Day of the Falcon

Directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud (2011)

Inspired by the Nobel about Arab states in the 1930’s at the dawn of the oil boom.  After long and bloody war, two kings declared a large piece of desert, the Yellow Belt, neutral territory, which neither king can claim.  But when it is discovered that there is oil in the Yellow Belt, one king breaks the peace treaty and begins drills for oil. Now the kings are at war again, and it’s up to a young prince to find a way to bring peace, and prosperity, to the land.

1930年代のアラビア半島における二つの部族の間に、イエローベルトと呼ばれる地帯が あった。テキサスから来たアメリカ人から、イエローベルトで石油を発掘する話が持ち上がる。アラビア半島における新しい若き指導者は、保守的な父と、進歩的な養父の間で心が揺れ動く。しかし彼は、読書によって得た豊富な知識と妻からの愛に導かれて、国の未来に立ち向かう。小説の映画化ではあるが、現代のアラビア半島を知っているだけに興味深い映画。灼熱の砂漠に繰り広げられる壮大なドラマは、見ごたえがある。

The Edge of Heaven

Directed by Fatih Akin (2007)

Six characters are drawn together by circumstances – a Turkish old man immigrated in Germany and his son, a Turkish prostitute in Germany and her daughter who comes to look for her mother illegally, a German girl who loves the Turkish girl and the German girl’s mother.  Fatih Akin, a German Director, is Turkish descent.

ドイツに移民したトルコ人父親とその息子、ドイツで娼婦となっていたトルコ人母親と母を捜すため不法入国した娘、その女性を救ったドイツ娘とドイツ人母親の、親子像が描かれた映画。ドイツとトルコの国籍を超えて親子関係の悩みが浮き彫りにされるストーリーは、映画 London Riverとも共通する。宗教や文化を超えた、親子の愛を力説するこのドイツ映画は、現代社会の迷いに光さえ差し込んでくれる。トルコ人の血統をもつドイツ人監督 Fatih Akinの力作。

The Ramen Girl

Directed by Robert Alan Ackerman (2008)

An American slacker abandoned by her boyfriend in Tokyo finds her calling in an unlikely place; a local Ramen house run by a tyrannical chef who doesn’t speak any English. Undaunted by the chef’s raging crankiness, she convinces him to teach her the art of ramen preparation……and despite hilarious clashes of culture and personality, she learns how to put passion and spirit into her life as well as her cooking.



Directed by Yash Chopra (2004)

A young beautiful Pakistani lady, Zaara, is rescued by an Indian Air force officer, Veer, from her bus accident site on the mountain slope. When she almost reaches into the rescue helicopter, Zaara asks Veer to put her down to look for her bag. In her bag, she has a contain of ashes of her grandma who wished to scatter in India. That’s the way to start their lifelong love story, beyond the national borders and all difficulties.


Swades : We, the people

Directed by Ashutosh Gowariker (2004)

A bright young scientist working as a project manager in NASA, USA returns to India on a quest to find his childhood nanny who is the symbol to him of motherhood and family. He attempts to persuade her and to go back to America with her.  But he gets drawn into the life of a village and finds himself searching for answer to the questions of progress and development that the village is facing.

ボりウッドの人気男優 Shahrukh Khan が演じるNASA勤務の科学者が、育ての親をインドの故郷に訪ねることによって、異なるカルチャーの葛藤が始まる。インドと米国、都会と地方、宇宙空間と大地、伝統と開発等など。3時間に及ぶ長編で、ボリウッド特有の歌と踊りがはいっているが、丁寧に喜怒哀楽人生の起動を文化的葛藤を重ねながら描いている映画。ハリウッドではなく、ボリウッドであればこその豊かな文化的演出も見逃せない。とりわけ愛する女性から贈られた木箱の中は、象徴的であり、大変美しい偉大なる愛の表現である。

Moscow on the Hudson

Directed by Paul Mazursky (1984)

A Russian Circus saxophonist, Vladimir, suddenly defects from his touring troupe from Moscow, and wins asylum. He moves into the crowded Harlem flat of black security guard, and soon he finds a Italian lover and a Cuban lawyer. Though Vladimir learns that life in America can be cold and even painful, he grows to love this strange and wondrous new land.

ニューヨーク公演中に逃亡したモスクワ・サーカス団のロシア人サクソフォーン演奏者が、米国での生活を築く葛藤の様子を、笑いのペーソスを充分に取り入れ描いている。複合民族社会のニューヨークには同じような境遇の人が大勢いて、ともすると深刻で暗くなりがちなテーマに、皆が夫々に明るく前向きに取り組み「自由」を実現している様子が、笑いながらもじっくりと伝わってくる映画。シカゴ生まれの米国人Robin Williamsが、そんなロシア人を熱演している。

Not Without My Daughter

Directed by Brian Gilbert (1991) 

In 1984, Betty has come to Iran with her 5 years old daughter and native-born husband for visiting his family. But soon Betty finds her husband doesn’t intend to bring his family back to America….ever. She may return, he says, but their daughter must stay. As a stranger in a foreign land, Betty has no money, no friends and no legal right of a parent. In a hostile, war-torn country, where even the slightest misstep can mean death, she makes a desperate bid to escape with her child.



Directed by Diane Crespo (2008)

Rochel is an Orthodox Jew, and Nasira is a Muslim of Syrian origin. They are both young teachers at the same public school in Brooklyn NY, and also have a similar difficulty with their own family who try to arrange a traditional marriage for their beloved daughter. Rochel and Nasira rely on each other and their friendship to pull through this difficult time of their lives, striving to be strong women in charge of their own happiness, while keeping their deep religious and cultural convictions.



Directed by Cherien Dabis (2009)                                                                           Inspired by Dabis’s family memories of their lives in rural America during the first Iraq War.  A single mother with her teenage son move to a small town Illinois, as dreaming of an exciting future in the promised land called America. With struggling and adjusting lifestyle, they find their new lives in their way.


Beyond Borders

Directed by Martin Campbell  (2003)                                                                              An English socialite gives up her luxurious lifestyle when she falls in love with a doctor and follows him to Africa, to help those suffering in poverty. It’s a love story, but beyond love between the couple, love for human dignity.                                                     >>>>>> In 2001, Angelina Jolie was appointed to a goodwill ambassador of UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), and visited several Refugee Camps in the different places on our planet. With her experience with refugees, she wrote her diary and it was published as well as this film was made.

この映画の鑑賞者の評価は、2極端に分かれるようだ。世界に耐えることのない難民問題の現場を背景としたラブロマンスの展開は、各自の受け取り方の評価に任せるより他はない。確かなことは、グローバル化した経済と情報によって、今まで見えていた実感していた人間の問題が、ともすると遠い世界のこととして心の片隅に追いやっている事実は、世界の恵まれた環境にいる人達に自責の念を起こさせるようだ。2001年にUNHCR(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)の親善大使となったAngeline Jolieが、世界各地の難民キャンプを実際に訪れた日記が出版された同時期に製作された映画。必見の価値は大いにある。