Rose’s Garden

By Peter H. Reynolds ( Candlewick Press -2009 )                                                   

  After traveling the world in her fantastic teapot, Rose finds a neglected corner of bustling city where she can plant the flower seeds collected from her travel. And then she waits-through rain and cold and snow. Rose waits, never doubting that the garden she envisions will one day come to be. >>>The author wrote this book as a tribute to Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, a woman who planted her own perennial garden.



ローズは不思議なティーポットで世界中を旅した後、賑やかな街の一角に忘れられた土地を見つけた。ローズは旅の間に集めた花の種を、そこに植えた。そして、雨でも雪でも、花が芽を出すのを待った。いつの日かそこに素晴らしい花園が出来ることを信じて、ローズは毎日待っていた。 >>>作者は、ローズ・フィッツジェラルド・ケネディ(ケネディ米国大統領の母親)へささげる為に、この絵本を制作した。

Elvis Presley’s Love Me Tender

By Elvis Presley, Illustrated by Stephanie Graegin ( Dial Books for Young Readers -2017 )

Adapted from the unforgettable classic song, Elvis Presley’s Love Me Tender is a heartwarming ode to the special bond between children and the adults who love and care for them as featuring the diversity of family.



I wonder: Celebrating Daddies Doin’ Work

By Doyin Richards (Feiwel and Friends -2016 )

Celebrating fatherhood with gathering photos of father & child image. Daddies style hair, carpool, and cuddle. They play, motivate and comfort. Dads may sometimes wonder if they’re doing a good job. But one thing they’re sure of is that they love every moment with their children. >>> The author is one of the most respected and in-demand voice on modern fatherhood in America today. All photos are from his followers on Social Media and his own family.






又、米国公立図書館の蔵書の中にも、Multicultural Educationの資料として、親子で楽しめれる絵本の出会いが待っています。

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Mom’s New Friend

By Mattia Cerato (Red Chair Press LLC -2015 ) ~Family Snaps~

A young boy is reluctant to accept his mom’s new friend, Dan. However, when they all go on a road trip together, he finds that Dan is not as bad as he imagined. >>>Other books illustrated by Mattia Cerato : Rice and Beans, I’m Not Moving!, An A-maze-ing Farm Adventure.


男の子が、母親の新しい友人Danを受けいれるのに、かなり消極的であった。ところが、三人で車の旅に一緒に出かけてみると、思ったほどDanが悪い人ではないと、気がついた。>>>この絵本ではMattia Ceratoが作者兼イラストを担当しているが、イラストだけの他の作品:Rice and Beans, I’m Not Moving!, An A-maze-ing Farm Adventure.

I’m Not Moving!

By Wiley Blevins, Illustrated by Mattia Cerato (Red Chair Press LLC – 2015)

When Keesha’s dad gets a new job, her family have to move to the city. Keesha finds that change is hard when it means leaving behind the home she loves and moving to a new house, a new school, and meeting new friends. But, Keesha finally enjoy her new life!



the Lost-and-Found tooth

By Louise Borden, Illustrated by Adam Gustavson (Margaret K. McElderry Books – 2008)

Mr. Reilly, an elementary school teacher, has come up with a great way to teach his second-grade class the many skills: Knowing the date, Telling time, and Sharing stories. Each time a second grader loses a tooth, the event gets recorded on the “Who’s Lost a Tooth?” calendar. It’s a brilliant plan, and as the months pass on student after another has a lost-tooth story to tell. Except for Lucy. However Lucy ends up sharing an absolutely perfect tooth story with everyone.


Mr. Reillyは小学校2年生のクラス担任で、生徒達が日時を覚え話をする勉強の為に、素晴らしい考えを思いついた。クラスの生徒の乳歯が抜ける度に、特別カレンダーに日時と場所を記録しその時の話をみんなに聞かせることにした。これは名案で、毎月のように次々と生徒達が自分の記録を書き込み話をしたが、一人だけ乳歯が一本も抜けない生徒 Lucy がいた。ついにLucyの乳歯が抜けた時雪解け道に落としてしまったが、落し物になった彼女の乳歯の話をとうとうみんなに紹介できた。

All of Me! : a book of thanks

By Molly Bang  ( The Blue Sky Press – 2004 )

From toes and elbows to kiss for Mommy and Daddy, colorful collages capture the curiosity  and sense of wonder felt by young children as they discover themselves and the world around them. The final pages are a simple guide to help young hands make their own pictures. >>>Other books by Molly Bang: When Sophie’s Feelings are Really, Really Hurt , The Paper Crane.


手足の先から両親への愛情まで、色鮮やかな貼り絵が幼い子どもの好奇心と不思議を導き、同時に自分の体の機能や日常の様子を発見してゆく。主役の子どもの両親は異民族カップルではあるが、ごく自然にそんな生活環境が伝えられている。巻末ページでは小さな手で色々な芸術が楽しめれるように、Molly Bang らしいアイデアが紹介されている。>>>Molly Bangの他の作品は:When Sophie’s Feelings are Really, Really Hurt , The Paper Crane.

Good Morning, City

By Pat Kiernan, Illustrated by Pascal Campion                                                                    (Farrar, Straus Giroux Books for young readers – 2016)

While the baker, the ferry boat captain, and the TV anchorman are busy at work, most people are cozily snuggled in bed. As the morning gets brighter, the city streets bustle with people ready to start the day. New day begins in the city of  diverse people.



Red Kite, Blue Kite

By Ji-li Jiang, Illustrated by Greg Ruth (Disney/Hyperion Books – 2013)

When Tai Shan and his father, Baba, fly kites from their roof and look down at the crowded city street below, they feel free, like the kites. Then, a bad time comes. People wearing red armband shut down the school, smash store signs, and search houses. Baba is sent away, and Tai Shan goes to live with Granny Wang. Though father and son are far apart, every day they greet each other by flying their kites-one red and one blue-until Baba can be free again, like the kites.>>> Historical note is included.


Tai Shanと父親のBabaは、屋根の上から街の人混みを見下ろしながら、いつも一緒に凧あげを楽しんだ。ところが暗い時代がやって来た。赤い腕章をつけた人達が、学校を閉鎖し、店の看板を壊し、家家を捜査して回った。Babaも遠くに連れてゆかれ、Tai Shanは祖母と暮らした。父と離れ離れになった息子だが、彼等は赤と青の凧を交互にあげては、お互いを確認し合っていた。そして、それはBabaが自由の身になるまで継続した。歴史に翻弄されながらも、父と子の変わらぬ絆が伝わってくる。>>>時代背景の説明も記載されている。