Cherry Blossoms

Directed by Doris Dorrie

Psychological story line, after the departure to the spiritual world, a German elderly couple successfully harmonize their love feeling even though their different thoughts. Describing their children’s lives, comparing daily life between in German countryside and in metropolitan Tokyo,  and experiencing modern technology simultaneously traditional spirit of creative dancing, all synchronize with fantasy and reality.


London River

Directed by Rachid Bouchareb (2009)

Influenced by the terrorist attacks in 2005 London. Elisabeth suddenly loose her communication with her daughter, who is only her child, after the news of bombings in London city. Her husband died as war victim, so Elisabeth searches her daughter alone in London.  Without any specific information, Elisabeth meets Ousmane, Muslim African, who comes from France to search for his son as also lost communication after the tragedy. Elisabeth’s fear and prejudice escalate when she discovers her daughter converted to Islam without her mother known, and she was with Ousmane’s son in the Islamic community of London. But eventually Elisabeth shares with Ousmane the same hope of their children alive.

夫が英国海軍軍人であった未亡人が、2005年にロンドンで起こった同時多発爆破の後に、一人娘と連絡が取れなくなった。心配になった母親は、ロンドンで娘を探している間に、息子を探しにフランスから来たイスラム教徒のアフリカ人男性に出会う。自分の娘がイスラム教に改宗し、アフリカ人の彼の息子と一緒にアラビア語を学んでいた事実を知り母親に衝撃が走る。ロンドンとは言え異文化に囲まれた不安の中で、子供を心配する同じ親としての気持ちが重なり合うと同時に、自分達の知らなかった子ども達との世代の断絶を知る寂しさが溢れ出す。2人の主役俳優の演技が素晴らしく、この映画の翌年に74歳で死去したマリ出身のSotiqui Kouyateはベルリン国際映画際で最優秀演技賞を受賞。

David and Layla

Directed by Jay Jonroy (2008)

Inspired by a true love story in New York. Layla is a Muslim and a political refugee as well. David is a TV reporter raised in Jewish family. They meet in New York, and falling in love as jumping together to cross over several political and religious hurdles. At the end, on Layla and David’s wedding both their families and friends get together to dance, to laugh, and to celebrate beautiful tolerance of love.


A Great Wall

Directed by Peter Wang (1986)

Leo Fang, Chinese American titled a successful computer executive in Silicon Valley quits his job and takes his wife and son to his homeland China. 30 years passed since Leo immigrated to America, and his wife and son cannot speak any Chinese. They stay with Leo’s sister family in Beijing, and both family experience unimagined lessons in how the other half lives.


The waiting city

Directed by Claire McCarthy (2009)

An Australian married couple visit Calcutta, India, to pick up their adapted baby, but they are forced to wait for all process done.  While their waiting, the couple’s emotional battle is rising up and they need to discover their true happiness together.


White Wedding

Directed by Jann Turner (2009)

Mixed up feeling of young couple in South Africa runs all along the road to their wedding place accompanying South Africa’s breathtaking landscapes. After apartheid police ended, demonstrating tolerance between different races and ethnics through their daily lives in South Africa as adding city life vs rural life, traditional culture vs modern life style, and multigenerational understanding with fabulous laughing voices.


Little Senegal

Directed by Rachid Bouchareb (2011)

Allounce, a widower living alone, decides to go to America after long time working as a tourist guide of Goree, Slave museum in Senegal. Goree is also the historical port sending out tons of African people to the mysterious places, and Allounce wants to search for his ancestors taken away from his village two hundreds years ago and sold as slaves in the other side of world. Finally Allounce finds a female relative at little Senegal in central Harlem, New York city, but he cannot tell her the truth immediately. Starring: Sotiqui Kouyate


Cairo Time

Directed by Ruba Nadda (2009)

Juliette, magazine editor, arrives in Cairo Airport to spend her three weeks vacation with her husband Mark who is a Canadian diplomat. But Mark is very occupied with his urgent responsibilities in a refugee camp, and instead of himself Mark sends one of his Egyptian friends to receive Juliette at the Airport. In order to ensure his wife’s safety until Mark arrives, he asks his longtime friend Tareq to be her guide through the city. With the beauty of Cairo and fascinated exotic culture, Juliette wishes to share her excitement with Mark, but his duty steals Juliette’ time again and again.


Music of the Heart

Directed by Wes Craven (1999)

nspired by a true story in East Harlem, New York. Single mother of two boys Roberta creates musical program for her school kids in East Harlem, but everyone think teaching violin to students in a tough community is not reasonable. Despite of hopelessly reaction to find music lovers, Roberta keeps her passion of playing violin until her challenges blooms musical power in people’s minds.

アカデミー賞にもノミネートされた、実話に基ずいた映画。ニューヨークのイーストハーレムの学校の子ども達に、バイオリン演奏を教えて音楽プログラムの定着に奮闘する、2人の息子のシングルマザーでもあるバイオリン教師を、Meryl Streepが熱演している。演技力のみならず、バイオリン演奏力も見せてくれるMeryl Streepには脱帽。音楽プログラムの資金集めの為に、子ども達のバイオリン演奏会を開催するのだが、次々と問題が起こる。最後には会場までキャンセルになるのだが、、、、、感動的な晴れ舞台が待っている。人種も年代も超えた音楽の感動物語。

Grey Owl

Directed by Richard Attenborough (1999)

In 1930s Europe, Grey Owl became well-known as the first celebrity environmentalist. Based on a legend of Grey Owl. He was born with mixed blood Apathy tribe and Scottish, and hunted wild lives to sell animal’s products for his living on the Canadian Coast. But one day, he met a beautiful Native young girl who was taking care two beaver babies as they lost their mother. As helping the Iroquois girl Pony to take her role of mothering, Grey Owl awaked to love all living things surrounding him.
