Nighttime Ninja   

By Barbara Delosta, Illustrated by Ed Young (Little, Brown and Company – 2012       

At dark night , a Ninja is sneaking through a silent house. By using Japanese traditional art paper for the collage illustrations and very few and short text, this Ninja seems to perform his mission seriously and professionally. And then just before few pages to the end, the lights flip on and his mother catches him, ice cream and spoon in his monads. His mother gives him a new mission which is “getting back into bed.”



For you are a Kenyan child

By Kelly Cunnane, Illustrated by Ana Juan                                                                                (Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division – 2006)

A Kalenjin boy shares his whole day from morning till night in his small village in Kenya. Through his daily life and surrounding people, we can imagine different life of Kenyan countryside, but still the same with curiosity of little child, responsibility, and family love. Glossary of basic Swahili is included.



Woman in Gold

Directed by Simon Curtis (2015)

Based on biography of Maria Altman , an octogenarian Jewish refugee who lived in Los Angeles. Maria sought to regain a world famous painting of her aunt plundered by the Nazis during WWII. She did so not just to regain what was rightfully hers, but also obtain to some measure of justice for the death, distraction and massive art theft perpetrated by the Nazis.

邦題:黄金のアデーレ 名画の帰還


If roast beef could fly

By Jay Leno, Illustrated by S.B. Whitehead                                                                             (Simon & Schuster books for young readers – 2004)                                             

Based on the true story of author’s childhood, who is also a popular American comedian. Little Jay has effusive Italian father and stingy Scottish mother, and Jay always seems to be caught in the middle. One day when the party to launch the patio arrive, there’s more food than anyone could eat, and at the center is HUGE roast beef that Jay would do anything to get a taste of.


著者の幼少時代の実話を基にしているが、著者は米国の有名なコメディアンでもある。   ジェイには大振る舞いをするイタリア系父親と節約家のスコットランド系母親がいて、若いジェイはいつもこの二人の板ばさみにされていた。ある日、パティオ完成のパーティーが開かれ、ものすごいご馳走は食べきれないほどあった。特にみんなの期待の的は、膨大なローストビーフであり、ジェイ も味見をしたくてしょうがなかった。

Bringing Asha Home

By Uma Krishnaswami, Illustrated by Jamel Akib (Lee & Low Books Inc. – 2006)         

It’s Rakhi, the Hindu holiday special to brothers and sisters, and Arun wishes he had a sister with whom to celebrate. Soon it looks likes as if his wish will come true. His parents are going to adopt a baby girl named Asha. She is coming all the way from India, where Arun’s father was born. But it takes logger time to have Asha than they expected.



Papa gave me a stick

By Janice Levy, Illustrated by Simone Shin (Star Bright Books – 2015)

When Antonio sees the members of the mariachi band play, he wants nothing more than a guitar of his own. But his father explainers Guitars cost money, and he gives Antonio a stick instead. Confused, Antonio accepts his father’s gift, unknowingly starting a chain of exchanges that may earn his what he wants most. Filled with plenty of Spanish words for young readers.



Eddie Longpants

By Mireille Levert (Groundwood Book – 2005)                                                          

Eddie Longpants is so tall that this book has to be read vertically. Everyday at school, his classmates find new ways to bully him. One day the bullying goes too far and the teacher notices. Then Eddie shows his tormentor that there’s more than one way to behave. In the end Eddie and his classmates ralize that being big isn’t so bad after all, especially when you have a big heart.



Popo’s Lucky Chinese New Year

By Virginia Loh-Hagan, Illustrated by Renne Benoit (Sleeping Bear Press – 2017)  

When her Chinese grandmother, Popo, comes to visit, a young Chinese-American girl learns of and participates in the customs and beliefs celebrating an authentic Chinese New Year. The little girl’s comments also help to understand her feeling toward the tradition.



Running Shoes

By Frederick Lipp, Illustrated by Jason Gaillard (Charlesbridge – 2007)                

Sophy’s secret wish is to be able to go the school one day. But Sophy and her mother live in a poor village in Cambodia. In her village there are no doctor, no hospital, and no school, and Sophy always walks barefoot. One day when Sophy receives a pair of running shoes, her life changes forever. She starts to run to school 8 kilometers (almost 5 miles) away.



Let’s hear it for Almigal

By Wendy Kupfer, Illustrated by Tammie Lyon (Handfinger Press – 2012)

Almigal believes she is absolutely, positively the luckiest girl in the world, even though she has hearing problem. Almigal has many different friends, including her best friend who wears hearing aids just like as Almigal. One day Almigal has operation of cochlear implant, and needs to learn how to manage her new hearing aids. Almigal’s hearing ability is getting better, and she can hear the most beautiful words when her mother and father tuck her into bed for the night.

