Millie’s Marvellous Hat      

By Satoshi Kitamura (Andersen Press USA ~in 2009)

Millie loves a hats, but she has no money and she cannot afford to buy any hats in the shop. But the man in the hat shop has an idea.  He produces a box containing a hat too fine and beautiful to behold, but with the most perfect shape and color imaginable, if Millie dares to imagine. Millie does dare, and soon she can not only see her own beautiful hat, but everyone else’s hats as well.

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The red book   

By Barbara Lehman (Houghton Mifflin Company ~ in 2004)

This wordless book encourages readers to find own words. On the way to school, a young girl spies a book’s red cover sticking out of a snowdrift and picks it up. She opens the book and finds a series of square illustration showing a map, then an island, then a beach and finally a boy. He finds a red book buried in the sand, picks it up, opens it and sees a sequence of city scenes that eventually zoom in on the girl.

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Hush! : A Thai Lullaby   

By Minfong Ho, Illustrated by Holly Meade (Orchard Books ~ in 1996)

A Thai mother has just put her baby to sleep, and says “Hush!” to a succession of noises around her as well as finding out which animal is making each sound. Eventually, she hushes her whole environment and falls asleep as her baby awakens. The author grows up in Thailand, and she is a mother of 3 children.

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A place where sunflowers grow

By Amy Lee-Tai, Illustrated by Felicia Hoshino                                                               (Children’s Book Press  ~ in 2006 )

Based on the experiences of the author’s Japanese-American grandparents and her mother at Uta’s Topaz Relocation Center during WWII. In the harsh desert landscape, young Mari feels sad and lonely.  Her parents are worried about Mari’s silence and listlessness, but an art class offers her a means of expressing her feelings. The story is told in both English and Japanese.

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Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns : A Muslim Book of Colors

By Hena Khan, Illustrated by Mehrdokht Amini  (Chronicle Books LLC. ~ 2012) 

The same author of “Night of the Moon: A Muslim Holiday Story”. With breathtaking illustration and informative text, this book captures the world of Islam, celebrating its beauty and traditions for even the youngest readers>>>Hena Khan’s books in SHI collection..

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Night of the Moon: A Muslim Holiday Storyと同じ作者である。イスラム圏の色の話と副題にあるように、見開きページ毎に、特定の色に関するイスラム圏の文化を紹介している。英文は短く解り易いし、イラストも大らかで暖か味があり、大変に親しみやすい。巻末には語彙の説明リストがあり、幼い子どもでもイスラム文化に親しむのに役立つ絵本である。>>>SHIコレクションにあるHana Khanの作品

Night of the Moon : A Muslim Holiday Story         

By Hena Khan, Illustrated by Julie Paschkis(Chronicle Books LLC. ~ in 2008)

Yasmeen, a seven-years-old Pakistani-American girl, celebrates the Muslim holidays of Ramadan, ” The Night of the Moon”, and Eid. With lush illustrations that evoke Islamic art, this beautiful story offers a window into modern Muslim culture and into the ancient roots from within its traditions have grown.>>>Hena Khan’s books in SHI collection.

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息子2人の母親であるパキスタン系米国人である作者が、身近な人々の為にイスラムの祝日を書いたのが始まりであった。以来多くの読者を得て、とりわけ子ども向けの話を書くのが好きな作者である。イスラム圏の伝統的な祝日の季節を、夜の月の満ち欠けを通して語ってい「る。イラストレーターもイスラム圏のタイルの柄から影響を得たデザインを見事に子ども向けに再現しているので、目にも楽しい絵本である。>>>SHIコレクションにあるHena Khanの作品