Think Big           

By Liz@Garton Scanlon, Illustrated by Vanessa Brantley Newton                            (Bloomsbury ~ in 2012)

Follow along as a classroom of  young kids explore at art and the power of creativity in its most varied forms – painting, music, writing, cooking, performing…there’s no end of where their imagination can take them. On the stage, they show their creations to the audience/their parents.


幼い子ども達のスクールでの話であるが、様々なアートに子どもなりに挑戦してゆく。英語は文ではなく、単語のみ。お茶目で悪戯好きな子ども達のハラハラどきどきの理由が、最後に表現されている。大きくなったら何になりたいか、各自が自作した衣装で表現しているのだ。ステージの上に立った子ども達も、それを見守る親達にも多様性があふれ出いる。タイトルの Think Big とは、大きくなったら、そうなって欲しいとの願いが込められているようだ。

Kids like Us

By Carole Lexa Schaefer, Illustrated by Pierr Morgan                                                            (Viking, a division of Penguin Young Readers Group ~ in 2008)

A rainy day isn’t going to dampen the spirits of these preschoolers. As they empty their toy box, they become bus drivers and firefighters, dinosaur and hungry bears. Every item they find is inspiration for a new activity.


” Dragon Dancing ” と同じコンビの制作者達であり、絵本の仕様も話の内容の背景も似ている。雨の日のスクール内で遊ぶ子ども達が、ドレスアップ小道具の入った箱の中から次々と物を見つけては、子供同士のイマジネーションを広げてゆく。この絵本でも英文は短く音を表す単語が多いが、この絵本では色の名称を強調している。幼い子ども達の大好きな [~ごっこ]  遊びの心を、楽しく描いているので、大人達にも子ども心を呼び覚ますだろう。

Dragon Dancing          

By Carole Lexa Schaefer, Illustrated by Pierr Morgan                                                                      (Viking, a division of Penguin Young Readers Group ~ in 2007)

After reading a book about dragons with their teacher, these preschoolers decide to make their own dragon out of colored paper, yarn, feathers and themselves. Soon they are out the door, onto the playground and into another world of imagination.



Who put the cookies in the cookie jar?          

By George Shannon, Illustrated by Julie Paschkis (Henry Holt & Company ~ in 2013)

It’s easy to take a cookie out of the cookie jar, but how does it get in there? This book takes us on a delicious cookie  journey as showing many hands work together, so that one hand can take the cookie out and you can enjoy a huge yummy bite.



All kinds of Friends        

By Norma Simon, Illustrated by Cherie Zamazing                                                                   (Albert Whitman & Company ~ in 2013)

In the spirit of her classic book, All kinds of Families, Norman Simon leads us through a celebration of friendship-school friends, family friends, grownup friends, even pet friends. Since 1954, the author has published more than 50 children’s books.


友達について語っている絵本で、自分の周囲にいる様々な友達について子ども達に優しく語り掛けている。子ども達と友情について語り合うことを奨めてくれるこの絵本の作者 Norma Simonは、1954年から既に50冊以上の児童書を世に出した。様々な人種の子ども達が極自然に描かれたイラストは、個性的で印象深い。家庭や教育現場で教材としても使えるし、子どもの側にいつも置いておきたい絵本でもある。

My Dadima wears a Sari                 

By Kashmira Sheth, Illustrated by Yoshiko Jaeggi (Peachtree ~ in 2007)

Everyday, Rupa’s grandmother, Dadima, wears a beautiful Indian traditional sari in America. Dadima shares with Rupa all the wonderful things that saris can do from an umbrella in a rainstorm to providing a deep pouch to carry seashells. Soon Rupa’s own imagination is sparked. A note from author and instructions for wrapping a sari are included.



It’s a small world                     

Words and Music by Richard M. Sherman & Robert B. Sherman, Illustrated by Joey Chou  (Disney Press ~ in 1963)

This picture book features ” It’s a small world” of the Disney Theme park attraction, which can enjoy world travel on a boat as listening the song by all different dolls with their national costumes. The book with the lyrics and a CD of recording the wonderful song.


40年ほど前はじめてロスアンジェルスのデズニーランドを訪れた時、私の一番のお気に入りは “I’s a small world” のパビリオンであった。世界中の子ども達の人形が皆でこの歌を歌っていたのは、大変に印象的で、ボートに乗って世界旅行をしながら、何処にいっても子ども達が口を動かしながら歌うこの歌が暫くは耳の置くから離れなかった。そんなワクワクする楽しさを、CD 付きの絵本で再現している。愛らしい世界中の子ども達の人形達が、この絵本では素敵なイラストで描かれている。

From Kalamazoo to Timbuktu!                

By Harriet Ziefert, Illustrated by Tanya Roitman (Blue Apple Books ~ in 2005)

One day Millie and Mike don’t know what to do so they imagine a voyage from their home in Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA to Timbuktu, Mari in West Africa. As using every means of transportation possible, the both take trip to the other side of the world.



The Sandwich Swap                  

By Queen Rania, with Kelly Dipucchio, Illustrated by Tricia Tusa                                (Disney/Hyperion books ~ in 2010)

The day Lily stops eating her peanut butter and jelly sandwich to tell Salma her hummus and pita sandwich looks yucky- and vice verse- is the day they stop being friends. As their story spreads across the school, so does intolerance. When Lily and Salma get caught in the middle of a food fight, and called to the principal’s office, they decide it’s time to make some changes.   >>>The Queen of Jordan is the co-author of this book based on her nursery-school experiences.




Made by Raffi                     

By Craig Pomranz, Illustrated by Margaret Chamberlain                                                 (Frances Lincoln Childrenfs Book ~ in 2014)

Raffi is a shy boy who prefers quiet over rough-and-tumble games. At recess, a teacher offers to teach him to knit.  Raffi’s enthusiasm burns as brightly as colored drawings of wool at the yarn shop. He knits an enormous rainbow scarf for his father, and makes a cape for the school play’s prince. Raffi’s skills are admired by family and friends and he knits many new item with their encouragements.

