Climb On !

By Baptiste Paul, Illustrated by Jacqueline Alcántara ( NorthSouth Books Inc. – 2022 )

When a young child reminds her dad about the hike they planned, her father hesitant. But as the two climb on , her enthusiasm is contegious. This book captures the wonder of the trail, the special relationship between a parent and a child, and the power of a shared experience.


Let’s Go Outside!

By Ben Lerwill, Illustrated by Marina Ruiz ( Welbeck Editions – 2022 )

“Let’s go outside! Let’s find a big, sploshy puddle! Let’s run as fast as our legs can carry us!” Join a group of friends as they play together throughout the year in this joyful celebration of spending time outside every day.

<そとへゆこう!水たまりを見つけて遊ぼう!足が動く限りできるだけ早く走ろう!> 一年を通じて毎日外で過ごす楽しさを祝福する為に、この絵本の中の友達たちに加わろう。

Give Thank You A Try

By James Patterson, Illustrated by Elizabet Vukovic, Jeff Ebbeler, Louise Forshaw, Tracy Dockray, Cori Doerrfeld, Jennifer Zivoin, Jordan Wray, Ryan Wheatcroft, Kate Babok, John Nez, Donald Wu, Chelen Ecija, Bao Luu, Luck Flowers, Ruth Galloway, Julia Kuo, Jomike Tejido, Julie Robine, Alejandro O’Kif, Cori Doerrfeld. (Jimmy Partterson Books-2017)

Saying “Thank you” can be something that children do automatically without thinking much about what it means. This book shows how we can feel gratitude for so many things – not just for birthday presents, but even for the simplest things in our lives. Kids know when to say thank you – this book will tell them why with presenting different illustrator’s art works on page to page.


Be Who You Are

By Todd Parr ( Hachette Book Group Inc. -2016 )

“Be who you are! Be proud of where you ‘re from. Be a different color. Speak your language. Wear everything you need to be you. ” Todd Parr’s bold messages and bright pictures encourage readers to embrace all their unique qualities. >>>Todd Parr’s books in SHI collection.

<自分自身でいいんだ。自分がどこの出身であれ誇りに思おう。色が違っていも良い。言葉が異なっても良いんだ。自分の好きな服を着れば良い。>作者からの力強いメッセージと鮮やかな色彩の絵が、一人一人の異質性を祝福したくなるように導いてくれる。>>>SHIのコレクションにあるTodd Parrの作品

The Moon is Going to Addy’s House

By Ida Pearle ( Dial Books for young readers – 2015 )

After Addy’s play date in the city, she heads to the country with her family. And through the long drive of going back to home, the moon seems to be following them. This is a beautiful and poetical bedtime story about a little girl and the friendly moon with gently and colorful illustration. >>> The book title appears only on the spine and the first page, and another version of the title on the front exists as well.


Big Feelings

By Alexandra Penfold, Illustrated by Suzanne Kaufman ( Alfred A. Knopf – 2021 )

” I have big feelings. You have them too. How can I help? What can we do? ” What should we do when things don’t go according to plan? We may feel mad, frustrated, or overwhelmed, but by talking it through, compromising, and seeing another point of view, we can start fresh, being anew. The author and the illustrator help children navigate the emotional challenges they face in their daily lives in this gentle and reassuring read-aloud. >>>Alexandra Penfold’s books and Suzanne Kaufman’s books in SHI collection.

「私には色々な感情がある。あなたにも色々な感情がある。どうして上げたら良い?私達で何ができる?」ものごとが予定通りに進まなかった時、どうしたら良いだろう?きっと怒りを感じ、フラストレーションに襲われ、又は打ちのめされた気分になるだろう。しかし互いに話を最後まで聞き、共通点を見つけ、意見の違いを理解することによって、新たらしい気持ちで再挑戦することが出来る。この優しく力強く語る絵本の中で、作者とイラストレーターは子ども達を日常生活の中で遭遇する感情の衝突をいかに処理するか導いてくれる。>>>SHIのコレクションにあるAlexandra Penfoldの作品Suzanne Kaufmanの作品

Like Best Friends

By Bob Raczka, Illustrated by Merrilee Liddiard ( Cameron Kids – 2020 )

Summer drags like a book that starts out good, then isn’t. A boy is bored, so he hops on his bike and heads for the playground, where he finds a girl on a swing. Soon they are having fun like best friends. This playful poem introduces young readers to similes and how they make our language more colorful. >>> Merrilee Liddiard’s books in SHI collection.

その夏は、興奮して読み始めたが読むうちに興奮が冷めてしまう本と同じであった。少年は退屈だったので、自転車に乗り公園に向かった。そこで、ブランコに乗っている少女を見つけた。じきに二人は、一緒に楽しい時間を過ごし始めた。この遊び心に溢れる詩の絵本は、若い読者達に物事を例えることを紹介し、それは日常のコミュニケーションにより豊かな色彩をもたらすと教えてくれる。>>>SHIのコレクションにあるMerrilee Liddiardの作品

A Sky-Blue Bench

By Bahram Rahman, Illustrated by Peggy Collins ( Pajama Press – 2021 )

It’s Aria’s first day back at school since her accident. She’s excited, but she’s also worried about sitting on the hard floor all day with her new prosthetic “helping-leg”. Just as Aria feared, sitting on the floor is so uncomfortable that she can’t think about learning at all. She knows that before the war changed many things in Afghanistan, school like hers had benches for students to sit at. If she had a bench, her leg would not hurt so much. The answer is obvious: she will gather materials, talk to the carpenter in the old city, and learn to build a bench for herself. >>>The author was born in Kabul, and studied at the university in Germany, and in 2012 he moved to Canada as a refugee. Bahram Rahman’s books in SHI collection. 

事故にあった後、Ariaが学校へ戻る最初の日である。彼女は楽しみにしていたが、同時に彼女の新しく作った義足の足が一日中硬い床の上に座ることに耐えられるか心配でもあった。案の定、床に座るのは大変に心地悪く、勉強に全く集中できない。戦争がアフガニスタンの多くを変えてしまったが、以前は生徒達が座るベンチが学校にあったことをAriaは、知っていた。もしベンチがあれば、彼女の足はもっと楽になるはずである。答えは明瞭であった。彼女は材料を集め、古い街に住む大工と話し、自分用のベンチの作り方を学んだ。>>>作者は、カブール生まれでドイツの大学に学び、2012年に難民としてカナダに移住した。SHIのコレクションにあるBahram Rahmanの作品

The Library Bus

By Bahram Rahman, Illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard ( Pajama Press – 2020 )

It is still dark in Kabul, Afghanistan when the library bus rumbles out of the city. There are no bus seats – instead there are chairs and tables and shelves of books. And there are no passengers – instead there is Pari, who is nervously starting her first day as Mama’s library helper. Pari stands tall to hand out notebooks and pencils at the villages and the refugee camp, but she feels intimidated. The girls they visit are learning to write English from Mama. Pari can’t even read or write in Farsi yet. But next year she will go to school and learn all there is to know.>>>The author was born in Kabul, and studied at the university in Germany, and in 2012 he moved to Canada as a refugee. Bahram Rahman’s books and Gabrielle Grimard’s books in SHI collection. 

図書館バスがガタガタと街を出た時、アフガニスタンのカブールはまだ暗かった。このバスには座席がなく、代わりに椅子とテーブルそして本棚がある。乗客は誰もいなくて、母親の図書館の手伝いを始めてするので少しドキドキしたPariが乗っていた。Pariはバスで訪れる村や難民キャンプで、ノートやエンピツを渡すのだが、初めての手伝いに緊張していた。訪問先の少女達は、Pariの母親から英語を学ぶ。PariはFarsi語さえまだ読めないが、来年には学校へ行って沢山学ぶことを楽しみにしていた。>>>作者は、カブール生まれでドイツの大学に学び、2012年に難民としてカナダに移住した。SHIのコレクションにあるBahram Rahmanの作品Gabrielle Grimardの作品

Hair Story

By NoNieqa Ramos, Illustrated by Keisha Morris ( Carolrhoda Books – 2021 )

Preciosa, non-Black Puerto Rican, has hair that won’t stay straight, won’t be confined. Rudine, Black girl, has hair that resists roller, flat irons, and rulers. Together, the girls play hair salon! They take inspiration from their moms, their neighbors, their ancestors, and cultural icons. They discover that their hair holds roots of the past and threads of the future. >>> On the last pages, there are names of prominent Black, Afro-Latinx, and non-Black Latinx figures known both for their accomplishments and their notable hairstyle, and also a glossary of Spanish words.
