On a Magical Do-Nothing Day

By Beatrice Alemagna (HARPER – 2016 )

A boy needs to spend weekend with his mom in a cabin again. He wishes his Dad has come with them especially on gray and rainy weekend. He wants to play his game, but his mom takes it away. Without his game, nothing is fun. However he starts to explore forest outside the cabin, and discovers things he has been missing.


Penelope Perfect : A Tale of Perfectionism Gone Wild

By Shannon Anderson, Illustrated by Katie Kath (Free Spirit Publishing Inc. – 2015)

Penelope is an elementary school girl who wants to do everything on time, to straighten everything, and to do everything hard. From her morning daily routine until double-checking the list before falling asleep, her day should be perfect. But one night a sudden storm throws things way out of whack, and Penelope oversleeps. Penelope shows how to overcome her perfectionism and how to handle when things don’t go according to plan. On the last pages included tips and information to encourage adults to dialogue with children about Penelope’s case.


I love you, Baby Burrito

By Angela Dominguez (Roaring Book Press – 2021 )

This is the book to celebrate a newly born baby boy with full of love feeling by his parents. Swaddling a baby is just like a Burrito as wrapping tightly, and several Spanish words are added. At the end of the book, there is Glossary to translate those Spanish words into English as well as pronunciation.


How Do You Dance?

By Thyra Heder  ( Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2019)

The author-illustrator Thyra Heder explores dance in all of its creativity, humor, and – most of all – joy, in a picture-book celebration of personal expression that will inspire young and old readers alike to get up and get moving.

作家兼イラストレターのThyra Helder氏は、ダンスを、豊富な想像力で、様々なユーモアで、そして何よりも楽しみを持って紹介している。絵本の中で繰り広げられるダンスによる自己表現を見ているうちに、年齢に関係なくどの読者も、立ち上がって体を動かしたくなる。

Real Cowboys

By Kate Hoefler, Illustrated by Jonathan Bean (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – 2016)

Cowboys are strong and tough. Cowboys ride fast horses and travel far and wide. But as they move through canyons and across prairies, quietly doing their work, cowboys are many more things, too. Real cowboys are gentle, patient, and creative as they move hundreds of cattle, make camp, and dream under the stars.


Boundless Grace : Sequel to “Amazing Grace”

By Mary Hoffman, Illustrated by Caroline Binch (Dial Books for Young Readers – 1995) Note: Published in Great Britain in 1995 as “Grace and Family”

Grace is reunited with her father she barely remembers, as he left home when she was very small. Now he lives in Africa with his new wife and children. Naturally Grace feels strange when he invites her to visit. Nana is with Grace to offer support and advice, and Papa and his new family do their best to make Grace welcome. Nana helps Grace to deal with dilemma shared by millions of children whose parent no longer live together.

Graceは、父親とは幼い時に別れたので、彼の記憶はあまりなかった。今、 彼女の父親はアフリカに住み、新しい家族と暮らしている。その父親がGraceを、彼のアフリカの家に招いてくれたので、当然不思議な感覚がGraceに起こった。彼女を育ててくれたナニが、Graceと一緒にアフリカへ行ってくれた。父親と彼の家族は、出来る限りGraceを歓迎して迎えてくれた。両親が別れてしまった大勢の子ども達と同じように、Graceも心の痛みを抱いたが、ナニが助けてくれた。

Every Cowgirl goes to School

By Rebecca Janni, Illustrated by Lynne Avril (Dial Books for Young Readers – 2013)

Nellie Sue is a true cowgirl with imagination the size of Texas!, and she is looking forward to a great school year. However, from having to leave her cowgirl hat at home to being seated between the rambunctious “J-twins”, a brand-new day in a brand-new class is not going Nellie Sue’s way especially with her best friend Anna, being nice to new girl Maya.

テキサスのような大きな想像力の持ち主であるNeillie Sueは、本物のカウガールであり、新学期を楽しみにしていた。ところが、カウガールの帽子は学校へは被っていけれず、おまけにJの頭文字名の乱暴な双子の男の子の間に彼女の席があり、彼女が想像していたようなウキウキするクラスでの新しい一日にはなりそうもなかった。とりわけ、彼女の親友のAnnaが、転校してきたMayaに親切であるのも気になった。

A Girl like You

By Frank Murphy and Carla Murphy, Illustrated by Kayla Harren (Sleeping Bear Press – 2020)

Encourage every girl to embrace all of the things that make her unique to be strong and kind, to stand up tor herself, and more. The images of diversity girls help to enjoy their happiness of being a girl.>>> And celebrate all the wonderful unique and brilliant ways to be a boy with “ A Boy like You“.

総ての女の子を勇気つけてくれる絵本。女の子の強さも、優しさも、独立心も、自分への思いやりも、更に様々な要素が、一人一人の女の子をユニークな存在にしてくれる。多様なる女の子のイメージは、女の子であることの幸福感を味わえる。>>>そして、男の子を祝福するべき様々な方法は、” A Boy like You“で、紹介している。

Jacob’s Room to Choose

By Sarah and Ian Hoffman, Illustrated by Chris Case (Magination Press – 2019)

Jacob loves to go to class and the library. But when he tries to use the boy’s bathroom, other kids mistake him for a girl and chase him out. Scared and confused, Jacob confides in his friend Sophie, a classmate who had the same thing happen when she tried to use the girl’s bathroom. When Jacob and Sophie join forces with their teacher, the give everyone at their school the idea to choose which bathroom feels right for them. >>>This book will start meaningful discussion to open access bathroom.


Steamboat School

By Deborah Hopkinson, Illustrated by Ron Husband ( Disney Hyperion – 2017 )

Based on true events of Mr. Reverend John Berry Meachum (1789-1854}. When James first started school, his sister practically had to drag him there. His teacher, Mr. Meachum, told James “We make our own light here.” Although hard work and learning his students did, their school was shut down by a new law forbidding African American education in Missouri. Determined to continue teaching his students, Mr. Meachum built a new school- a floating school on the Mississippi River, just outside the boundary of the unjust law.

Reverend John Berry Meachum (1789-1854}氏の実話に基ずく物語。James が初めて学校へ行くことになったのも、姉が強引に彼を連れて行ってからだ。 Meachum 先生はJamesに「我々自身の希望を持てるように、勉強は必要だ」と教えてくれた。一生懸命励み勉強したにも関わらず、ミズりー州の新しい法律でアフリカ系アメリカ人への教育が禁止され、学校は閉鎖された。生徒達への教育の変わらぬ熱意により、Meachum 先生は新たな学校を作った。それは、ミズリー州の法律の支配外にある、ミシシッピー河に浮ぶ船の学校であった。