Mission: New Baby ::Top-Secret Info for Big Brothers & Sisters

By Susan Hood, Illustrated by Mary Lundquist (Random House-2015)

Special Agent, who is going to be a big sibling, will receive super-secret guide to training the family’s newest recruit. There will be lots to do, like leading physical training (teaching your sibling to walk) and sharing intel (reading together), even that will be a big challenge. The book highlights 16 tasks for training a new recruit with welcoming a new sibling.


nothing in common

By Kate Hoefler, Illustrated by Corinna Luyken (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – 2020)

Two neighbors assume they have nothing in common until the same bright part of their day is gone: watching the love between an old man and his dog. Where would a missing dog be? They have the same ideas, but other than that, they have nothing in common. Or do they? With lyrical text and poetic illustration, the book explore how tow notices follow their heart, only begin to notice something new-each other- and how connection can sometimes float over us and land in extraordinary ways.


Pet Show!

By Ezra Jack Keats ( Viking – 1972 )

Archie has the perfect pet to enter in the neighborhood pet show: the stray cat that followed him home. It’s sure to win him a prize. But now it’s missing! What will he do if the cat doesn’t come back? Quick-thinking, Archie has a solution for everything – even a surprise las-minute entry for the pet show!


Best-Ever Big Sister

By Karen Katz ( Grosset & Dunlap – 2006 )

This is a lift-the-flap book by Karen Katz who creates a lot of children’s picture books. Each page of the book says ” I’m a big sister. My baby sister…..” and the following page ” But I can….”, and then flap the page up to show what/how her big sister does. It will be helpful to establish understanding of new big sister’s role.>>>Other books by Karen Kate in SHI collection.

児童絵本を数多く制作しているKaren Katzによる、飛び出す仕掛けの絵本。各ページは” I’m a big sister. My baby sister…..”と書かれ、反対のページには” But I can….”, となり、そのページを持ち上げると赤ちゃんより自分が出来ることを絵とテキストで示している。幼い妹への姉の役割を理解するのに、役立つ絵本である。>>>SHEのコレクションにある同作者の作品

Apple Countdown

By Joan Holub, Illustrated by Jan Smith (Albert Whitman & Company – 2009)

Fieldtrip today – to the apple farm! Count 20 name tags, 19 kids on the bus, 18 miles to the farm…… Joan Holub’s creative countdown, from 20 to 1, includes grouping and simple addition. Joan Smith’s lively watercolors are as fresh as happy as crisp apples. Small bites of knowledge about apples are fully appeared on the other side of the front and back cover. >>> Pumpkin Countdown by the same author and illustrator, published in 2012.

学校の課外授業で、行く先はリンゴ園である!20枚の名札を用意し、19人の生徒がバスに乗り、18マイル先のリンゴ園に向かう。Joan Holubの想像力豊かな数の絵本であり、グループ分けや簡単な足し算も出てくる。Joan Smithの水彩画はリンゴをかじったように新鮮である。リンゴに関する豆知識が、表紙と裏表紙の内側にちりばめてある。>>>同じ作者とイラストレーターによるPumpkin Countdownを2012年に出版。

Ways to say I LOVE YOU

By Marilyn Singer, Illustrated by Alette Straathof (Words & Pictures ~ 2020)

The book begins that a young lady gifts a flower to a young man. It’s the true that every creature wants a mate. From huddling garter snakes to wooing whales, celebrate all the way earth’s creatures say “I love you!” A beautiful poem about love and all the different ways it is shown throughout nature.>>>In the last pages, found the natural scientific information of different animals’ courtship.

絵本の冒頭は、若い女性が青年に花をプレゼントすることから始まる。どの生物も連れ合いを求めることは事実である。ガーターヘビ(北米に多い蛇)の絡み合いもクジラの求婚の歌も、この地球上には様々な生物によって多様なるI LOVE YOUの表現があることを祝福している。愛を語る美しい詩も、自然界で繰り広げられる異なる求愛表現も。>>>巻末ページに、異なる動物による求愛の自然科学的解説あり。

A world of Pausabilities : An exercise in Mindfulness

By Frank J. Sileo, PhD, Illustrated by Jennifer Zivoin ( Magination Press ~ 2017 )

Everyone has the capacity to be mindful, including (Especially!) children. A world of Pausabilities is a gentle reminder to stop, take a break, and notice details even as we go about our busy days. Sometimes the simplest moments are the most important ones – if we don’t let them pass us by! Follow a neighborhood on a summer day as children and adults alike apply mindfulness to simple, everyday moments.

誰もがマインドフルネスの許容には限度がある。とりわけ子ども達には。この絵本 (ポーズをとることが出来る生活)は、日常の忙しい動きを止めて深呼吸をする大切さを知らせてくれる。時には、シンプルな時間が最も大切な一時であることもある。それを見逃さなければ!夏の一日を大人と子どもと共に、近所での日常を追いながら、心満たされる一瞬一瞬を描いている。

Apple Picking Time

By Michele Benoit Slawson, Illustrated by Deborah Kogan Ray (Dragonfly Books ~ 1994)

When it’s apple picking time, everyone has to help. The whole town knows they have only three weeks to get the fruit off the trees before it spoils. A young girl and her family spend a fall day picking apples with others from their small town. This is to celebrate family and community.


Out of school and into Nature : The Anna Comstock story

By Suzanne Slade, Illustrated by Jessica Lanan (Sleeping Bear Press ~ 2017)

Known as the mother of nature education, Anna Botsford Comstock (1854-1930) helped generations of children explore and fall in love with nature. She was also an important role model who boldly changed the “rules” proving that women could be researchers, scientists, and college professors. This picture book presents her life story and her marvelous works.

大自然教育の母と呼ばれるAnna Botsford Comstockは、何世代もの子ども達が大自然を探索し愛するように大いに貢献をした。さらに彼女は、女性も研究者や科学者や大学の教授になれる実践を示して、大いなる変革のための重要な役割を果たした。この絵本は、彼女の人生と偉大なる業績を紹介している。

Daddy’s zigzagging bedtime story

By Alan Laurence Sitomer, Illustrated by Abby Carter (Disney・Hyperion Books ~ 2014)

When Jake and Jenny turn down every book Daddy tries to read before bed, he decides to make up his own story about a princess who drives a monster truck and battles aliens aided by a cupcake-baking union….This delightful and zany tale zigzags from hilarious to heartwarming and back. Of course they love it and request their father’s own story for the next night too.
