Floating City

Directed by Yim Ho(2012)

Based on a true story in the history of Hong Kong. Bo Wah Chuen attracts great attention as a successful business man in Honk Kong in the early 1990s.  His rise to prominence has much to do with British’s imminent return of Hong Kong to China, as it has to do with his considerable ability. However his childhood was not easy, as his feature was different from his younger six siblings and other neighbor’s kids. Despite being bullied, Bo worked for his big family as fighting their poverty.


Twin Sisters / De Tweeling

Directed by Ben Sombogaart (2002)

Inspired by true events in 1920s Germany. Six years old twin sisters become orphans, and one is sent to live with wealthy relatives in the Netherlands, while the other stays in Germany to face a hard life on her uncle’s farm. Several years passed since the end of the World War II, they reconnect and find out true life story of each.



Directed by Régis Roinsard (2013)

In 1950s countryside of France, Rose learns how to type by herself with using only two fingers, and she goes to the city to apply for a secretary for the insurance agent Louis. She impresses Louis typing at very high speed, and Louis hires her for a short period of experience.


The Inn of the sixth happiness

Directed by Mark Robson  (1958 )

Based on a story of English missionary in 1930s China. English missionary Gladys Aylward  guides 100 Chinese orphans under threat of Japanese attack. Starring: Ingrid Bergman

1930年代アジアに不穏な戦争の足音が聞こえる中、中国の村に渡った英国人女性宣教師の話の映画化。長編ではあるが、当時の異文化の出会いを衝撃と賞賛で、丁寧に描いている。主役のIngrid Bergmanが、実力派女優の演技を披露してくれるが、どことなく舞台での芝居を思わせるのは、50年以上も前の映画の特徴かもしれない。中国の村を作って英国でのオープンセットで撮影したそうだが、100人もの中国人弧児を日本軍の戦火をぬって連れ出すシーンは、風景、演技、演出ともども圧巻である。

Welcome to Dongmakgol

Directed by Kwang-Hyun Park  (2012 )

During the Korean war in 1950, village named Dongmakgol is situated deep in the mountains and the villagers live happily with isolation from  the war. However one day Korean, North Korean, and American soldiers crush in this village.



Papadopoulos & Sons

Directed by Marcus Markou (2012 )

  A Greece billionaire in London continues his wealthy life with three children even after the loss of his wife, however he faces to financial disaster unexpectedly. The ex-billionaire declares to rebuilt his business, but his free-spirited brother approaches him with another way of life to get real happiness.

小さな映画製作会社の作品ではあるが、予期せぬ大反響を数々の国際映画祭で巻き起こした映画。 主人公のギリシャ出身の億万長者は、妻を亡くしても3人の子ども達と優雅な生活をしていたが、金融危機の煽りを受けて一夜にして財産を失う。ロンドン金融・ビジネス街の立派な建物を背景に再起への意欲を燃やす主人公に、相対するような人間味溢れる兄弟が突然出現し、真の幸福へと導いてくれる。 近代都市のロンドンの姿と、新移民達が助け合いながら住む質素な通りのロンドンの対比が興味深い。コメディー・タッチで主人公の心が和らいでゆくのに、軽快なギリシャ音楽の効果は多大で、まさに欧州経済共同体におけるギリシャ国への応援歌のようでもある。

The Citizen

Directed by Sam Kadi (2012 )

 A guy from Middle East entered in the United State on September 10, 2001, just a day before the historical event of 911.  After six months of being constrained, he got free to live but with many difficulties one after another.


Grand Canyon

Directed by Lawrence Kasdan (1991)

When a lawyer’s car break down in a dangerous Los Angeles neighborhood, a tow-truck driver arrives just in time to save his life.  The two men begin a deep friendship that sets off a chain of unsettling and surprising events involving their families and friends.

邦題:わが街                                           緊張の渦巻く街ロスアンジェルスで、ある夜白人の弁護士が一人で車を運転中に、危険な地域に迷い込んでしまった。しかも、車がエンジントラブルで動かなくなった。危険を察する中、レッカー車を運転してきた黒人男性が、彼を救ってくれた。まるで階層も立場も異なるこの2人が、お互いの人生を語り合うようになり、黒人男性が自分の存在の小ささを悟ったグランドキャニオンへ、親友同士の家族揃って訪れる。人生の転機を迎えたそれぞれの人達が、絡み合いながらも、前に進もうと手を取り合う姿は清清しい。冒頭のロスアンジェルス夜景と、巻末のグランドキャニオンの岩肌が対照的であり、その間で様々なカルチャーが織り成す人間模様が展開し、正に異文化理解の実践を繰り広げてくれる。

Rat Race

Directed by Jerry Zucker ( 2001)

A Las Vegas casino owner desperate for a new event to wager on invents a human race for $2,000,000 cash. Several casino guests are chosen as the race participants to achieve the fastest record of arriving at Silver city in New Mexico. All-star casting race performers start for human desire, but end up for human love.

邦題:ラットレース                               ラスベガスのベニシアン・ホテル & カジノから、アトランダムに選ばれた6組の客が賞金の200万ドルを欲しさに、ニューメキシコのシルバーシティーを目指すドタバタ喜劇。大いに笑える場面の急速なる展開が続くが、出演者はRowan Atkinson、Cuba Gooding Jr.、Whoopi Goldberg を始め、他にも多数の名優が熱演。人間の欲望から始まったゲームが、人間の愛に満ちて終わるエンディングは感動ものであり、笑いながらも力強いメッセージが伝わってくる。

Heart and Souls

Directed by Ron Underwood (1993)

After the fateful night by bus accident in 1950’s San Francisco, the four souls become eternally entwined into the life of a baby who is born in the car crashed into their bus. The four souls have been carrying their wishes since 30 years ago, and their wish come true one by one magically. Blending of roaring funny and deeply touching episodes.

