Apple Pie 4th of July

By Janet S. Wong, Illustrated by Margaret Chodos-Irvine (Harcourt, Inc. – 2002)

Shocked that her parents are cooking  Chinese food to sell in the family store on the Fourth of July Holiday, a feisty Chinese American girl tries to tell her parents how things really are.  But as the parade passes by and the sun sets down, more and more hungry customers walk inside for some Chinese food to go.  After closed the store, she and her parents sit on rooftop chairs to watch the fireworks show while eating their Apple Pie.



Doug Unplugged

By Dan Yaccarino (Alfred A. Knopf – 2013)

Doug is a robot, and his robot parents wants him to be the smartest robot ever. Every morning, they plug Doug in and start the information download. After a morning spent learning facts about the city, Doug unplugs from the computer feed and explores one first-hand. Doug learns amazing things by doing, seeing, touching, listening, and interacting with a new friend who is not a robot.


Doug はロボットであり、彼のロボット両親は息子が最も賢いロボットになることを願っていた。毎朝、Dougが多くの情報を収集できるようにプラグインした。ある朝、都市についての情報を学んだ後、Dougは自分でコンピューターから切り離れて都市を実際に体験する為に出かけた。そして行動し、直接見て触って耳にして、凄いことを次々と学んだ。しかもロボットではない少年と友達になり、Dougは彼から家族に愛される方法まで学んできた。


By Jeanette Winter (Harcourt Brace & Company – 1996)

The story was inspired by Josefina Anguilar, a beloved Mexican folk artist who is still creating her painted clay figures in the village of Ocotlán, Mexico. Count along in English and Spanish with a Mexican folk artist as Josefina sculpts her world from clay.


メキシコの Ocotlá に住む有名な工芸土器人形作家の Josefina Anguilar から触発されて、制作された絵本。英語とスペイン語で数を数えるが、Josefinaが粘土から彼女の世界を作り上げた作品の数々が登場する。現在でも Josefina によって制作されているメキシコ民芸品の暖かさが、絵本にも溢れている。

Each Kindness

By Jacqueline Woodson, Illustrated by E.B. Lewis (Nancy Paulsen Books – 2012)

Chloe doesn’t really know why she turns away from the new student, Maya, when Maya asks if she can play with Chloe and the other girls, the answer is always no. So Maya ends up playing alone. And then one day she’s gone. When Ms. Albert teaches a lesson on Kindness, Chloe realized that she and her friends have been wrong in making fun of Maya’s shabby clothes and refusing to play with her. >>>Jacqueline Woodson’s books in SHI collection.


Chloe は、新しいクラスメイトの Maya を何故遠ざけたのか自分でも解らなかった。他の女友達と一緒に遊んでいる時も、いつも Maya を仲間に入れなかった。結局 Maya は一人ぽっちで、そのうち転校してしまった。Albert 先生から思いやりの話を聞いた時、Maya の服装をからかったり仲間はずれにしたことは、思いやりに欠けていた行為であったことを Chloe は気ずいた。>>> SHIコレクションにあるJacqueline Woodsonの作品

Show Way

By Jacqueline Woodson, Illustrated by Hudson Talbott (G.P. Putnam’s Sons – 2005)

Soonie’s family makes SHOW WAY- quilts with secret meanings that are maps to freedom. From slavery to freedom, through segregation, freedom march and the fight for literacy, the tradition they called Show Way has been passed down by the women in Jacqueline Woodson’s family as a way to remember the past and celebrate the possibilities of the future.>>>Jacqueline Woodson’s books in SHI collection.


Soonie の家族は Show Way と呼ばれるキルトを縫ってきた。そのキルトには、自由を得るために逃れる地図が、内緒で縫いこまれていた。奴隷制度や人種分離政策を乗り越え、公民権を得るための苦しい歴史の中でも、作者 Jacqueline Woodson の家族の女性の間で、キルトを縫う伝統は代々伝えられた。それは過去を忘れないように、そして未来への可能性を呼び起こしてくれる大切な方法でもあった。>>>SHIコレクションにあるJacqueline Woodsonの作品


By Yin, Illustrated by Chris Soentpiet (Philomel Books – 2001)

Inspired by actual event in the history of the American railroad. A young Chinese American boy hears the story of his great-great-great grandfather and his brother who came to the United States to make a better life for themselves helping to build the transcontinental railroad in 1865. The story reveals the harsh truth about life for the Chinese railroad workers, while celebrating their perseverance and bravery.>>> Yin and Chris Soentpiet also published “Brothers” in 2006.



Let’s Eat!

By Ana Zamorano, Illustrated by Julie Vivas (Scholastic Press – 1996)

Every day, Antonio’s Mama cooks a marvelous meal for the entire family. As the days of the week go by, though, someone or another can’t make it to the table. But one the seventh day, it is Mama who can’t make it, for she is about to bring home the newest family member of them all. >>> From best-selling picture book artist Julie Vivas and her daughter, Ana Zamorano, comes a warm family story celebrating family, food, and love. The glossary of Spanish words is at the last page.



The Flying Bed

By Nancy Willard, Illustrated by John Thompson (The Blue Sky Press – 2007)

A poor baker in Florence, Italy, is looking for a bed for his wife, and he finds a beautiful bed for free in a strange new shop. The bed has magical powers, and in that night the couple flies across the heaven to meet a master baker. Vivid illustrations and fantastic story tell about the true riches of love and loyalty.

