Pie is for Sharing

By Stephanie Parsley Ledyard, Illustrated by Jason Chin                                                 ( Roaring Brook Press – 2018 )

This book invites you to a glorious Fourth of July picnic, where you will learn all about sharing, the good things along with the bad. By deft and lilting text and vivid illustrations, you will experience a wonderful and relaxing time on the special day.


Red Again

By Barbara Lehman  ( Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – 2017 )

In this red book without any text , a child finds a mysterious red book. And inside that book, there is another child, who finds another red book-and an adventure! These magical red books can connect lonely islands with faraway cities, and they can connect the hearts of new friends who didn’t know that they had been waiting to discover a way to each other. >>>This is the companion to “The Red Book” by Barbara Lehman.


文字のないこの赤い本は、一人の子が不思議な赤い本を拾った。その本の中には知らない子が別の赤い本を拾って、お互いの子どもを赤い本が引き付けてゆく。街と遠い島が繋がり、見知らぬ子同士が赤い本によって知り合いになってゆく。>>>同じ作者による”The Red Book“につながっていく内容である。

Funny Bones: Posada and His Day of the Dead Calaveras 

By Dungan Tonatiuh  (Abrams, Inc.- 2015)

In Spanish, the word Calavera means “Skull”. Mexican artist, Lupe Posada (1852 – 1913 )  learned the art of printing at a young age and drew political cartoons. He became best know today for his Calavera drawings. This is his life story along with developing printing technology. >>> Detail information found on the last pages. Dungan Tonatiuh’s other books; Dear Primo, and  Separate is never equal


スペイン語でCalaveraとは、骸骨の意味。メキシコ人アーティストのLupe Posada (1852 – 1913) は、若くして絵の印刷を覚え、政治風刺漫画を描いた。今日では、骸骨の動き回る絵が彼の作品の中で最も親しまれている。この絵本は、印刷技術の発展と共に人生をすごした彼の物語である。>>>巻末に詳しい資料が記載。同じ制作者の他の作品は:Dear Primo,  Separate is never equal.

Taj Mahal

By Caroline Arnold and Madeleine Comora, Illustrated by Rahul Bhushan  ( Carolrhoda Books, Inc. – 2007 )

The Taj Mahal, whose beauty has inspired poets and artists for centuries, is one of the world’s best-known monuments. Behind its creation lies the love story of Emperor Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal, in the Mughal era. >>> On the last pages, providing the detail information of this story and Indian culture.

数世紀にわたって、タージマハールの美しさは多くの詩人や芸術家を魅了してきた。世界で最も良く知られた記念建造物の一つであるタージマハールには、ムガル帝国時代のShah Jahan帝王と彼の妻Mumtaz Mahalの愛の物語が込められている。>>>巻末ページには物語の詳しい説明とインド文化の情報が記載されている。

The Tide

By Clare Helen Welsh, Illustrated by Ashling Lindsay  ( Tiger Tales  –  2019 )

A young girl loves her Grandpa so much. When they spend the day at the beach, she holds his hand as they go for a walk, and they build sand castles together. But sometimes it’s difficult, because her Grandpa’s memories are like the tide; they’re near and full of life sometimes, and other times they’re distant and quiet. Despite the challenges, the girls loves her Grandpa and he loves her.



When I carried You in My Belly

By Thrity Umrigar, Illustrated by Ziyue Chen  ( Running Press Kids – 2017 )

A young mother explains to her daughter how love, kindness, and a sense of fun shaped her daughter even before her birth. This book about the special bond between parents and children is a mother’s song to her growing daughter, capturing the warmth and magic of a time when she was pregnant with her child.


Green is a Chile Pepper : A book of Colors

By Roseanne Greenfield Thong, Illustrated by John Parra  ( Chronicle Books – 2014 )

In this living concept book children discover a rainbow of colors in the world around them: Red is spices and swirling skirts, yellow is masa, tortillas, and sweet corn cake. Many of the features objects are Hispanic in origin, but all are universal in appeal. >>>Informative Glossary of Spanish are found on the last pages.



Red is a Dragon : A book of Colors

By Roseanne Thong, Illustrated by Grace Lin  ( Chronicle Books  – 2001 )

A Chinese American girl provides rhyming descriptions of the great variety of colors she sees around her from the red of a dragon, firecrackers, and lychees to the brown of her teddy bear. Many of the featured object are Asian in origin, but all are universal in appeal.>>>More details of some words related Chinese culture are found on the last pages.



Noodle Magic   

By Roseanne Greenfield Thong, Illustrated by Meilo So  ( Orchard Books – 2014 )

Grandpa Tu is famous for his special noodles and as the emperor’s birthday approaches, he encourages his granddaughter Mei, to find her own magic. This book is written in the style of a Chinese folk story, with engaging cultural, community, and family elements.


お祖父さんTu は特別な麺を作るので有名なのだが、皇帝の誕生日が近ずくにつれて、孫娘のMeiが自分の力で麺つくりを覚えることを励ました。この絵本は中国の民話のスタイルで、伝統文化と地域社会と家族のつながりの大切さを、楽しく微笑ましく再認識させくれる。

Sakura’s Cherry Blossoms   

By Robert Paul Weston, Illustrated by Misa Saburi ( tundra – 2018 )

Sakura loves warm spring days and loves sitting underneath the cherry blossom trees with her grandmother. But now Sakura and her parent are moving to America, and her grandmother staying back in Japan. Told in a series of poems inspired by traditional Japanese verse, this story of one little girl’s immigration experience explores the loneliness of a new home, the healing power of friendship and the joy of finding the familiar in unexpected place.

