All Kinds of Kids

By Bill Martin Jr, 1916-2004, and Michael Sampson, Illustrated by Paul Meisel ( Brown Books Kids – 2023 )

Two well-known authors come the newest story about not only recognizing differences amongst one another but learning to embrace them. This book teaches kindness, inclusivity, and acceptance to children around the world. Whether people practice different religions or come from different type of families, this book will be sure to help children realize that perhaps it is these differences that make the world the special pace they see today. >>> Paul Meisel’s books in SHI collection.

二人の著名な作者たちによる最新の絵本は、互いの異質性を認識するだけでなく、異質性を受け入れて学び合う物語である。この絵本は,寛容と包括性を称え、そして世界中の子ども達を受け入れるように導いている。宗教が異なっていても様々な形態の家族であっても、多様性こそがこの惑星を特別な星にしてくれていると、子ども達が理解するのを助けてくれる。>>>SHIのコレクションにあるPaul Meiselの作品

My Friend

By Elisa Amado, Illustrated by Alfonso Ruano (Groundwood Books – 2019 )

The girl in this story has recently moved with her family from Mexico to Brocklyn. On the very first day at her new school, she meets a girl who makes her feel understood and whom she understands. A true friend. But when she invites her friend over for dinner with her family, she suddenly feels that her friend is uncomfortable. Maybe for her, their food is weird. May be even morse, their favorite song – a classic of longing and homesickness – puts her off. Somethig shifts, and she no longer feels safe at all. What will it be like somorrow at school? This book tells a story of how difficult it is to come from somewhere else and how essential it is to feel seen and known for who you truly are. And beautiful illustrations depicts the depth of feeling that the friends experience.


Smile, Sophia

By Skylaar Amann ( Feiwel and Friends – 2022 )

Sophia loves finding fussils and digging up dinosaur bones. But she doesn’t love the way all the grown-ups just want her to smile. What does smiling have to do with the very serious business of being a scientist?! She’ll smile when she has something to smile about! In this book, a young girl shows that being strong, and smart, and really good at what she does is more than enough-and if she smiles, it’s because she wants to! >>> In the last pages, found some explanation of words related with Sophia’s world and the paleontologist’s took kit.

Shophia は、化石を探したり恐竜の骨を見つけるのに土地を掘り起こすのが、大好きであった。しかし、大人達から、だだ笑いなさいと言われることは嫌いであった。真剣に仕事にとり組む科学者にとって、微笑みが何の役に立つのか?!嬉しくなる理由さえあれば、彼女は微笑むことが出来る。この絵本では、少女が意志の強さと知識欲と本当にやりたいことに熱中する喜びを描いて、心から嬉しい時に現れる笑顔を語っている。>>>巻末で、Sophiaの世界に関した言葉の説明と、古生物学者が持ち歩く道具が記載されている。


By Gabi Snyder, illustrated by Stephanie Graegin ( A Paula Wiseman Book – 2024 )

Sometimes today stretches way too looooong. Sometimes today passes in a too-fast flash. But a favorite today can last. It’s up to you to freeze the now and keep it – in your mind, in your heart, always. >>> On the last pages, found helpful instructions about mindfulness. >>>> Stephanie Graegin’s books in SHI collection.

時々は、今日という日が非常になが~~~い。時々は、今日という日が一瞬のように過ぎてゆく。しかし、特別な今日という日は、いつまでも残る。今という時を止めて心や魂の中に何時までも留めておくことが出来るのは、あなた次第である。>>>巻末にマインドフルネスに役立つ指導がある。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるStephanie Graeginの作品

little brothers & little sisters

By Monica Arnaldo ( Owlkids Books – 2018 )

In nearly every neighborhood of almost every town, you will find little brothers and little sisters, all longing for the same thing. What do they long for? A turn at the wheel and a chance to shine… But also a helping hand and a partner in crime. By turns humorous and moving, this book explores the good, the bad, and the lovely of having – and being – a sibling.


How Do I Love Thee?

By Jennifer Adams, Illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal ( Balzer+Bray – 2018 )

Whether in soft sunlight or rain-drizzled night or winter’s frost-etched breath, three children share the love and joy of friendship while exploring the wonders of nature. Inspired and reimagined Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s wellknown poem in the Victorian era, 1837 ~1901, the author creats a lyrical, evocative ode to the love of family and friends. and Christopher Silas Neal brings the poetry to life with his beautiful, imaginative and whimsical illustrations. >>>On the last page, found the original poem of Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

太陽の優しい光の中でも、霧雨の降る夜でも、吐く息が白く凍える冬でも、3人の子ども達は、大自然と戯れながらも友情の喜びと愛情を分け合った。1837~1901年のビクトリア朝時代に有名になったElizabeth Barrett Browningの詩に触発されて再思考したJennifer Adamsが、家族や友人達の愛情に捧げる抒情的で深い思いが込められた頌歌(しょうか)を制作した。そしてChristopher Silas Neal は、伸び伸びとした想像豊かな美しいイラストレーションで、彼女の頌歌に生命を吹き込んだ。>>>巻末に、Elizabeth Barrett Browningの詩が記載されている。

Our Favorite Day of the Year

By A. E. Ali, Illustrated by Rahele Jomepour Bell ( Salaam Reads – 2020 )

Musa’s feeling nervous about his first day of school. When he meets classmates Moises, Mo, and Kevin, he’s not sure they’ll have much in common. But over the course of the year, they learn all about one another and become the best of friends. In this charming story of friendship, family traditions, and sharing, children will see how celebrating our differences can bring us together. >>> On the last pages, additional information about four holidays presented in this book. >>>>Rahele Jomepour Bell’s books in SHI collection.

Musaは、幼稚園の最初の日が心配であった。クラスメイトのMoises, Moそして Kevinにあった時、どのような子なのか解らなかった。しかし一年が経つうちに、皆でお互いを学び合って良き友達となった。友情と家族の伝統と理解することを語るこの絵本は、子ども達が互いの違いを理解することによって連帯感が強まることを教えてくれる。>>>巻末にこの絵本で紹介された祝日の追加説明がある。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるRahele Jomepour Bellの作品

Black-eyed Peas and Hoghead Cheese : A Story of Food, Family, and Freedom

By Glenda Armand, Illustrated by Steffi Walthall ( Crown Books for Young Readers – 2022 )

While visiting her grandma in Louisana, nine-year-old Frances is excited to help prepare the New Year’s Day meal. She listens as Grandma tells stories – dating back to the Atlantic Slave Trade – about the food for their feast. While learning about the ingredients and the dishes they are making, Frances learns about her ancestors and their history as well. This book traces the origins of African American foodways, or eating habits, with the loving story of one family preparing a holiday dinner. >>> Inspired by author Glenda Armand’s childhood, and her note and more information found in the last pages. >>>> Glenda Armand’s books in SHI collection.

ルイジアナの祖母の家を訪ねている間、9歳のFrancesは新年の料理を作る手伝いをするのが楽しみであった。祖母の話は”大西洋奴隷貿易”の時代にまでさかのぼり、奴隷になった人達が祝いの料理を作る話に耳を傾けた。当時の人達が入手できた材料や料理について学ぶと同時に、祖先の歴史も学んだ。この絵本は、ある家族の祝いの食事の支度から、アフリカ系アメリカ人達の食文化や食習慣の起源を語っている。>>>作者の幼年期の体験に基ずいて制作された。巻末に更なる情報と作者の言葉がある。>>>>SHIコレクションにある Glenda Armandの作品

All Aboard the Schooltrain : A Little Story from the Great Migration

By Glenda Armand, Illustrated by Keisha Morris ( Scholastic Press – 2023 )

Thelma loves to watch the Sunset Limited chug through her little town of Vacherie, Louisiana. And she dreams of one day riding a real train! For now, she has her beloved schooltrain. Every morning, she and her friends walk to school, single file, chanting all the way: “Schooltrain! Schooltrain! Don’t be late! The school bell rings at half past eight!”. Then It’s on to great adventures with her teacher’s books – and her own imagination! But lately, someone named Jim Crow has been making trouble for folks in Vacherie. Aunt Bea and Uncle Ed have already moved away. When Thelma wonders, who is Jim Crow and why does he have to be so mean? Will he make trouble for Pop, too? >>>This family story, inspired by the author’s own, illuminates a dynamic chapter in American history known as the Great Migration – and the many train people rode toward freedom.>>>> Keisha Morris’s books in SHI collection.

Thelmaの住むルイジアナ州の小さな町Vacheie通過する特急列車を眺めるのが、彼女は大好きであった。そしていつの日か本物の列車に乗るのが彼女の夢であった。今は、彼女は学校列車に夢中であった。毎朝彼女と友達たちは、列を作って学校まで歩きながら大声で叫んだ”学校列車、学校列車、遅れてはだめだよ!八時半に学校の始業ベルが鳴るよ!” そしてその列車に乗ると、先生の本から学ぶ冒険や彼女の想像力を刺激する旅に出かけれた。しかし、最近ジム・クロウという名の人が、町の人達を困らせていた。Bea叔母さんとEd叔父さんは既に町を後にした。Thelmaはジム・クロウが誰で、どうして皆が迷惑するのだろうかと思った。彼女の父親も困らされるのだろうか?>>作者の家族の実体験に基ずいたこの絵本物語は、米国歴史の重要な一章である”大移住”の一コマを描いている。”大移住”の間、人々は多くの列車に乗って自由を求めて出発した。>>>>SHI コレクションにあるKeisha Morrisの作品

Our Day of the Dead Celebration

By Ana Aranda (Nancy Paulsen Books – 2022 )

The Day of the Dead is a happy day! It is a day for families to come together to share stories and laughts. There are favoirte dishes to cook, poems to be written, and. most impolrtantly, memories to relive. No one in the family is forgotten, because this is the day when the dead come to visit the living – and for this holiday, it is almost as if they are sitting beside us as we take pleasure in celebrating the things that made them special. >>>In the last page, the author tells the background about this story of Mexican celebration.
