This little light of mine

Illustrated by E.B.Lewis (Simon & Schuster Books for young readers ~ in 2005)

The song ” This little light of mine ” is an Black American spiritual dating back to the days of slavery. The music score is included in this book to play and sing and shine your light for everyone to see.


米国の黒人たちによって奴隷時代から歌い継がれてきた[This little light of Mine]の歌詞に、イラストが描かれている。誰の心の中にもある小さな光を輝かせよう、何処にいっても輝かせようと歌う歌詞は、暗い時代に生きる勇気を湧きたてた。そして今でも簡単明瞭で、力強いメッセージは変わらない。黒人の男の子がその光を胸に、日常生活の中で歌いながら行動に起こしている様子が、イラストからにじみ出ている。巻末にはこの歌の楽譜が付いている。

The skin you live in

By Michael Tyler, Illustrated by David Lee Csicsko                                                            (Chicago Children’s Museum ~ in  2005)

With rhyming verses, telling about the importance of human skin and it’s function. The skin is something that makes each of us different  and similar at the same time. >>>CCM published this unique book created by two residents in Chicago: the author and the illustrator.



Dojo Daytrip

By Chris Tougas (Owlkids Books ~ in  2015)

The little ninjas of Dojo Daycare are taking a field trip to the farm. As their master has disaster after disaster, his students forget to help him. Eventually they come together to help the master, do all the farm chores, and even paint a barn.  >>>The author/illustrator published another 2 books of Dojo Series with six little ninja children ; Dojo Surprise and Dojo Daycare.


黒装束の可愛い忍者が、道場のスクールバスで農場へ出かけた。6人の子ども忍者は、目だけしか見えないが、肌の色や少々見える髪型から、子ども達の多様性が解る。農場では唯一の大人である師匠が、幾度も失敗を繰り返しドタバタ劇となるが、子ども忍者達はこの時とばかりに活躍する。忍者文化がすっかり子ども達の世界に浸透していることを伺わせる様な、実に楽しい絵本である。制作者のChris Tougasは、他にDojoシリーズを2冊出版している。

Dear Primo: a letter to my cousin            

By Duncan Tonatiuh (Abrams Books ~ in 2010)                                                     

Inspired by the experience of the author/illustrator who has American father and Mexican mother. This is the story of 2 cousins, Charlie in America and Carlitos in Mexico, and how their daily lives are different yet similar. His unique illustration is influenced by the ancient art of the Mixtecs and other cultures of Mexico.


制作者のDuncan Tonatiuhは、父親が米国人で母親がメキシコ人である。メキシコに生まれ育ち、米国の高校に入学した。その後はメキシコと米国の行き来が多く、2つの文化の違いをこの絵本でも上手に表現している。絵本の内容は、副題の通り、メキシコの村に住む従兄弟とアメリカの都会に住む従兄弟の間での手紙である。メキシコの古代アートの影響を受けたイラストは、大変ユニークであり、スペイン語の単語もいくつかイラストで描いた物を説明している。メキシコと米国の比較をしながらも、両方を受けいれている制作者の思いがしっかりと伝わってくる

The Red Blanket                 

By Eliza Thomas, Illustrated by Joe Cepeda (Scholastic Press ~ in 2004)

Based on the experience of the American Author. In 1994, She went to China to adapt a 5 months old baby. Just before the departure to China, she found a red blanket in Kid’s dress shop and bought it. And the red blanket helped to build the bond between new mother and her daughter on each stage of her child’s growing.



What can you do with a Rebozo?

By Carmen Tafolla, Illustrated by Amy Cordova (Tricycle Press  ~ in 2008)

A young girl introduces the traditional shawl called Rebozo, it’s also called Mexican shawl, found in many Mexican and Mexican-American households.  It’s used as a cradle for baby, a superhero’s cape, a warm blanket on a cool night…..there so many things you can do with Rebozo.  The more detail information is in the last page.



Lily and the Paper Man

By Rebecca Upjohn, Illustrated by Renne Benoit (Second Story Press ~ in 2007)

One day when Lily is walking back to home with her mother after school, she runs straight into a gruff and untidy-looking man selling papers on the street. Frightened,   Lily insists on taking the bus home everyday for fear she will run into him again. But the weather turns cold, Lily start to see the Paper man differently….she comes up an idea and overcomes her fear.




By Klaas Verplancke (Groundwood Books ~ in 2010)

Father and his son’s relation is sometime very gentle, and sometime it’s very rough. A parent’s unpredictable moods can be frightening to a small kids, and this book attempts to address that fear. Johnny’s father is the same with other fathers, and Johnny knows that his Daddy’s thundering times always come to end and he will make applesauce for Johnny again.



forget me not                 

By Nancy Van Laan, Illustrated by Stephanie Graegin                                              (Schwartz & Wade Books ~ in 2014)

Julia loves to spend time with her grandmother at her house where she decorates the table with napkins hand-embroidered ‘forget me not’ flowers and prepares her special cuisine for Julia. But grandma’s whole family is concerned as they start to notice that grandma is becoming more and more forgetful, and the time has come for her to move out her house and into an assisted living community to get the best care. It’s hard for Julia to accept the reality of her grandma’s all changings, but Julia tries her best.



Goyangi Means Cat                

By Christine McDonnell, Illustrated by Steve Johnson & Lou Fancher                         (Viking, a Division of Penguin Young Readers Group ~ in 2011)

When Soo Min comes from Korea to live with her new American family, she struggles to learn English and adjust to new surroundings. She finds great comfort in the family’s cat, Goyangi, until he runs away. But Soo Min discovers the cat has returned to home. This gentle story reveals that home is truly where the heart is. On each page Korean words appear in the background illustration, and explanations of each words’ meaning  are included.

