Sweet People are Everywhere

By Alice Walker, Illustrated by Quim Torres ( Tra. Publishing – 2021 )

Sweet people are everywhere! They are all over the globe. Sweet people can be found from Canada to Cong to Cuba, from Afghanistan to Australia, from Ireland to Iraqu…There are Sweet people in the thirty-seven places listed in these pages and everywhere else on the planet. Take a trip through the lines of this large-hearted poem by Alice Walker and meet some of them! >>> Alice Walker is the author of “The Color Purple” and activist. On the last pages, found “Talking with author Alice Walker, and Notes on the illustrations.


Teatime Around the World

By Denyse Waissbluth, Illustrated by Chelsea O’Byrne (Greystone Kids – 2020 )

This poetic picture book takes children of all ages on an adventure around the world to discover new cultures and friends through tea. The book engages the youngest of readers with simple, vivid poetry complemented by unique facts about different tea culture. Vibrant detailed pictures bring to life joyful celebration of diversity and deliciousness. >>> On the last pages, found the author’s tea story.


When We Went Wild

By Isabella Tree, Illustrated by Allira Tee ( Ivy Kids – 2021 )

This is a story about how we can bring nature back. Nancy and Jake are farmers. They raise their cows and pigs, and grow their crops with machines and chemicals, just like as many farmers do. But their animals look sad. Even the trees look sad! One day, Nancy has an idea…what if they stopped doing all that, and just went WILD. >>> Isabella Tree is the author of “Wilding” and this is her first picture book for children. One the last pages, found the author’s note on ‘rewilding’.

この絵本は、自然を取り戻すための物語。Nancy と Jake は、農業を営んでいる。牛や豚を飼い、作物も収穫しているし、多くの農家経営と同様に器械や化学物質も使っている。しかし家畜たちは惨めであった。木々も惨めであった。ある日、Nancyは、ある考えが浮かんだ、、、今までのやり方を変えて,自然をそのままにしようと。>>>Isabella Tree は “Wilding”の著者。これは彼女の初めての子供向け絵本で、巻末には作者から「野生を取り戻す」ことについての 解説がある。

A Blue Kind of Day

By Rachel Tomlinson, Illustrated by Tori-Jay Mordey ( Kokila 2022 )

Coen is having a slumping, sighing, sobbing kind of day. Mum, Dad, and Coen’s little sister, Junie, each think they know how best to cheer him up, but none of the usual solutions are helping this time. So one by one, they get quiet and wait as Coen listens to his body. They waited because feelings cannot be rushed. They waited because it was okay that Coen felt blue. They waited because they knew that Coen’s blue feelings could not last forever. >>> On the last page, the author’s note found. The author is a registered psychologist.


Ten Cents a Pound

By Nhung N. Tran-Davies, Illustrated by Josée Bisaillon ( Second Story Press – 2018 )

A young girl is torn by her desire to stay home with her family and her village, and her mother repeats her ” Ten cents a pound is what I’ll earn, to buy these books and set you free.” Every time the girl insists that she will stay, her mother repeats that she must go – that there is more to life than working in the coffee fields. It won’t be easy, but her mother is determined to giver her a better future. >>> The author’s family came to Canada as refugees from Vietnam in 1979, and in 2013 she founded the “Children of Vietnam Benevolent Foundation”.

その少女は母親と一緒にいたい気持ちを諦めるか悩んでいたが、母親は繰り返し娘に伝えた。「ポンド10セントの稼ぎだけが私にできること。それであなたが読む本を買って、あなたを自由にさせたい。」母親と一緒にいること主張する度に、母親は娘が村を出てコーヒー園で働く以外の世界を知ることの必要性を説いた。易しいことではないが、母親は娘により良い将来を与えることを強く願っていた。>>>作者は、1979年に家族とカナダにやって来た難民であり、2013年に“Children of Vietnam Benevolent Foundation”を設立した。


By Mượn Thị Văn, Illustrated by Victor Ngai ( Orchard Books – 2021 )

In the middle of the night, a family quickly packes up what they can carry and leaves their entire world, traveling to a new and unknown place. The voyage is perilous, but the heart’s wishes prevail in this emotional journey of resilience, belonging, and hope. >>>On the last page, found Notes of the author and the illustrator.


Welcome to the Party

By Gabrielle Union, Illustrated by Ashley Evans ( Harper – 2020 )

There is a party happening for a sweet baby girl. Her parents roll out the red carpet, turn the music up high, and bring gifts of warmth and love. This book is a sweet love letter for parents everywhere who are excited to welcome their baby, bundle of joy, to the party that is a life. >>>The author is an award-winning actress, activist and a mother.


First Snow

By Nancy Viau, Illustrated by Talitha Shipman ( Albert Whitman & Company – 2018 )

The first big snow of the season is here. Enjoy all the fun activities the snow brings. Bundle up and race outside to build a snowman, make snow angels, and go slendding with friends. At the end of the day, head back inside and warm up with hot chocolate. A perfect rhyming read-aloud for anyone who delights in snow.


Round is a Mooncake : A Book of Shapes

By Roseanne Thong, Illustrated by Grace Lin (Chronicle Books – 2000)

A little girl’s urban neighborhood becomes a discovery ground of things round, square, and rectangular in this lyrical picture book. Most of the objects are Asian in origin, others universal: round rice bowls and a found pebble, square dim sum and the boxes that the pizzas come in, )rectangular Chinese lace and a very special pencil case. >>> On the last page, a short glossary add cultural significance to the objects featured in this book. Roseanne Thong’s books and Grace Lin’s books in SHI collection.

少女が円形、正方形、長方形の形を生活環境の中から探すリズミカルなテキストの絵本。多くの物はアジア系ではあるが、一般的なものもある。例えば、丸いご飯茶碗や小石、正方形のおやつやピザの箱、長方形の中国産レースや特別なエンピツ入れ。>>>巻末にある絵本に登場する幾つかの物の用語集では、文化的な意味も説明している。 SHIのコレクションにある、Roseanne Thongの作品と Grace Linの作品

Feathered Serpent and the Five Suns : A Mesoamerican Creation Myth

By Duncan Tonatiuh ( Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2020 )

Long ago, the gods of Mesoamerica set out to create humans. They tried many times during each sun, or age. When all their attempts failed and the gods grew tired, only one did not give up. It was Feathered Serpent, the god of knowledge. To continue, he first had to retrieve the sacred bones of creation guarded by the lord of the underworld. Gathering his staff, shield, cloak, and shell ornament for good luck, Feathered Serpent embarked on the dangerous quest to create humankind.>>>On the last pages, found the Author’s note and Glossary. Duncan Tonatiuh’s books in SHI collection.

大昔、メソアメリカ(メキシコ及び中央アメリカ北西部)の神々は、人間を創ろうと試みた。時代ごとに多くの試みを繰り返したが、すべて失敗であった。しかし、知識の神であるFeathered Serpent(「羽毛のある蛇」という名前)は、諦めなかった。作業を継続する為に、先ずは地下の神の支配から創作の為の神聖なる骨を収得しなくてはならない。 杖と、盾と、マントと、幸運を導く貝殻の飾りと共に、Feathered Serpentは人間創作を拒む多くの困難に立ち向かった。>>>巻末ページに、作者の解説と用語集がある。SHIのコレクションにあるDuncan Tonatiuhの作品