Good Morning, City

By Pat Kiernan, Illustrated by Pascal Campion                                                                    (Farrar, Straus Giroux Books for young readers – 2016)

While the baker, the ferry boat captain, and the TV anchorman are busy at work, most people are cozily snuggled in bed. As the morning gets brighter, the city streets bustle with people ready to start the day. New day begins in the city of  diverse people.



Red Kite, Blue Kite

By Ji-li Jiang, Illustrated by Greg Ruth (Disney/Hyperion Books – 2013)

When Tai Shan and his father, Baba, fly kites from their roof and look down at the crowded city street below, they feel free, like the kites. Then, a bad time comes. People wearing red armband shut down the school, smash store signs, and search houses. Baba is sent away, and Tai Shan goes to live with Granny Wang. Though father and son are far apart, every day they greet each other by flying their kites-one red and one blue-until Baba can be free again, like the kites.>>> Historical note is included.


Tai Shanと父親のBabaは、屋根の上から街の人混みを見下ろしながら、いつも一緒に凧あげを楽しんだ。ところが暗い時代がやって来た。赤い腕章をつけた人達が、学校を閉鎖し、店の看板を壊し、家家を捜査して回った。Babaも遠くに連れてゆかれ、Tai Shanは祖母と暮らした。父と離れ離れになった息子だが、彼等は赤と青の凧を交互にあげては、お互いを確認し合っていた。そして、それはBabaが自由の身になるまで継続した。歴史に翻弄されながらも、父と子の変わらぬ絆が伝わってくる。>>>時代背景の説明も記載されている。

Soccer Star

By Mina Javaherbin, Illustrated by Renato Alarcao (Candlewick Press – 2014)

An inspiring story of a Brazilian boy who dreams of being a soccer star. Paulo Marcelo Feliciano is a captain of soccer team in his favela. His mother has to work long hours, so he walks his little sister to her school every morning. He works all day on a fishing boat, and at day’s end, it’s time to play the game. This is an uplifting tale of transcending expectations and the power that comes from being brave enough to light up the world.


ブラジルのスラム街に住む少年達は、いつの日かサッカーのスター選手となることを夢見ている。Paulo Marcelo Felicianoも、そんな少年のひとりであった。家計を助けたり、妹の面倒をみたりしながらも、彼のサッカーチームのキャプテンである彼は練習に励んでいた。少年達のたくましさと夢を追いかける熱意が、ブラジルから伝わってくる。

No Slurping, No Burping! : A Tale of Table Manners

By Kara LaReau, Illustrated by Lorelay Bove (Disney/Hyperion Books- 2014)

Evie and Simon always mind their manners. But sometimes, they have to mind their father’s manners, too! One day, their grandmother comes to join their dinner. Their father’s behavior and table manner is perfectly well. But it’s their grandmother who loses her behavior as soon as she sees a wonderful dessert. With charming pictures and warm love of family, telling about good behavior and table manner to everyone.

