ten days and nine nights : an adoption story

By Yumi Heo (schwartz & wade books – 2009)

A little girl marks a circle on the calendar. She has ten days and nine night. She eagerly counts down the days….what could she be waiting for? We watch how a family lovingly prepares for their new baby in this endearing adoption story.

少女がカレンダーに印をつける。彼女は10日と9夜を過ごさなくてはならないが、毎日カウントダウンを心待ちにしている、、、一体何を待っているのだろう? ある家族が養子縁組で新しい赤ちゃんを迎える準備の様子が、微笑ましく語られている。

Thank You, Helpers : Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Grocery Workers, and more who care for us

By Patricia Hegarty, Illustrated by Michael Emmerson (Random House – 2020)

The world is full of heroes, and we are thankful for evey single one! This celebration of helpers highlights the important jobs people do to keep us healthy and safe every day.


Are your stars like my stars?

By Leslie Helakoski, Illustrated by Heidi Woodward Sheffield (Sterling Children’s Books – 2020)

Picture the wonderful colors you see every day and imagine how others experience them. No matter where you live, all children gaze at a blue sky, bask in the warmth of a golden sun, dig in rich brown dirt, and stare at white glowing stars. But do you think all of us, everywhere, share the very same colors of the world? This gentle, poetic read-aloud book encourages young children to consider how color is experienced all over the world.


The girl who heard Colors

By Marie Harris, Illustrated by Vanessa Brantley-Newton (Nancy Paulsen Books – 2013)

What color is a dog’s bark? The ring of a school bell? Or the pattern of falling rain? Just ask Jullian, because for every sound she hears, she sees a color! This eye-opening picture book introduces readers to their five senses and to something called synesthesia-in which one sense triggers a perception, usually color. And for others, even numbers and letters have colors. This book makes synesthesia easy to understand and celebrate each person’s own way of seeing the world.

犬の鳴き声は何色?学校のベルの色は?そして、雨の音の色は? Jullianが言う様に、彼女は聞く音すべてに色が見えてしまう。知覚の意外な事実を教えてくれるこの絵本は、シナスタジア(共感覚)と呼ばれる特別な認識が他の感覚よりも強くなる(多くの場合は色の認識)ことを紹介している。人によっては、数字や文字に色がついて見える人もいる。シナスタジアの人達への理解を深め、目に見えるものの見方も人によって異なり、そんな多様性を祝福するのに役立つ絵本である。

Like a Dandelion

By Huy Voun Lee ( Balzer+Bray – 2021 )

Like feathery seeds, a young girl and her mother take flight, putting down roots in an adopted country. Soon they blossom in their new home, strong and beautiful among hundreds of others just like them. This book is a poetic tribute to the bravery of immigrants and refugees, inspired by the author’s experience of moving to the United States from Cambodia.


I Promise

By LeBron James, Illustrated by Nina Mata( Harper-2020 )

In this book you will find encouraging and boosting reminders that success starts with you. Inspired by the creation of his I PROMISE School in his hometown of Akron, Ohio, NBA champion and cultural icon LeBron James motivates us to strive for greatness in everything we do. ” I promise to be the best version of me!”

この絵本は、成功への第一歩を踏み出すための心得を、思い起こし強めてくれる。オハイオ州Akronの郷里にI PROMISE School を開設したNBAチャンピオンであり時代の象徴的存在である作者のLeBron Jamesが、あらゆることへの成果を得る為に努力を惜しまないように励ましてくれる。

Days with Dad

By Nari Hong ( Enchanted Lion Books – 2017 )

The heart-warming story, narrated by a young girl and based on the author’s own experience, revolves around a conversation between the two: a father who uses a wheelchair because he cannot walk and his daughter. The father concerns over what experiences his daughter might be missing out on with him. But she doesn’t care in the least about what her dad can’t do. Rather, she delights in the many wonderful things they often do together-from making music to looking out the window on rainy days.


The Glassmaker’s Daughter

By Dianne Hofmeyr, Illustrated by Jane Ray (Quanrt Knows – 2017)

In sixteenth-century Venice, Daniela is so gloomy and glum that her father, a glassmaker, offers a glass palace to the person whoever can make his daughter smile. Everyone from a mask maker to a lion tamer tries their luck, to no avail…..but then Angelo, a young apprentice, presents Daniela with a mysterious gift. It’s a glass mirror which Angelo created.


I just want to say Good Night

By Rachel Isadora ( Nancy Paulsen Books – 2017 )

The sun has set. The moon is rising. It’s bedtime. But Lala is not ready to go to sleep! First she needs to say good night to the cat. And then the goat, and the chicken, and, and, and…….. This delightful bedtime ritual sets on the African , and rings true for all parents whose little ones aren’t ready to say good-bye to the day. >>> Other books by Rachel Isadora in SHI collection.


What a Family!:A fresh look at family trees

By Rachel Isadora ( G.P. Putnam’s sons – 2006 )

Ollie is the shortest kid in his kindergarten class. His grandpa Max says Olllie looks just like Max’s brother Winthrop did when he was the shortest kid in class. In fact, it turns out that Olllie is connected to lots of people, and this book shows exactly how, from dimples and freckles to ears that wiggle and hair that sticks up. This book celebrates family in all its similarity and diversity, as adding both humor and clarity to the wonder of our family trees. >>> Other books by Rachel Isadora in SHI collection.
