The Prince and me

Directed by Martha Coolidge (2004)

A Wisconsin girl meets a young man who has different personality from other college classmate, and they fall in love each other without her knowing that he is a prince from Denmark.


デンマークの王子がお忍びで米国留学し、そこで出会った農場の娘と恋をするシンデレラ・ストリーではあるが、単なるハッピーエンドに終わらないところがこの映画の今日的魅力である。デンマークのロイヤル文化と米国ウイスコン州の農場文化の対比が、大変に興味深い。その中でも、一人の女性としての生き方をしっかりと見出そうとする主人公の女性をJulia Stilesが好演している。文化の違いをコミカルに描いた、楽しいロマンス物語で、この映画の継続版も異なる人達で制作されている。

Twist of faith

Directed by Paul A. Kaufman (2013)

A Jewish heartbroken widow who lost his wife and 3 children by tragic violence, comes to a small town in Alabama and meets a single Christian mother.  They have a same passion for music and the widow starts to heal to be ready for new life with her despite their different faiths and race.  Starring: Toni Braxton

ユダヤ教徒の白人一家が悲劇に遭った。三人の子どもと妻をバスの中で銃殺された夫は、今まで心の支えとなっていたユダヤ教の宗教さえも置き去りにして、放心のまま人知れず、あてのない旅に出た。何気なくバスを降りたアラバマの小さな町で、黒人教会に世話になりながら、少しずつ心を取り戻す。そこで出会ったシングルマザーの黒人女性(Toni Braxton)が、音楽と共に彼の心に光を届けるのであるが、異人種だけでなく異宗教のテーマも盛り込んでいる。感動的なエンディングで、その後こそが気にもなるが、ロマンス映画の暖かさは充分に語られている。

The barefooted, bad-tempered baby brigade

By Deborah Diesen, Illustrated by Tracy Dockray (Tricycle Press – 2010)

A crowd of cranky and angry babies march on the street to the city hall. On the stage of the city hall, they shout revolting words against their parents in audience. But happily babies receive lovely ending.



Fools rush in

Directed by Andy Tennant (1997)

A businessman from New York lives in Las Vegas to manage his constricting project. He meets a Mexican girl in Las Vegas and they spent time together that cursed of their cultural crash.



Taken from me: The Tiffany Rubin Story

Directed by Gary Harvey (2011) /Lifetime

Based on dramatic true story of Tiffany Robin. Her son is abducted by his biological Korean-American father and taken from his home in Queens, New York, all the way to Soul, South Korea. Tiffany decides to search her son in South Korea and to take him back to home even under risky political situation.


The other end of the line

Directed by James Dodson (2008)

Without knowing that Customer Service of an American Credit Company automatically connects to India, an American  young man attempts to have a date with the charming voiced lady on the other end of the calling-line. Their date is set up to meet in San Francisco, and the lady flies out for fun from Mumbai, India.


Chavela and the magic bubble

By Monica Brown, Illustrated by Magaly Morales  (Clarion Books –New York, NY in 2010)

Chewing Gum lover, Chavela, finds a mysterious kind gum in a small shop in California. She pops it in her mouse, and blows a giant bubble that takes her to magical trip to Mexico where she sees a little girl in the rain-forest and Chicle from sapodilla trees. The little girl is Chavela’s grandmother reflecting old generation, and she tells her how bubble gum is made from Chicle.



Miss Brooks loves books! (and I don’t)

By Barbara Bottner, Illustrated by Michael Emberley                 (Alfred A.Knopf – New York, NY in 2010)

The valiant librarian Miss Brooks can help all classmates to find books they love except Missy. Missy has no interest in books about trains, fairies, cowboys, dogs, and……but finally Missy reacts the word “Warts”. Celebrating the diverse tastes of child readers.



Feeding Friendsies

By Suzanne Bloom (Boyds Mills Press – Honesdale, Pennsylvania in 2011)

Child chefs are creating many dishes with their hand reachable nature recourses. Their imagination is endless and has a lot of fun.



My Brave Year of Firsts: Tries, Sighs and High Fives

By Jamie Lee Curtis, Illustrated by Laura Cornell (Harper Collins Children’s Books –New York, NY in 2012)

Telling the various first experiences of a very active and brave girl.  The same author and illustrator created “Is there really a Human Race?”


大変愉快なイラストで、お茶目な少女の初体験を描いている。学校の一年生の初日のことから初めて図書館へ行った体験、、、総てのFirstの文字が赤字で強調され、最後には岩の上から水中へ飛び込んだハラハラ体験!様々な子ども達と、日常的に関っている様子が上手に描かれている。作者とイラストレーターは、”Is there really a Human Race?”の絵本と同じ愉快なコンビの女性制作者2人である。