Old Mikamba had a Farm

By Rachel Isadora ( Nancy Paulsen Books – 2013)

Old Mikamba had a farm E-I-E-I-O. And on this farm he had a Baboon!, a Zebra!, a Lion!, an Elephant! and many more! You can enjoy to sing along with a whole new cast of animals in the book irresistible version of “Old MacDonald” set on a game farm in Africa. >>> Explanation of the animals is on the last pages. The author Isadora’s another book “The Fisherman and His Wife”.

“Old MacDonald” の歌の中の動物が、すべてアフリカの野生動物保護地区の動物に代り、馴染みのある歌のアフリカ版となっている。歌を歌いながら、アフリカの動物達への親しみと知識を養ってくれる、大変にユニークで楽しい絵本。>>>巻末で登場する動物達を説明。同じ作者の絵本 “The Fisherman and His Wife” もある。

Magnolia Mudo and the Super Jumptastic Launcher Deluxe

By Katey Howes, Illustrated by Valerio Fabbretti (Sterling Children’s Books – 2018 )

Magnolia Mudo is a high-energy inventor, and her favorite lab partner is her Uncle Jamie. But when she finds out that he’s marrying Miss Emily, Magnolia is blown away. She will not wear a flower-girl dress. Uncle Jamie promises Magnolia that she can be part of the wedding in a different way, so she creates inventions based on various wedding traditions from around world-with hilarious results!


I Hear a Pickle (and Smell, See, Touch, and Taste It, Too!)

By Rachel Isadora ( Nancy Paulsen Books – 2016 )

Children explore their five senses, learning what they can see, smell, hear, touch and taste. Simple texts and adorable illustrations can help children to understand how their five senses work.

子ども達が、見る、嗅ぐ、聞く、触る、味わうの自分に備わった五感を探索してゆく。 簡単明瞭なテキストと愛らしいイラストは、子ども達が自分の五感の働きを理解するのに、大いなる助けとなる。

Two of Everything

By Lily Toy Hong (Albert Whitman & Company – 1993)

When a poor old Chines farmer is digging in his garden, he finds a magic brass pot that doubles or duplicates whatever is placed inside it. But his efforts to make himself wealthy lead to unexpected complications. This is a Chinese folktale with a good blend of humor and wisdom.


Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch

By Anne Isaacs, Illustrated by Kevin Hawks (schwartz & Wade Books – 2014)    

In 1870, Tulip Jones, a wealthy, self-reliant widow from England acquires the By-Golly Gully Ranch in Texas and soon find herself saddled with 1000 suitors. How she can handle their Wild West life style as keeping her English traditional way? It’s a funny, extraordinary, challenging, and loving story.


The Little Piano Girl : The Story of Mary Lou Williams, Jazz Legend

By Ann Ingalls & Maryann Macdonald, Illustrated by Giselle Potter (Houghton Mifflin Books for Children – 2009)

What if you loved music more than anything in the world? Suppose you had just learned to play the organ. Now, imagine that your family has to move far from home and you have to leave your beloved instrument behind. People don’t like you in the new city because of what you look like. What will you do? How will you make yourself feel better. Let’s listen to Mary L.W.’s story.

世界中で何よりも音楽が好きなら、どうする?多分オルガンの弾き方を習うかも。で、も家族が引っ越しをするので、そのオルガンを手放すことになったら。しかも新しい街では皆が不親切であったら、どうする?自分を勇気つける為に、何をする?そんな少女の絵本である。絵本のページをめくりながら、いつまでも語り継がれているジャズ音楽の演奏者Mary L.W.の自伝的話に、耳を傾けてみよう。

Every child has an universal mind!

Children’s Picture Book is not only for children, but also for grow-up people who almost forget universal mind which all babies are born with. 

I have been collecting, from public libraries, the information of Children’s Picture Book relating with multicultural understanding for last 20 years, as they provide me Inner-Happiness Vitamins and help to remind of my universal mind.

The year of 2020 is hard experience for everyone in any case, especially for children. I hope some children’s picture books will give you and your children Inner-Happiness to light up your universal minds.

Nobuko T. M.

How to find a book to light up your universal mind from our collection?

* By Idea > Visit the page of 2020 Year-end gift idea! (12 sample books)

* By Image > Visit the page of Visual Library (Book number is limited)

* By Category > Visit the page of Children’s Book (More than 500 books categorized)

We wish a healthy, peaceful, and joyful holiday-season to all of you!!!

~~~School House International~~~

The pink hat

By Andrew Joyner (schwartz & wade books – 2017)

Inspired by the Women’s March the estimated 5 million women, men and children marched in 82 countries on January 2017. Once there was a pink hat which was knitted by an old woman. A cat played with it. A baby caught it. A dog swiped it. And a girl found it. And then she wore her pink hat, and everyone else wore one, too!>>> On the last page, found the note about Women’s March.

2017年1月に世界82カ国で約5百万人の女性、男性、子ども達が参加した”ウオーマンズ マーチ”に触発されて制作された絵本。ある日、高齢女性がピンク色の帽子を編んだ。猫がそれで遊んだ。赤ちゃんがそれを手にした。犬がそれを奪った。そして、一人の女の子がそれを手にした。それから、その女の子は他の人達と同じようにピンク色のその帽子を被ってマーチに参加した。>>>巻末に、ウオーマンズ マーチについての補足説明あり。

I walk with Vanessa : A story about a simple act of kindness

By Kerascoet (schwartz & wade books -2018)

Venessa is the new girl in school. There is the boy who is not very nice to Venessa. And there is the girl who helps Venessa- and , in turn, stands up for what’s right. This picture book without text shares a simple but powerful message about how the actions of a single person can inspire and entire community.


One little lot : The 1-2-3s of an urban garden

By Diane C. Mullen, Illustrated by Oriol Vidal (Charlesbridge – 2020)

One little lot sits all alone. Two helping hands push open the fence. Three long days are spent cleaning up! An abandoned lot is transformed as more and more neighbors join together to plant a share community garden.
