Sea Glass Summer

By Michelle Houts, Illustrated by Bagram Ibatoulline (Candlewick Press – 2019)

One summer, Thomas visits his grandmother at her seaside cottage. She gives him a magnifying glass that once belonged to his grandfather, and with it Thomas explores the beach. When his grandmother shows him a piece of sea glass, Thomas’s imagination is expanded.


The Rabbi slurps spaghetti

By Leslie Kimmelman, Illustrated by Sharon Davey (Apple & Honey Press – 2019)

Someday, Lena hopes to be a world-famous detective. But in meantime, she’s working on “the case of Mysterious Rabbi”. The Rabbi Max seems to be everywhere. Lena investigates Rabbi Max, as he makes challah, sing with Cantor Lori, builds a sukkah and of course…slurps spaghetti! >>>The book reflects a multigenerational suburban Jewish community.


Milo : Imagines the world

By Matt de la Peña, Illustrated by Christian Robinson (G. P. Putnam’s Sons – 2021 )

Milo is on a long subway ride. To pass the time, he studies the people around him and draws pictures of how he imagines their lives to be. But what if everyone’s life is different from how Milo first imagines it? From award-winning creators Matt de la Peña and Christian Robinson comes this timely and important picture book about how you can’t really know anyone’s story just by looking at them.>>>Matt de la Peña’s other books in SHI collection.

Miloは長時間地下鉄に乗った。時間が経つにつれ、周囲の人々を観察しては、彼らの生活を勝手に想像して描いた。でも、人々の生活がMiloの想像と異なっていたらどうなるのだろう?受賞作品のある制作者達が、時代に応じた大切なこの絵本を制作して、外見からだけの想像ではその人の本当の人生が読めないことを教えてくれる。>>>SHIコレクションにあるMatt de la Peñaの作品。 .

Little Ree

By Ree Drummond, Illustrated by Jacqueline Rogers (HARPER – 2017)

Littel Ree used to be a city girl. Now she and her parents move to the ranch and lives with her grandparents. Little Ree loves cooking with Grandma. But soon Little Ree discovers that ranch life can be tough. With warmth and humor, the author shows that being a country girl isn’t about right pair of boots, it’s about the right attitude.


That is My Dream!

By Langston Hughes, Illustrated by Daniel Miyares (Schwartz & Wade Books – 2017, Original poem in 1924)

Follow one child on a walk through his small segregated town in the 1950s. Then watch his mind take flight as he imagines a brighter, more inclusive world. >>>Langston Hughes’s inspiring and timeless poem “Dream Variation” comes joyously to life in a gorgeously illustrated picture book.

1950年代に、人種分離政策が行われていた小さな町を黒人の男の子が歩く。そして男の子の想像は膨らみ、分離ではなく融合ある明るい社会を夢見る。>>>Langston Hughesが1924年に制作した詩”Dream Variation”に、見事なイラストが加わり誕生した絵本。

The Weather Girls

By Aki (Godwin Books – 2018 )

Summer, fall, winter, or spring- the Weather Girls are ready for whatever the seasons might bring! Explore the season with this intrepid and irresistible troupe of 16 girls as they play in fall leaves, climb snowy mountains, and so more.


One Hug

By Katrina Moore, Illustrated by Julia Woolf (Katherine Tecen Books – 2019)

Family from far away have come to share wonderful time together. Family reunion celebrates the many ways we embrace our loved ones. Cuddle up, turn the page, and see how a simple hug goes a long, happy way.


The Sages of Chelm and the Moon

By Shlomo Abas, Illustrated by Omer Hoffmann, Translated by Gilah Kahn-Hoffmann (Green Bean Books – 2019 for English Edition, the original in 2016)

Once upon a time in Eastern Europe, there was a small city called Chelm. The people there were known as ”The sages of Chelm” because they were supposedly very wise and intelligent. One night when the moon disappeared, they had many troubles in the darkness, and they decided to buy a new moon. 

昔々、東ヨーロッパ(ポーランド東部)に 小さな町ヘルムがあり,そこの住民は”ヘルムの賢者”と呼ばれるほど賢くて頭の良い人たちばかりのはずであった。月のないある夜、町の住民達は暗闇の中で様々な問題を起こし、ついに新しい月を買いに行くことに決めた。

The Pencil

By Allan Ahlberg, Illustrated by Bruce Ingman (Candlewick Press – 2008 )

A lonely pencil timidly draws a boy, a dog, and other items. But soon faces a problem as his creation begin demanding changes, and when he draws an eraser to make them happy, the real problem begins.


One more Hug

By Megan Alexander, Illustrated by Hiroe Nakata (Aladdin – 2019)

Based on the author’s sweet story of her journey with her first son. Jitters on a windy night, butterflies when the curtain rises, a flip flopping stomach from a first time school bus ride…whether you’re feeling scared, excited, or nervous there’s always time for one more squeeze, one more kiss, one more hug.>>> Hiroe Nakata also works her illustration on “Because of You”.

作者が自分の初めての息子と育んだ愛の物語を基にした絵本。風の強い夜の不安感、発表会のカーテンが上がる時の胸のトキメキ、スクールバスに初めて乗る興奮、、、怖い感情、緊張する感情、不安な感情、どのような時にも、子どもが必要としているもう一度のキスや抱擁で、その感情を受け止めてあげることは大切である。>>>同じイラストレーターの作品に“Because of you”がある。