Press Kids – 2015)

Diversity family featuring a child with a parent or a grandparent. Two family members show their beautiful moment of the daily life, and express how quality time it is for the two.



Happy School Year!

By Susan Milord, Illustrated by Mary Newell DePalma (Scholatis Press – 2008)

In the town, all children of diversity ethnic community wake up to be ready for the first  day of the new school year.Some of them are exciting and some are apprehensive. At school, the students and families assemble with all teachers and staff to celebrate the beginning of new school year. >>>A First Day Campaign began in 1997, in Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union.


多様なる人種が住む町の学校が始まった。学校に行く最初の日の町の子供たちの様子が描かれている。学校の始業日を生徒、家族、コミュニティー全員で祝う習慣は、1997年にSouthwest Vermont Supervisory Union にある11の学校で行われたのが切っ掛けとなり、First Day Foundationが設立され、全米にこの祝い行事は広まった。

Black History Month

Black History Month” is added to the categories to help with your search.

Children’s Picture Books that provide Inner-Happiness Vitamins .


Inner-happiness Vitamins by Nobuko T. Moore. (Instagram@nobukotmoore)

Nobuko T. Moore friendly recommends taking your                                                  Inner-happiness Vitamin A ~ E everyday!

Vitamin A  for Appreciation

Have you given thanks to what you already have?

Vitamin B  for Building

Have you improve yourself and others in any way?

Vitamin C  for Compassion

Have you shown kindness to self and others?

Vitamin D  for Diligence

Have you practiced patience toward accomplishing your goals?

Vitamin E for Engagement

Have you paid attention to the present moment without distractions?


Have you taken your Inner-happiness Vitamins today?