Online Story Telling Children’s Book > online story telling
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Online Story Telling Children’s Book > online story telling
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~ School House International ~
In our human history, so many events have occurred resulting in crossing borders, mixing ethnicities, and blending cultures………….and yet we still cannot help but to put ourselves in a tiny box?!
Here are some quotes:
12 Films related to Wold’s Racial Matter
(Some images of the list bellowed)
South Africa Background:
European Countries Background:
U.S.A. Background:
Enjoy your quality time!
~ School House International ~
To get better understanding Black History with your children, you will find the resources in Black History Month.
Nelson Mandela Quotes will encourage you and your children:
Enjoy your quality time!
~ School House International~
Hi everyone!
Have you taken Inner-Happiness Vitamins today? Especially in these days, everyone needs to take special Vitamins! Agree? IH Vitamins A is for Appreciation. IH Vitamins B is for Building. IH Vitamins C is for Compassion. IH Vitamins D is for Diligence. IH Vitamins E is for Engagement. Or you can create your own Inner-Happiness Vitamins!!!
To strengthen your Inner-Happiness Vitamins, our new page is added for you. As presenting not only the books of multicultural-resources, but in wide range, and with real voices and videos, you will feel more personal connection to these story-readers. Listen and Enjoy ~ Reading Time. ( Click the button of Meet Friends on the top bar.)
Be safe and strong, and let’s show our human-resilience to our younger generation.
~ School House International~
Note: On our Website some images of Children’s Picture Book are incorrectly appearing now. Sorry for your inconvenient until complete fixing.>>>Fixing Done on May 1, 2020.
By Julian Lennon & Bart Davis, Illustrated by Smiljana Coh (Sky Pony Press books – 2019)
Jump aboard the white Feather Flier, a magical airplane that can go anywhere on Earth! The Flier’s mission is to transport readers around the world, to engage them in helping to save the environment, and to teach one and all to love our planet. Just press an illustrated button printed on the page and use your imagination power to make the Flier glide through the air or transform into vehicles that will help those in need.>>>In 2007, the author, Julian Lennon founded The White Feather Foundation.
白い羽に乗って、魔法の飛行機が世界中を巡る。白い羽の使命は、読者を世界中で起こっている問題に目を向けさせ、地球環境を守り、この惑星を愛するように世界中の人達に伝えること。ページごとに描かれているボタンを押すと、白い羽は様々な乗り物に姿を変えて助けが必要な場所に運んでくれる。>>>2007年に、著者Julian Lennonが設立したThe White Feather Foundation.
By Camilla Kuhn ( Eerdmans Books for Young Readers – 2016 )
When Samira learns about the skeletal system in class, she begins to imagine everyone in school as a walking skeleton. She starts avoiding her class mates, even her best friend, but Samira can’t escape her own skeleton. >>>Camilla Kuhn is a Norwegian children’s book author and illustrator. Her website: Originally published this book in Norway in 2014.
By Anne Lambelet ( Page Street Kids – 2019 )
Maria loves tea parties and dancing and wearing hair in pigtails, but more than anything in the world….Maria loves Churros. She’ll do anything to get her hands on more of them-even enter a bullfight. To win, she must outsmart the other matadors, who don’t think she’s big enough, fast enough, or strong enough. With determination and creativity, Maria discovers that you don’t have to fight to win and you might even end up with more than you were hoping for.
By Susan Lendroth, Illustrated by Bob Kolar ( Charlesbridge – 2018 )
Don your spacesuit, dive through the hatch, and say good-bye to Earth. It’s time for a trip to the Red Planet….this book invite you to space travel and to turn the book as you do for a reading experiences that defies gravity. Each page has an educational information, and more details about travel to Mars found on the last page.
宇宙服を着て、ハッチを潜り抜けて、地球にお別れをしたら赤い惑星への旅が始まる。この絵本は読者を宇宙旅行へ案内してくれる。読み進むうちに、重力の異変に気ずかせてくれる様に、絵本を読む位置も変える必要が出てくる。馴染みのある童謡”The farmer in the dell” に合わせた詩が記載されているが、教育的な解説も各ページにあり、巻末には火星旅行に関する詳しい情報がある。
By Ellen Levine, Illustrated by Kadir Nelson ( Scholastic Press – 2007 )
Henry dreams of a world where his life belongs to him. But when his family is sold, he risks everything for what he knows is right. With the strength and conviction of the best kind of hero, Henry makes a harrowing journey in a wooden crate-and mails himself to freedom! Henry “Box” Brown becomes one of the most famous runaway slaves on the underground Railroad.
By Megan Wagner Lloyd, Illustrated by Abigail Halpin ( Alfred A. Knopf – 2017 )
With hot chocolate in the winter. With rainbows in the spring. With picnics in the summer. And leaf chasing in the fall. Every time is the right time for fort building! Children’s imagination gives a lot of fun and creation as enjoying each season and opportunity.