We can be Friends! : A song about Friendship

By Vita Jimenez, Illustrated by Janet Cheeseman, Music by Erik Koskinen      (Cantata Learning – 2018)

Positive, upbeat lyrics and colorful illustration teach children to celebrate diversity and embrace those who are different. On the first page, found the tips to support literacy at home: why reading and singling with your child is so important. For learning diversity of people, this is a very useful and helpful book and song in CD for young children.


The Invisible Leash

By Patrice Karst, Illustrated by Joanne Lew-Vriethoff (Little, Brown and Company – 2019)

“When our pets aren’t with us anymore, an Invisible Leash connects our hearts to each other. FOREVER.” That’s what Zack’s friend Emily tells him after his dog Jojo dies. Zack doesn’t believe it. He only believes in what he can see. But on an enlightening journey through their neighborhood – and through his grief- he comes feel the comforting tug of the Invisible Leash. And it feels like Love.


Moana and the Ocean

By Heather Knowles, Illustrated by Annette Marnat (Disney Press – 2016)

Inspired by the film “Disney Moana”. The Ocean is Moana’s friend. It has seen her high and her lows, her joys and her sorrows. It has seen just how much she wants to explore the world and travel the seas. The Ocean knows Moana’s caring heart, her untiring spirit. And it knows, better than most, that Moana is special.


Laugh-out-loud Baby

By Tony Johnston, Illustrated by Stephen Gammell (A Paula Wiseman Book – 2012)

The first time a baby laughs, his entire extended family gathers for a party in hopes of hearting the sweet sound again. Inspired by the custom of the Navajo, a child’s first laugh has always been a precious moment, and they celebrate this event with a First Laugh Ceremony.

赤ちゃんが初めて笑った時、赤ちゃんの愛らしい笑い声を聞く為にその赤ちゃんを知る多くの人達が集まりパーティーが開かれた。ナバホ族の習慣からヒントを得て制作された絵本で、赤ちゃんの初めての笑い声は人々にとって大きな喜びであり、ナバホ族は ”最初の笑顔セレモニー”を開いて祝福する。

The Traveler’s Gift: A story of Loss and Hope

By Danielle Davison, Illustrated by Anne Lambelet ( Page Street Kids – 2019 )

Lima loves hearing stories of his father’s seafaring adventures. But when his father’s ship is lost at sea, Liam loses his love of storytelling, too. Then the Traveler, a mysterious man with marvelous stories and a magical beard, arrives. The way he weaves stories remains Liam of his father. They embark on the Traveler’s final voyage together and discover unusual curiosities, uncharted places, and unforgettable friendship.>>>”Maria the Matodor” is also by Anne Lambelt.

Limaは、船乗りである父親の冒険話を聞くのが大好きだった。しかし、父親の船が海で消息を絶ってから、物語への愛着をなくした。ところがある日、不思議なあご髭のある変わった旅人と呼ばれる人が現れ、多くの物語を話した。彼はLimaに父親を思い出させた。Limaとその旅人は、旅人の最後の航海を一緒にすることになり、Limaは限りない好奇心を満たし、未知の土地を訪れ、忘れられない友情を体験した。>>>”Maria the Matador” も Anne Lambelt の作品。

All of Us

By Carin Berger (Greenwillow Books -2018)

Starting with ”When your heart is heavy…..”and ending with “Hope and light will always prevail for love wins.” The short text message is very clear, simple, and easy to understand, as well as helping with dynamic and heartwarming illustrations. The book is celebrating the diversity of people who are standing strong together because of Love.


Numero Uno

By Alex Dorros and Arthur Dorros, Illustrated by Susan Guevara (Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2007)

In a small village, Hercules is known for his great strength and Socrates for his keen intelligence. Whenever the village have a problem, they need one or the other for help. Each man argues that he is the most important person in the village. >>> With characteristic mix of Spanish and English, the author, Arthur Dorros inspired the story which his son, Alex Dorros wrote as being at twelve years old.

小さな村に、力持ちのヘラクレスと頭の良いソクラテスがいた。村で問題が起こると、どちらかに解決を村人たちは期待した。しかし、二人は互いに、村で一番重要な人物は自分だとばかりに口論ばかりしていた。>>>英語の中にスペイン語もちらつくこの話は、作者Aurhur Dorrosが、息子のAlex Dorrosが12歳の時に書いた話を基にして制作した。

My Red Balloon

By Eve Bunting, Illustrated by Kay Life (Boyds Mills Press – 2005)

A young boy waits with both excitement and apprehension for his father to disembark from the aircraft carrier returning to port. The endearing story with pictures lovingly illustrated captures that special moment when a family is reunited after months of separation.


Eight Days : A story of Haiti

By Edwidge Danticat, Illustrated by Alix Delinois (Orchard Books – 2010)

This is the story of Junior, a seven-year-old boy tapped beneath his house after the Port-au-Prince earthquake in Haiti, and his joyous rescue. Junior’s sparkling imagination helps him find the strength to survive. And his courageous spirit will forever inspire readers of all ages.
