Vivian and the legend of the Hoodoos

By Terry Catasus Jennings, Illustrated by Phyllis Saroff (Arbordale Publishing – 2017)

Long ago, the Old Ones were bad. They drank all the water, ate all the pine nuts, and left nothing for the other creatures. Sinawav the trickster coyote punished them by turning them into rocky hoodoos. Now when children misbehave, their Paiute elders remind them that they too could be turned into stone columns. This year as Vivian and her grandmother climb the mesa to pick pine nuts, Vivian is disrespectful to the trees and the land. Her grandmother reminds her of the legend of the hoodoos and how nature has made it possible for her people to live. >>>The detail information is included.



Louise and Andie: The art of friendship

By Kelly Light  ( Balzer+Bray – 2016 )

Louise loves art more than anything. She takes great delight in finding her new neighbor, Andie, also loves art. Louise and Andie should become good friends each other, but liking the same thing doesn’t always mean they agree on it. Their friendship, like art, can require collaboration.



A Morning with Grandpa

By Sylvia Liu, Illustrated by Christina Forshay (Lee & Low Books Inc. – 2016)

Mei Mei’s grandpa, Gong Gong, is practicing tai chi in the garden, and Mei Mei is eager to join in. As Gong Gong ties to teach her the slow, graceful movements, Mei Mei enthusiastically does them with her own flair. Then Mei Mei takes a turn, trying to teach Gong Gong the yoga she learned in school. The special bond between grandpa and granddaughter through traditional healthy movements celebrates the joy of learning new things together.


Mei Meiのお祖父さんGong Gongが、庭で太極拳の練習をしていた。その動きに関心を示したMei Meiにお祖父さんが太極拳の動きを教えたが、Mei Meiは自分なりの解釈で動いた。その後、立場が変わって、Mei Mei が学校で習ったYogaの動きをお祖父さんに教えた。それぞれの伝統的で健康的な動きを通して、二人の絆が伝わると同時に、年代を越えて新しいことに共に挑戦する喜びも祝福している絵本。

One, Two, Three O’Leary

By Malachy Doyle, Illustrated by Will Hillenbrand (Margaret K. McElderry Books – 2004)

Mr. and Mrs. O’Leary is an Interracial couple, and they have 10 uniquely different children. Their children are tucked snugly in bed, but not for long! One by one they bounce out of bed and fun continues, even as Mr. O’Leary gets ready to go to his nighttime job while trying to settle his little ones down once more. >>>The colorful rhythmic book is upon the traditional Irish rhymes that the author loved as a child.


O’Leary 夫妻は異人種間夫婦であり、大変にユニークな10人の子ども達がいる。子ども達全員がベットに入り、静かになったが、長くはもたなかった。一人二人とベットから飛び出して、遊び始めた。夜間の仕事で父親が出かけなくてはならないにも関らず、子ども達をベットに連れ戻すのは大事になってしまった。>>>色彩も楽しくリズムカルなこの絵本は、作者が子ども時代に楽しんだ、伝統的なアイルランドの韻を踏んだ言葉遊びを参考にしている。

The Great Spruce

By John Duvall, Illustrated by Rebecca Gibbon (G.P.Putnam’s Sons – 2016)

Alec loves to climb trees, especially the great spruce which his grandfather planted near their house long before Alec was born. Every Christmas, Alec and his grandpa decorate this tree, stringing tinsel and lights through its branches. The one winter, three men from the nearby city ask if they can take it to be part of the city’s Christmas celebration. Alec doesn’t want to chop down the spruce, and comes up with a plan to save his tree and the diverse people’s city celebration in this delightful holiday tale.



Everybody Serves Soup

By Norah Dooley, Illustrated by Peter J. Thornton (Carolrhoda Books Inc. – 2000)

While trying earn money to shoveling snow so Carrie can buy her mother a Christmas present. But she has no idea what should she buy. As Carrie goes from house to house, she finds that everybody is making own traditional soup. Carrie’s neighbors come from many places, so she collects recipes of different kind soup. Now Carrie gets an idea of what to give her mother. >>>At the end of the book, you can find simple recipes collected from Carrie’s delightful multicultural neighborhood.



Jimmy Zangwow’s Out-of-This-World: Moon-Pie Adventure

By TONY DiTERLIZZI (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers – 2000)

Jimmy Zangwow loves his Moon Pies. His mom holds the key to the Moon Pie stash though, ….and she says no treats before dinner. If only Jimmy could fly to the moon to get his own Moon Pies….How far would you go to get your favorite snack? >>>Inspired by real snack called “Moon Pie” which was originally made by Chattanooga Bakery in Tennessee in 1917, and now it became a popular traditional item in the states.


Jimmy Zangwowは、ムーンパイが大好物であった。しかし、彼の母親がしっかりとムーンパイを管理していたし、おまけに夕食を食べなくてはお菓子は一切なしと言われてしまった。もしもJimmyが月に飛んで行けて、ムーンパイを独り占めできたら、、、自分の好きなお菓子の為なら、あなたは何処まで遠くへゆけますか?>>>この絵本は、1917年にテネシー州のチャッタノガ・ベーカリーが最初に作った実存のムーンパイから影響を受けて、制作された。この伝統あるムーンパイ(マシュマロを挟んだ丸いグラハムクッキーをチョコレートでコーチィングした菓子)は、今日でも人気のある米国のスナックとなっている。

The Wacky Substitute

By Sally Derby, Illustrated by Jennifer Herbert (Marshall Cavendish – 2005)

Mr. Wuerst has lost his eyeglasses and can’t see anything clearly. He thinks his kitty is his puppy and his puppy is his kitty. When he substitutes for the kindergarten teacher, he walks into a closet instead of the classroom. Things go from bad to worse…but not for the multiracial kindergarteners. They’ve never had so much fun.



Grace for President

By Kelly DiPucchio, Illustrated by LeUyen Pham (Hyperion Books for Children – 2008)

When Grace’s teacher reveals that the United States has never had a female president, Grace decides to be the first. And she immediately starts off her political career as a candidate in the school’s mock election. But soon she realizes that she has entered a tough race. The author not only gives readers a fun introduction to the American electoral system, but also teaches them the value of hard work, courage, and independent thought.



Mamma Mia!

Directed by Phyllida Lloyd (2008)

Donna (Meryl Streep), an independent hotelier in the Greek beautiful island, is preparing for her daughter, Sophie’s wedding with the help of old friends. Meanwhile Sophie peeks her mother’s old diary and finds three men’s names and one of them would be possible to be her farther. Sophie secretly invites three men without deep thinking, just with wishing to have her farther to escort her down to the aisle on her big day. Unbelievably, all three men show up on the island just before Sophie’s wedding day. >>>Based on the 1999 musical of the same title and based on the songs of well-known Swedish pop group ABBA. “Mamma Mia” is Italian words to used in situation of surprise and excitement, and was used fot the name of ABBA’s 1975 chart-topper. The following story titled “Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” will be released in the US on July 2018.

邦題:マンマ マミーア!
