My Daddy

By Susan Paradis (Front Street – 1998 )

The bond between a boy and his father is profound. This book explores it from the point of view of the child, depicting in simple words and deeply moving pictures the wealth of feeling evoked by everday events like Daddy doing to work, jogging, mowing the lawn, and telling a bedtime story. In a perfet union of words and picture, this book celebrate this complex and wonderful relationship. >>> Susan Paradis’s books in SHI collection.

少年と父親との絆は深い。この絵本は、子どもの視点からそれを証明している。優しい言葉と印象深いイラストを通して、毎日の父親の行動、例えば仕事へ出かける、ジョギングをする、芝生の手入れをする、ベットで寝る前の本を読んでくれる等、を観察している少年の豊かな感情を描いている。言葉とイラストが完璧にマッチしたこの絵本は、複雑で素晴らしい二人の絆を祝福している。>>>SHIのコレクションにあるSusan Paradisの作品

My Mommy

By Susan Paradis ( Front Street – 2002 )

A young girl celebrates how her mother, just like the animals that always seem near, expresses her love through such daily activities as eating, playing and snuggling together. From morning to bedtime, this book portrays in simple words and deeply resonant pictures the breadth and depth of little girl’s feeling for her mother. >>> Susan Paradis’s books in SHI collection.

少女が自分の母親の存在を心から感謝している。馴染みのある動物達と同じように。食べたり、遊んだり、一緒に過ごす時のような毎日の生活を通して、母親の存在を喜んでいる。この絵本は、優しい言葉と印象深い絵で、母親に対する少女の気持ちを広く深く朝からベットに入るまでを語っている。>>>SHIのコレクションにあるSusan Paradisの作品

Lucy and The Dragonfly

By Lucie Papineau, Illustrated by Caroline Hamel ( Auzou – 2018 )

Lucy is a little girl who has a close relationship with nature. She loves to play in the fields of flowers and when she sings, the brook by her house sings along with her. But when fall comes, and the leaves are covered with dark spots insted of bright colors. Lucy knows that the Earth gets sick, and Lucy can feel it. Lucy’s tears travel from the wings of a dragonly all across the planet where a little boy finally understands what is going on. Her story then spreads across the globe and everyone makes their own little gesture to heal the Earth and Lucy. This book will be introduced to the subject of protection of nature in a poetic way with the soft illustrations.


The Artist and Me 

By Shane Peacock, Illustrated by Sophie Casson (Owlkinds Books – 2016)

The Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh lived in southern France, in the 1880s and he was mocked for being different. Children and adults alike called him names and laughed at him. Inspired by these events, this book is the fictional confession of one of van Gogh’s bullies — a young boy who adopted the popular attitude of adults around him. But deep down the boy senses the truth-this hard working crazy man is creating magical painting that allow people to see the world in a brand new way. And later, when the boy is an old man, and he visited the great gallery with his grandson, he realized how terribly wrong he was.


The Third Gift

By Linda Sue Park, Illustrated by Bagram Ibatoulline ( Clarion Books – 2011 )

A young boy is learning his father’s trade. HIs father gathers resin from cetain tree and sells it. After harvesting an especially large”Tear” of a resin known as myrrh, he and his father visit a spice marchant whose three customers are seeking a special gift to bring to a baby. With exquisite illustrations, the ordinary father-son’s tale involved in and extraordinary event brings new resonance to the Christomas traditional story; the three wisemen and 3 gifts – gold, frankincense and myrrh. >>> Includes biblical references and historical information about the Magi and myrrh. Linda Sue Park’s books and Bagram Ibatoulline’s books in SHI collection.

少年は父親の商売を学んでいた。彼の父親は、特殊な木から樹脂を集め売っている。ミルラとして知られている樹脂の”涙”で、特別に大きな涙を収穫した後、彼と父親は香辛料の商人のところに出かけた。そこには3人の客が、生まれたばかりの赤ん坊への特別なギフトを探していた。見事なイラストと共に、普通の父と息子が特別な出来事に関わった物語は、クリスマスの伝統的な話である3人の賢者がキリスト生誕時に持って行った贈り物の黄金、フランキンセンス(乳香)、ミルラ(没薬)を、新しい角度から思い起こさせてくれる。>>>賢者とミルラに関する聖書や歴史上の情報が巻末にある。SHIコレクションにある、Linda Sue Parkの作品Bagram Ibatoullineの作品

Climb On !

By Baptiste Paul, Illustrated by Jacqueline Alcántara ( NorthSouth Books Inc. – 2022 )

When a young child reminds her dad about the hike they planned, her father hesitant. But as the two climb on , her enthusiasm is contegious. This book captures the wonder of the trail, the special relationship between a parent and a child, and the power of a shared experience.


Let’s Go Outside!

By Ben Lerwill, Illustrated by Marina Ruiz ( Welbeck Editions – 2022 )

“Let’s go outside! Let’s find a big, sploshy puddle! Let’s run as fast as our legs can carry us!” Join a group of friends as they play together throughout the year in this joyful celebration of spending time outside every day.

<そとへゆこう!水たまりを見つけて遊ぼう!足が動く限りできるだけ早く走ろう!> 一年を通じて毎日外で過ごす楽しさを祝福する為に、この絵本の中の友達たちに加わろう。

Give Thank You A Try

By James Patterson, Illustrated by Elizabet Vukovic, Jeff Ebbeler, Louise Forshaw, Tracy Dockray, Cori Doerrfeld, Jennifer Zivoin, Jordan Wray, Ryan Wheatcroft, Kate Babok, John Nez, Donald Wu, Chelen Ecija, Bao Luu, Luck Flowers, Ruth Galloway, Julia Kuo, Jomike Tejido, Julie Robine, Alejandro O’Kif, Cori Doerrfeld. (Jimmy Partterson Books-2017)

Saying “Thank you” can be something that children do automatically without thinking much about what it means. This book shows how we can feel gratitude for so many things – not just for birthday presents, but even for the simplest things in our lives. Kids know when to say thank you – this book will tell them why with presenting different illustrator’s art works on page to page.


Be Who You Are

By Todd Parr ( Hachette Book Group Inc. -2016 )

“Be who you are! Be proud of where you ‘re from. Be a different color. Speak your language. Wear everything you need to be you. ” Todd Parr’s bold messages and bright pictures encourage readers to embrace all their unique qualities. >>>Todd Parr’s books in SHI collection.

<自分自身でいいんだ。自分がどこの出身であれ誇りに思おう。色が違っていも良い。言葉が異なっても良いんだ。自分の好きな服を着れば良い。>作者からの力強いメッセージと鮮やかな色彩の絵が、一人一人の異質性を祝福したくなるように導いてくれる。>>>SHIのコレクションにあるTodd Parrの作品

The Moon is Going to Addy’s House

By Ida Pearle ( Dial Books for young readers – 2015 )

After Addy’s play date in the city, she heads to the country with her family. And through the long drive of going back to home, the moon seems to be following them. This is a beautiful and poetical bedtime story about a little girl and the friendly moon with gently and colorful illustration. >>> The book title appears only on the spine and the first page, and another version of the title on the front exists as well.
