Mother’s Day

By Anne Rockwell, Illustrated by Lizzy Rockwell (HarperCollins Publishers ~ in 2004)

Each student in Mrs. Madoff’s class knows just how to celebrate Mother’s Day and  presents it for the other students. And then the kids learn how to make a handmade Mother’s gift with using a button which they bring from home. >>>The author Ann is the mother of the illustrator Lizzy and this is the marvelous team working.



Chik Chak Shabbat

By Mara Rockliff, Illustrated by Kyrsten Brooker (Candlewick Press ~ in 2014)

Every Friday afternoon, Goldie Simcha is busy to follow her grandmothers weekly tradition of  cooking cholent. And she always invites the families in the same apartment for celebrating Shabbat with her cholent meal. But one day, they have no invitation from Goldie neither any wonderful smell of cholent, and they find out Goldie is sick. The different ethnical neighbors decide to save the day. They come to Goldie’s home with their foods and celebrate Goldie’s tradition as well as the diversity of tastes.>>> Mara Rockliff’s books in SHI collection.


Shabbatとは、ユダヤ教の安息日。毎週土曜日にアパートの5階から、素敵な匂いが漂って、各階の住民を魅了する。匂いの主は、ユダヤ教の習慣で金曜日の午後から煮込んでいる特別なCholentと言う安息日に食べる料理。祖母から教わった料理を自分なりにアレンジしてゴルディアは、毎週土曜日に住民にCholentを振舞った。多彩なる文化背景の7人の住民達は、いつも土曜日を楽しみにするようになったが、ある日Cholentの匂いが全くしなかった。ゴルディアが病気であることを知ると、住民達は自分達の料理を持ち寄った。ユダヤ教の紹介絵本ではあるが、料理を通した多文化融合の視点に拍手喝采を贈りたい。>>>SHIコレクションにあるMara Rockliffの作品

Ramadan Moon

By Nafima B Robert, Illustrated by Shirin Adl                                                                   (Frances Lincoln Childrenfs Books~ in 2009)

Muslims all over the world celebrate Ramadan, the month of fasting, and joyful days of Eid at the end of the Ramadan as the most special time of year. This lyrical and inspiring picture book captures the wonder and joy of this special annual event, from the perspective of a child. And this book not only for all children who celebrate Ramadan but also for children in the wider communities who want to understand why this is such a special experience for Muslims.




Under the Same Sun

By Sharon Robinson, Illustrated by Ag Ford (Scholastic Press ~ in 2014)

A black father, who was born and raised in America, wants to spend his life in Tanzania. And his wish comes true, and then he gets a family in Tanzania. One day, his children are waiting for their grandmother and aunt, who come from America, and for celebrating together their grandma’s 85th birthday. Their grandma receives the surprised present of traveling Safari and the historical ruins where many Africans were kept to send to the new continent as slaves. The historical information and introduction of Tanzania are found at the end.




By John Rocco (DisneyEEHyperion Books ~ in 2011)

Inspired by the author’s experience of the Blackout in Brooklyn, NY.  A girl is looking for someone who join her game, but nobody in her family will not. They are busy with own matter. However once all lights out, it’s blackout, everyone starts to care for the others, even neighbors. The girl love the blackout! Since then, her family enjoy the game together as turning off house electric lights.




Going Places                 

By Peter and Paul Reynolds, Illustrated by Peter Reynolds                                                  (Atheneum Books for Young Readers ~ in  2014)

It’s time for school contest of Going Place, and each kid grabs an identical kit for building a go-cart for the race. Rafael wants to win the big race, and starts to build his go-cart. But Maya in the next door gets her bird-inspired design. Rafael and Maya make a team, and create a new transportation to participate the race. And they win!


学校でGoing Placesのコンテストに参加するためのゴーカートを作るキットが、皆に配布された。ラファエル少年はこのコンテストを楽しみにしていたので、ゴーカート作りに夢中になった。ところが、隣に住むクラスメートのマヤ少女は鳥の観察に夢中になっていた。そして鳥のように飛び立つ工夫をしていた。2人は一致協力してコンテストに一緒に参加することにした。コンテスト当日、皆とは異なる乗り物で参加した2人は皆から笑われたが、1位となった。そして、2人には次なる新しい発想が湧きあがっていた。

The day the babies crawled away

By Peggy Rathmann (G.P.Putnamfs Sons ~ in 2003)

While moms and dads are in a pie-eating contest at the fair, their babies are chasing butterflies, and heading for the trees. Only a small boy sees them leaving and follows them to experience the adventure.  It’s a lovely story of the five different babies described by black silhouettes against stunning skies of many colors that change and glow as afternoon turns into evening.



Cinco de Mayo     

By Janet Riehecky, Illustrated by Krystyna Stasiak (Wing Park Publishers ~ in 1993)

Although Maria is not too successful at helping her family prepare for Cinco de Mayo, she wins an art contest at the library and gets to break the piñata back home. Instructions of making Tacos and three crafts are included.



My Family Tree and Me

By Dusan Petricic (Kids Can Press ~ in  2015)

A boy who has the cultural diversity of the family, introduces the father’s side family starting from the front of the book and the mother’s side family starting from the back   of the book. Both sides described from his great-great-grandparents to his parents.  In the center of the book reveals the boy’s entire extended family, shown in one drawing with all the members from both sides identified by their relationship to him.



Round is a Tortilla: a Book of Shapes        

By Roseanne Greenfield Thong, Illustrated by John Parra                                                (Chronicle Books LLC ~ in 2013)

A Mexican girl asks to discover shapes all around us: rectangles are ice-cream carts and stone mutates, triangles are slices of watermelon and quesadillas… one. Many of the featured objects are Latino in origin, and Spanish words are translated at the end.

