The Lost Package : A lot can happen between the post office and the destination.

By Richard Ho, Illustrated by Jessica Lanan (Roaring Book Press – 2021)

Like other packages, this one began as an empty box…packed with great care, sealed tight, and given a personal touch. Like other packaged, it left the post office with hope. But unlike most packages, it got lost. Follow one package’s journey from lost to found – and discover the friendships it deliveries along the way.



By Hinaleimoana Wong-kalu, Dean Hamer, and Joe Wilson, Illustrated by Daniel Sousa

Long ago, four dual male and female spirits traveled from Tahiti to Hawaii. The name of their leader was Kapaemahu. They brought with them their gentle ways, miraculous cures, and healing arts. Beloved by the people, they imbued four boulders with their powers. The stones were taken care of for generations – until colonization buried them. Gorgeously rendered and powerful written, this book is a reclamation of this native Hawaiian legend and a reminder of the power of story to honor our ancestors. >>> Kapaemahu is based on an animated short film by the authors. It is available to view at


Something Smells!

By Blake Liliane Hellman, Illustrated by Steven Henry ( Atheneum Books for Young Readers – 2018 )

There was a smell. A most terrible smell! Was it the dog? Was it the baby? Was it the trash? Or could it be Grandma’s Gefartenschnaffel(a special meal)? And Elliot’s imagination was expanded to determine to find out what that something was! But after Elliot took bath, the terrible smell was gone. Elliot was excited to put on his new pajama, and he decided he was never ever going to take them off.

何か臭い匂いがした。匂いの原因は犬?赤ちゃん?それともゴミだったのか? おばあちゃんの特異料理かも知れなかった。Elliotの想像力は膨らみ、臭い匂いの原因を調べることに夢中であった。しかし、Elliotがお風呂に入るとその匂いは消えてしまった。新しいパジャマを着た彼は,それを大変に気に入り、決してそのパジャマを脱ぐことはしないと決めてしまった。

When I was Five

By Arthur Howard ( Harcourt Brace & Company – 1996 )

When Jeremy was five he wanted to be an astronaut or a cowboy or both. And he had a best friend – Mark. But now he’s six, he wants to be a major-league baseball player or a deep-sea diver. And his favorite things and favorite hiding place are changed. However his best friend never change. With simple text and dynamic illustration, this book give readers heart warming smiles and cannot help celebrating Jeremy’s growth and his friendship.

Jeremy が5歳の時、彼は宇宙飛行士かカーボーイ、またはその両方になりたかった。そして彼のベスト・フレンドはMarkであった。今やJaremyは6歳となり、メジャーリーグの野球選手か深海へ潜る潜水士になりたくなった。彼のお気に入りの物や隠れ場所も変わった。しかし、ベスト・フレンドは変わらない。明瞭で短いテキストとダイナミックなイラストのこの絵本は、読者に心暖まる笑いを与えてくれ、Jeremyの成長と友情を祝福せずにはいられなくなる。

Ruby in the Ruins

By Shirley Hughes ( Candlewick Press – 2018 )

Ruby and her mum clung to each other while they lived through the terrifying London Blitz, waiting for Ruby’s dad to come home from the war. When the moment to meet him at the station finally arrives, Ruby hardly recognizes the tall man who steps off the train. It’s easier to play outside in the wreckage of the bombings than to stay at home with a dad she doesn’t know anymore. But when Ruby hurts her knee in the ruins, there’s only one person who can rescue her and make her feel all right. This is a touching tale of unconditional love as a family puts itself back together in postwar London.


Child of the Universe

By Ray Jayawardhana, Illustrated by Raul Colon ( Make me a world – 2020 )

A lyrical meditation on the preciousness of one child and the vastness of the universe, this gorgeously illustrated picture book share the immensity of a parent’s love along with the message that we are all connected to the broader cosmos in important and intimate ways. >>> The author is an astrophysicist who has been fascinated by the universe since he was child. As a parent, he has developed a new appreciation for the deep connections between billions of years of cosmic evolution and this one tiny human.


Go Be Wonderful

By Donna Gephart, Illustrated by Francesca Chessa ( Holiday House – 2021 )

When Daisy is born, her biracial parents tell her to ‘ go be wonderful’, and by being herself, she is! Each year presents new milestones with human and love. This picture book celebrate her childhood milestones with supporting by diversity peoples of family and community.

Daisy が生まれた時、異なる人種の彼女の両親は、「素晴らしい子になって欲しい」と願い、彼女はそのように成長した。年ごとに新しい成長過程が、人々と愛情に囲まれて繰り広げられる。この絵本は、多彩なる家族と地域の人々に支えられながら一歩ずつ成長する幼児の歩みを楽しく誇り高く描いている。

Peekaboo Bedtime

By Rachel Isadora ( G. P. Putnam’s Sons – 2008 )

It’s evening and an endearing toddler turns bedtime into a favorite game of peekaboo with parents, grandparents, pets and toys until it’s finally time to snuggle into bed. Children will enjoy playing along all the way to the surprise on the last page. >>> Rachel Isadora’s books in SHI collection.

夜になり、愛らしい幼児が、大好きな”いないいないばあ”のゲームを両親と、祖父母と、ペット達と、おもちゃ達と楽しんで、やっとベットに潜り込む。最後のページまで、幼子達を夢中にさせてくれる。>>>SHIコレクションにあるRachel Isadoraの作品

I am You : A book about UBUNTU

By Refiloe Moahloli, Illustrated by Zinelda McDonald ( Amazon Crossing Kids – 2022 )

In South Africa, there is a belief called UBUNTU-the idea that we are all connected. No matter where we’re from, what we like to do, or who we are, a person is a a person through their connections to other people. With simple, lyrical text and charming artwork, this lively picture book is the perfect introducing to the concept of UBUNTU for young kids. A celebration of friendship and kindness, the book shows children the many ways that we are all one.>>> First published in South Africa is in 2020 and the title was “We are one”.

南アフリカにはUBUNTUと呼ばれる信念があり、これは私達総てが繋がっているという信念である。何処から来た人であれ、何をする人であれ、誰であれ、あらゆる人が人として互いに結ばれている。この絵本は、優しい軽快な言葉と魅力あるイラストで、子ども達にUBUNTUの紹介を解かり易くしている。友情と親切心を共有することによって、人類の一体化を謳歌している。>>>南アフリカで初版が出版されたのは2020年で、その時のタイトルは”We are One”。

Our World is a Family : Our Community Can Change the World

By Miry Whitehall and Jennifer Jackson, Illustrated by Nomar Perez ( Sourcebooks eXplore – 2022 )

There are so many reasons why people move to new communities. In this vividly illustrated and joyfully written story, explore some of the causes behind immigration and become inspired to welcome new faces into your neighborhood with love. With clear examples of how to be a food neighbor, this inspiring and diverse read is perfect for any family who wants to make a positive contributions to the world around you.>>>Miry Whitehall is the founder of Miry’s List.

新しくコミュニティ‐にやってくる人達には様々な理由がある。生き生きとした明るい色彩の絵と心温まる言葉で、移民の人達の事情を語り、愛情をもって隣人として迎える喜びを教えている。簡単明瞭にアドバイスを提示しているこの絵本は、楽しく安心できるコミュニティーを建設するのに、どの家族にも大いに役立つだろう。>>>著者のMiry Whitehallは、Miry’s List の創設者。