The Invisible String

By Patrice Karst, Illustrated by Joanne Lew-Vriethoff (Little, Brown and Company – 2018)

When Mom tells her two children that they’re all connected by an Invisible String, the children insist, “That’s impossible”. But they want to know more. She explains about an Invisible String made of love. Even though they can’t see it, they can feel it deep in their hearts and know that they are always connected to the ones you love. This joyful contemporary classic for all ages has helped comfort and heal countless readers by easing separation anxiety, loneliness, and loss, while also exploring the intangible yet unbreakable connections between us all.

母親が自分の二人の子ども達に見えない糸の話をした時、見えない糸が存在するはずはないと子ども達は思ったが、もっと話を聞きたくなった。母親は、愛を繋いでいる糸の説明をした。たとえ目で見えなくても心で感じることが出来るその糸で、愛する人達といつでも繋がっている確信がもてる、と。年代を問わず総ての読者に、別れの悲しさや孤独感や喪失感からの癒しと安らぎを与える実体はなくとも途切れない繋がりがあることを、再認識させてくれる。>>>日本語訳本のタイトルは「こころのいと つながっているよ」

Who’s Your Real Mom?

By Bernadette Green, Illustrated by Anna Zobel(Scribble – 2020)

When Nicholas wants to know which of Elvi’s two moms is her real mom, she give him lots of clues. Her real mom is a circus performer, and a pirate, and she even teaches spiders the art of the web. But Nicholas still can’t work it our. Luckily, Elvi knows just how to explain it to her friend.


Please is a Good Word to Say

By Barbara Joosse, Illustrated by Jennifer Plecas (Philomel Books – 2007)

Harriet gives examples of polite words: Please, Thank you, I’m sorry, Excuse me, May I help you!: and expressions to use in various social situations to make them more pleasant.

Harrietが礼儀正しい言葉(Please, Thank you, I’m sorry, Excuse me, May I help you!) の使い方の例を示し、様々な日常生活の中で、いかに言葉を生かせるか解説している。

Salt in His Shoes : Michael Jordan in Pursuit of a Dream

By Deloris Jordan with Roslyn M. Jordan, Illustrated by Kadir Nelson (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers – 2000)

Deloris Jordan, mother of the basketball phenomenon, teams up with her daughter Roslyn to tell this heart-warming and inspirational story that only the family member could tell. It’s a tale about faith and hope and how any family working together can help a child make his or her dreams come true.


Whatever Happened to the Pony Express?

BY Verla Kay, Illustrated by Kimberly Bulcken Root & Barry Root (G.P. Putnam’s Sons – 2010)  

Small young men racing swift horses over the rough terrain of the western United States to deliver mail is a thrilling part of American history that lives large in the imagination of us. As telling us the story of communication history along with a family’s corresponding through cross-country letter, the book informs us how the Pony Express came to be and why it didn’t last.


Big Boys Cry

By Jonty Howley ( Random House – 2019 )

It’s Levi’s first day at a new school, and he’s scared. Papa doesn’t know what to do, so he tells Levi, “Big boys don’t cry.” But the big boys in the world outside are telling him something different…. Come with Levi as he learns by example that it’s okay to cry. A beautiful story of father and son’ s connection.

Levi が新しい学校へ始めてゆく日、彼はとっても心配であった。どういたら良いか解らない父親は、「大きくなった男の子は泣かないんだよ。」と告げた。しかし、学校へ行く途中で、様々な大人の男性達が涙を流すのに Levi は出会い、涙を流すことを恐れなくなった。父親と息子の心温まる素敵な話である。

Virgie Goes to School with Us Boys

By Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard, Illustrated by E. B. Lewis ( Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers – 2000)

Inspired of historical family story of the author. In the post-Civil War South, a young African American girl, Virgie, is determined to prove that she can go to school just like her older brothers. But her brothers keep saying she’s too little for the long, seven-miles walk, and that girls don’t need school. Virgie doesn’t agree, and she’s not going to let anything stand in her way. >>> The author’s note about the background of the story is on the last page.

作者の家族の歴史に触発されて制作された絵本。南北戦争後の南部において、黒人少女Virgie は、兄たちと一緒に学校へ行くことを熱望した。しかし兄たちは、7マイルもの道を歩いて学校へ通うことは小さな子供には無理であり、女の子は学校へ行く必要もないと言い続けた。Virgie は納得せずに、いかなる困難にも立ち向かった。>>>巻末で作者が絵本の時代背景を説明している。

Johnny works with One Hammer

Retold by Nicholas Ian, Illustrated by Mike Petrik, Music by Drew Temperante (Cantata Learning – 2017 )

As counting number, reading text and sing along with included music, it captures the joy of different people work together. >>> CD is included. The instruction how to use the book and the music score are on the first and last pages.


Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear

Retold by Nicholas Ian, Illustrated by Misa Saburi, Music Arranged and Produced by Drew Temperante (Cantata Learning – 2017 )

This book is talking about a teddy bear, and shows how to relate with own teddy bear as presenting different kids together. >>> The publisher encourages parents/teachers to read and sing with children, and music CD is included in this book.


The Fisherman and His Wife

Retold and Illustrated by Rachel Isadora (G. P. Putnam’s Sons – 2008)

Everyone knows enchanted fish can grant wishes. But one wish is not enough for the kind fisherman’s greedy wife. Just how far can she push her luck? That’s what she’s about to find out. >>> The author’s captivating collage-style artwork, featuring the African landscape and increasingly turbulent ocean, provides a wonderful new backdrop for this classic Brothers Grimm story. ” Old Mikamba had a Farm” is the same author.

魔力を持った魚は願い事を叶えてくれる。しかし、優しい漁師の貪欲な妻は、一つの願い事では満足しなかった。彼女の願い事がどこまでエスカレートするのか、ページをめくりながら結果へと導かれる。>>>見事な貼り絵スタイルのイラストでアフリカの風景と海の荒立ち具合を表現しながら、グリム兄弟の童話を再現した作品。同じ作者の絵本で “Old Mikamba had a Farm” がある。