A Foreign Field

Directed by Charles Sturridge(1993)

Two British war veterans meet an American veteran when they return to Normandy on the 50th anniversary of D-day. They find out they are searching for the same French lady once they loved. With the song of Lili Marleen and their memories, the band of survivors shares their not returning days.


Hopelessly in June

Directed by Vincent Brantley(2011)

 A black financial annalist meets a mixed-ethnic businesswoman in the cultural diversity city, Los Angeles. The charming career woman’s white father owns a flower shop, and he loves his daughter deeply. The Black annalist excited with her, and they set a family dinner with inviting both parents. And find out her parents is the same gender couple and they adapted their daughter when she was little.


The Intouchables

Directed by Oliver Nakache, Eric Toledano(2011)

Based on a true story in France. Driss, Senegalese young man living in Paris slum, applies a job just for his unemployment paper work. His applied job is to take care a wealthy quadriplegic, Phillippe on the wheelchair. Without any Driss’s expectation, eccentric aristocrat Philippe wants to hire Driss, as Driss’s character attracted Philippe somehow.  Driss experiences an unpredictable life style, and adventure while he inspires Philippe how to live a life with full enjoyment.



Ping Pong Playa

Directed by Jessica Yu (2007)

A Chinese former Ping Pong player immigrates to America, and he owns a shop selling Ping Pong equipment in Chinese community. His Chinese wife is a Ping Pong instructor working in a cultural center, and their first son is also a Ping Pong player like as his father. However their second son loves to play basketball and TV games, and his life is Ping Pong free. One day, his mother and his big brother are suffered by a traffic accident. Now, talkative second son must teaches Ping Pong game at the culture center instead of his mother.


David and Layla

Directed by Jay Jonroy (2008)

Inspired by a true love story in New York. Layla is a Muslim and a political refugee as well. David is a TV reporter raised in Jewish family. They meet in New York, and falling in love as jumping together to cross over several political and religious hurdles. At the end, on Layla and David’s wedding both their families and friends get together to dance, to laugh, and to celebrate beautiful tolerance of love.


A Great Wall

Directed by Peter Wang (1986)

Leo Fang, Chinese American titled a successful computer executive in Silicon Valley quits his job and takes his wife and son to his homeland China. 30 years passed since Leo immigrated to America, and his wife and son cannot speak any Chinese. They stay with Leo’s sister family in Beijing, and both family experience unimagined lessons in how the other half lives.


White Wedding

Directed by Jann Turner (2009)

Mixed up feeling of young couple in South Africa runs all along the road to their wedding place accompanying South Africa’s breathtaking landscapes. After apartheid police ended, demonstrating tolerance between different races and ethnics through their daily lives in South Africa as adding city life vs rural life, traditional culture vs modern life style, and multigenerational understanding with fabulous laughing voices.


Today’s Special

Directed by David Kaplan (2009)

Samir, Indian young chef who born and raised in New York, wishing his promotion at an upscale Manhattan restaurant, and dreaming to work at French restaurant in Paris. Samir tells about his intention to his co-worker Carrie, but suddenly Samir’s life turns upside down. Samir’s father, who owns and works for his little Indian restaurant in New York,  gets hart attack. Instead of French cousin, Samir needs to learn Indian cooking to save family business, but does not know how.

一流レストランのシェフになる為パリに行くと意気込んでいたニューヨーク育ちのインド青年が、ひょんなことから父親の経 営するインドレストランを切り盛りする羽目になってしまった。インド料理など作ったこともない彼は、たまたま知り合った元ムンバイでシェフをしていたタク シードライバーのインド人をシェフにしたが、そのシェフからインド料理の心を教えられる。個性ある人物達の登場でドタバタと話が展開するが、面白おかしい スパイスが随所にかけられている。

Politics of Love

Directed by William Dear (2011)

Black American conservative Republican falls for his Democratic counterpart, a beautiful Indian-American Obama campaign volunteer whose father gets remarried with a black woman after her Indian mother die. Her Indian father owns an Indian restaurant, and he has always cultural conflicts on cuisines with his black wife.

多民族社会アメリカの多民族性を、ある地方都市の2008年の大統領選挙キャンペーンを舞台に、様々な人材で現してい る。共和党陣営にオバマ候補そっくりの黒人男性がいるし、片や民主党陣営のボランティアとなったインド系女性の父親は先妻の死後黒人系女性と再婚し、イン ド・レストランを経営しているが、2人の間で料理メニューの文化的衝突が耐えない。これだけでも充分な笑いの下地を演出している。敵同士の陣営の男女の間 に恋心が育ってゆくのだが、政治的なかけ引きよりも愛の力の強さを謳った、大いに楽しめる作品。


Directed by John Jeffcoat (2006)

American novelty products salesman leaves to India to train his replacements as his entire department is outsourced. Cultural shocking attacks the American manager one after another, but managing different working environment is his honorable and serious duty. On the process of taking his new tasks in India, the American businessman awakes very human side of himself.

IT時代のクローバル化の過程を、垣間見させてくれるユニークな映画。コメディーとはなっているが、笑いが目的ではなく、異文化理解にユーモアのオ ブラートで覆いながら、深刻になりがちなテーマを上手に紹介している。米国のコンピューター関連会社が、カスタマーサービスのコールセンターを人件費の安 いインドに移動した時代、そのマネージャーとして赴任した米国男性のカルチャーショックと、自分の内なる人間味に目覚めさせられる過程のストーリー。ボリ ウッド映画とは異なる視点からのインド文化の描き方も、興味深い。