Night Shift

By Jessie Hartland (Bloomsbury U.S.A. Children’s Book – New York in 2007)

Introducing people who start to work at 10 pm and awake through the night while children sleep. Street sweeper, window dresser, Radio DJ, security guard, newspaper printer, bridge painter, zookeeper…..etc. totally 14 different night jobs.  At 7 in the morning, all of them come to have a coffee in the café open 24hous.

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First Peas to the Table

By Susan Grigsby, Illustrated by Nicole Tadgell (Albert Whitman & Company – Chicago in 2012)

After learned about Thomas Jefferson’s Garden Book at school, Maya and her classmates plant pea seeds in a school garden and have a contest, inspired by the contest Jefferson and his neighbors did, to see whose peas are ready to eat first. >>> On the last page, showing the explanation about Thomas Jefferson’s contribution for agricultural development.   The same author and illustrator with  ” In the Garden with  Dr. Caver “.

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第三代米国大統領トーマス・ジェファソンが、農業普及に貢献した話を学校で教わった。ジェファソンにならって、クラスで豆作りのコンテストをすることになり、Mayaも豆の成長に意欲を燃やす。歴史を語り、友情を語り、自然の恵みを語る、なかなか欲張りな絵本ではあるが、上手にまとまっている。英文購読練習にも利用できるし、巻末にはトーマス・ジェファソンの功績も詳しく書かれている。学校でのクラス活動のアイデアも盛り込まれているし、子どもらしいお茶目な様子も描かれ、縦横に様々な要素が上手に絡みながら織り上がった布のような、素敵な絵本。2年前に制作されたIn the Garden with Dr. Caverと同じ作者、イラストレーター、出版社。

In the garden with Dr. Carver

By Susan Grigsby, Illustrated by  Nicole Tadgell (Albert Whitman & Company – Chicago in 2010)

Inspired story by Dr. George Washington Carver’s historical contribution. Sally is a young girl living in rural Alabama in early 1900s, a time when people were straggling to grow food in soil that had been depleted by years of cotton production. One day, Sally and her classmates get scientific lessons from Dr. Carver who arrives in a “funny-looking wagon” pulled by an old mule. >>> On the last page, providing Dr. G.W.Carver’s biography and his social contributions in the several fields of biology.  The same author and illustrator with ” First peas to the table”.

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Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes

By Mem Fox, Illustrated by Helen Oxenbury (Harcourt, Inc. – in 2008)

 As comparing little fingers and little toes between multiethnic babies, celebrating heartfelt infant’s communication and their world.  Created each pages with full observing babies through the motherly eyes of the author and the illustrator.

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Oh, Brother!

By Nikki Grimes, Illustrated by Mike Benny (Greenwillow Books – in 2008)

Xavier’s mom gets remarried and now he gets a new stepbrother, Chris. Without Xavier’s choice, Xavier needs to share his room with Chis, then it looks like Chris is also trying to steal Xavier’s mom by being her favorite kid. Xavier struggles how to accept his new brother.

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Thank you, world

By Alice B. McGinty, Illustrated by Wendy Anderson Halperin (Dial Books for Young Readers – New York in 2007)

Presenting daily lives of 8 different children in the different places on our planet. Learning different cultures and lifestyles  between them, simultaneously finding the sameness of feeling to celebrate as a child on this planet.

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The Boy who was raised by librarians

By Carla Morris, Illustrated by Brad Sneed (Peachtree Publisher – Atlanta in 2007)

Little Melvin loves to go to the library after school everyday and his favorite three librarian are ready to help him always. As he grows up, his friendly librarians also become old, but their enthusiasm of helping Melvin to love to read is never changed. When Melvin finishes college,  he helps other children to learn wonderful things in the library, just like he did from his unforgettable librarians.

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Stone Soup

Retold and illustrated by Jon J. Muth. (Scholastic Press – New York in 2003)

Three  Buddhist monk come to a small village, but the village people without any hospitality keep distance from the strangers. When the monks becomes very hungry, they decide to make stone soup, as any other ingredients for the soup cannot find.  A village girl with full of curiosity brings a big pot for the monks to see how it works. And then, one by one village people offer a ingredient, and at the end everyone join to eat the soup together.  >>>Transformed story from one of old tales which are discovered the similar storyline in different counties.

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3人の旅の坊さんが、ある村に来た時、見知らぬ旅の坊さんにそっけなく、村人達は全員隠れてしまった。お腹のすいた坊さん達は、石でスープを作ることにした。それを見ていた好奇心の強い一人の女の子が、石のスープを作るために、大なべを見つけてきてくれた。様子を見ていた村人達が、一人又一人と、スープに入れる材料を提供してきた。結局は村人達が皆一緒になって、スープを食べ楽しんだ。この種の内容の話は、多くの国の民話にあると、作者のJon Muthが巻末で解説しているが、中国の坊さんに登場してもらったそうだ。東洋的なイラストも、ぴったりとこの話しに合っている。

Annie and the Old One

By Miska Miles, Illustrated by Peter Parnall (Little, Brown and Company – New York in 1971)

Native American Annie is a young girl of the Navajo tribe and she refuses to believe her grandmother, the Old One, will return to Earth once their weaving is completed. Annie hesitates to continue to weave as wishing her beloved Old One’s longer life. When the grandmother explains her beliefs, Annie understands and bravely continues to wave with her mother and her grandmother.

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My rows and piles of Coins

By Tololwa M. Mollel, Illustrated by E. B. Lewis   (Clarion Books – New York in 1999)

A heartwarming family story in 1960s Tanzania. Saruni receives coins from his mother to cart goods to town each market day, and he has a secret plan to buy a bicycle once saving enough coins. One day, Saruni goes to a bicycle shop with all his coins, but the seller laughs at him as his total coin amount is too small for a new bicycle.

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