Soccer Star

By Mina Javaherbin, Illustrated by Renato Alarcao (Candlewick Press – 2014)

An inspiring story of a Brazilian boy who dreams of being a soccer star. Paulo Marcelo Feliciano is a captain of soccer team in his favela. His mother has to work long hours, so he walks his little sister to her school every morning. He works all day on a fishing boat, and at day’s end, it’s time to play the game. This is an uplifting tale of transcending expectations and the power that comes from being brave enough to light up the world.


ブラジルのスラム街に住む少年達は、いつの日かサッカーのスター選手となることを夢見ている。Paulo Marcelo Felicianoも、そんな少年のひとりであった。家計を助けたり、妹の面倒をみたりしながらも、彼のサッカーチームのキャプテンである彼は練習に励んでいた。少年達のたくましさと夢を追いかける熱意が、ブラジルから伝わってくる。

No Slurping, No Burping! : A Tale of Table Manners

By Kara LaReau, Illustrated by Lorelay Bove (Disney/Hyperion Books- 2014)

Evie and Simon always mind their manners. But sometimes, they have to mind their father’s manners, too! One day, their grandmother comes to join their dinner. Their father’s behavior and table manner is perfectly well. But it’s their grandmother who loses her behavior as soon as she sees a wonderful dessert. With charming pictures and warm love of family, telling about good behavior and table manner to everyone.



My Two Blankets

By Irena Kobald, Illustrated by Freya Blackwood (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – 2014)

Cartwheel moves to a new country with her auntie, and everything is strange; the animals, the plants, even the wind. An old blanket gives Cartwheel comfort when she’s sad, and a new blanket just might change her world. The poetic text and powerful paintings renders an emotional and heart-warming story about two children form diverse backgrounds coming together to become new friends.



Cora cooks Pancit  

By Dorina K. Lazo Gilmore, Illustrated by Kristi Valiant (Shen’s Books – 2009)

Cora loves being in the kitchen, but she always gets stuck doing the kid jobs like licking the spoon. One day, however, when all her older siblings are away, Cora’s mother finally lets her help make Pancit, a Filipino noodle dish. The delightful text and charming illustrations captures the warmth between mother and daughter as they share a piece of their Filipino heritage. Includes recipe for Pancit, and glossary of Tagalog words.



Jason Takes Responsibility (The Way I Act Books)

By Virginia Kroll, Illustrated by Nancy Cote (Albert Whitman & Company – 2005)

Jason has an important job to do. He has to take the invitations for his grandma’s birthday party to the mailbox right away. But then he sees Carson flying a new kite in the park. Jason stops to fly the kite for a minute, and in his rush to meet the mail track, he loses one of the invitations. Fortunately he is able to make it right at the last minute.



A Father’s Song

By Janet Lawler, Illustrated by Lucy Corvino (Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. – 2006)

In lyrical and charming verse, a father expresses his deep love for his child. With its warm text and lively illustrations that capture a fun day at the park, it’s the perfect Father’s Day picture book to celebrate delightfully the bond between father and child.



Two Parrots       

By Rashin, Inspired by Tale from Rumi who was a thirteenth-century Persian Poet.  (NorthSouth Books, Inc. – 2014)

In Persia, there was a wealthy merchant who traveled the world for his business. On one of his journeys to India, he received a beautiful parrot as a gift from a friend. The merchant loved the bird and fed the best food as keeping the parrot in a shiny golden cage. But, the parrot was sad, and asked the merchant to pass his message to his friend parrot in India while the merchant traveling there. It’s a story about communication of two parrots, and also life lesson for human being.



On our way to Oyster Bay: Mother Jones and her march for children’s rights

By Monica Kulling, Illustrated by Felicita Sala (Kids can Press – 2016)

Based on the real event in 1903. Though eight-year-old Aidan and his friend Gussie want to go to school, like many other children, they work twelve hours, six days a week, at a cotton mill in Pennsylvania instead. One day a labor activist named Mother Jones arrives at the mill to meet with the workers, and organizes children’s march to Oyster Bay, New York, to confront President Theodore Roosevelt about unfair child labor practices. >>>The detail information of this historical event is included.



In the Night Garden

By Barbara Joosse, Illustrated by Elizabeth Sayles (Henry Holt and Company, LLC – 2008)

Three little girls prowl the night garden: One is a bear with sharp white teeth. One is a whale, steady and strong. One is a sled dog, sleek and lean. Join three little girls as they prowl, growl, and let their imagination soar in the night garden. And then, all of them fell in asleep peacefully. It is the perfect bedtime story. >>>Barbara Joosse is also the author of “Mama, Do you love me?“, ” Papa, Do you love me?“, “Grandma calls me Beautiful“.


3人の少女が夜の庭をうろつく:一人は白い歯のするどい熊。一人は大きな強い鯨。一人は毛並みの艶やかなそりの犬。3人の少女がそれぞれの動物になりきって、イマジネーションを膨らませながら夜の庭を吠えたり鳴いたりしながら歩きまわる。そして、皆しずかに眠りに落ちてしまう。正に、ベットで寝る前に読みたい絵本。>>>作者のBarbara Joosseは、”Mama, Do you love me?”, “Papa, Do you love me?” , “Grandma calls me Beautiful” の絵本も書いている。

Green Pants

By Kenneth Kraegel (Candlewick Press – 2017)

Jameson loves his green pants. When he wears green pants, he can do anything. But if he wants to be in his cousin’s wedding, he is going to have to wear a tuxedo, and that means black pants! Jameson cannot make his decision until the last minute…but he makes everyone happy, including himself. While insisting his individualism, Jameson shows his wonderful cooperation to celebrate the wedding.

