Circle Unbroken

By Margot Theis Raven, illustrated by E.B. Lewis (Melanie Kroupa Books ~in 2007)

A grandmother teaches her granddaughter to weaves a traditional sweet grass basket as telling young girl about their ancestors. A boy in a African village learned to make basket very tightly woven they could hold the rain. Even after he stolen away from Africa and sold in America as a slave, he remembers what he learned and passes the weaving skill on his next generation as wishing to pass on his future generations.


Mama, do you love me ?

By Barbara M. Joosse, illustrated by Barbara Lavellee (Chronicle Books ~in 1998)

An Inuit girl living in Alaska asks her mother several questions as attempting to find the limit of her mother’s love. Her mother expresses her love by using their traditional culture and familiar animals as examples to make her daughter understand easily. Lovely story for mothers and daughters.




Liliana’s Grandmothers

By Leyla Torres  (Farrar Straus Giroux ~ in 1998)

Liliana has two grandmothers who came from different countries, who speak different languages and who have different interests.  Comparing North America and Latin American cultures through Liliana’s observation, Liliana loves happily to have two grandmothers.          >>> The same author with “Saturday Sancocho”.

Saturday Sancochoと同じ作者であるLeylaの作品。リリアナには二人の祖母がいる。一人は近くに住んでいるが、もう一人は遠く南米に住んでいる。二人の祖母を通して、少女リリアナは、異なる文化や考え方を学んでゆく。解り易い英文で、スペイン語の分には英訳がついている。~神奈川県海老名市立図書館に寄贈本あり

Dumpling Soup

By Jama Kim Rattigan, illustrated by Lillian Hsu-Flanders              (Little, Brown and Company-Toronto, Canada, ~ 1998)

Merisa living in Hawaii is exciting to celebrate the New Years’ Eve with her diversity family members mixed with racial and cultural background. This year Merisa gets to help make dumplings, one of their family traditional dishes for special day, and she loves the taste of dumplings mixed different cooking ingredients, just like as her own big mixed family.            >>>This book won the first prize of “New Voice, New World contest” in 1990.

ハワイに住むアジア系の少女が、新年の祝いに集まる家族や親戚のために始めてダンプリング(様々な具を餃子の皮で包んだもの)を作らせてもらう嬉しさを語る。ハワイに住む平凡なファミリーパーティーから,ハワイの多文化社会のダイナッミックさが語られている。この本を出版した会社はNY, Boston, London でも出版事業を行っているが、1990年に多民族社会の豊かさをテーマにした児童書の発掘を目的にNew Voice, New World Contestを主催した。世界中から集まった500以上の作品の中から第一位に選ばれたのがこの本である。国際語である英語の認識を深めるためにも、英語学習の児童用テキストとしてお薦めしたい。~神奈川県海老名市立図書館に寄贈本あり

My Name is Yoon 

By Helen Recorvits, pictures by Gabi Swiatkowska                   (Frances Foster Books ~ in 2003,  2014)

Yoon is a new student who moves from South Korea to American, and she hesitates to write her name at her new school in America. The name Yoon written in Korea, Yoon feels special meaning which she proud of, but her special feelings disappears from the same name written in English. While Yoon struggles to find her place in her new environments, a cupcake is presented by a schoolmate to help to light up in Yoon’s mind.



Me and Mr. Mah  

By Andrea Spalding, illustrated by Janet Wilson                                                                      (Orca Book Publishers ・Canada/WA USA ~ in 2001)  

After Ian’s parents separation, Ian moves to the new town with his mother. While waiting for his first day of new school,  Ian has no friend, no place to go, and nothing exited to do. One day Ian peeks through the fence and finds an old man next door owns the garden.  Mr. Mah and Ian become friends and Mr. Mah encourages Ian to accept change as showing his memory box of his past in China.



My Beautiful Child 

By Lisa Desimini, illustrated by Matt Mahurin (The Blue Sky Press  ~ in 2004)  

Sharing lovely moments of parents and their child/children. Poetically expressed message from each illustration helps to feel each special moments. 


余白を充分に生かした独特なイラストは、詩のような英文の短い文とマッチして迫力がある。美しい色彩のページごとに語られる子どもに伝えたいことの内容がよく解る。そして、最後のページを開けた時にはしみじみとした感動さえ伝わる。 英語の解る幼子に、是非見せてあげたい絵本。英文は英語が話せない親でも充分に読める。~神奈川県厚木市立図書館に寄贈本あり

The day of Ahmed’s Secret 

By Florence Parry Heide & Judith Heide Gilliland, illustrated by Ted Lewin           (Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books – in 1990, 1995)                                          

Ahmed, young delivery boy, works to deliver butane gas to customer all over the city of Cairo, Egypt. As riding his donkey cart through streets, Ahmed hardly keep his secret in his minds. However he knows he should reveal it only to his family, only when her returns home, only at the end of the day. 



Saturday Sancocho  

By Leyla Torres  (Farrar Straus Giroux – in 1995)

Maria Lili spends every Saturday preparing chicken sancocho, popular South American stew, with her grandparents. But this Saturday, they have only a dozen eggs, and none of the necessary ingredients. Her grandmother gets a marvelous idea to trade with the market venders to get their ingredients.


A country far away 

By Nigel Gray, illustrated by Philippe Dupasquier (Orchard Books – in 1991, 2012)

Presenting how children are alike the world over, while at the same time celebrating the rich and interesting diversity of their daily fives. Two different presenting goes on the upper/bottom of each page to help comparison easily and clearly.
