King for a Day            

By Rukhsana Khan, Illustrated by Christiane Kromer (Lee & Low Books Inc. ~ in 2013)

In the city of Lahore, Pakistan, all children are exciting with annual and traditional Kite-flying festival. Malik, boy in a wheelchair, prepares his kite to fly and move very first for competing other boy’s kites. At the end of the day, actually Malik has a big pile of captured kites. But then the neighborhood bully comes and tries to take a kite from a girl. Malik finds the way to help the girl.


パキスタンのラホールの街で行われる Basant (Kite Festival)は、子ども達が楽しみにしている伝統的な行事である。特に、Kiteを空で戦わせるのに、子ども達は夢中になる。車椅子の少年は、最も早く動くKiteを作って、その日に備えた。その日の王者を自称していたこの少年は、意地悪な子への挑戦心と弱い子へのいたわりも示した。貼り絵を活用したイラストは、親しみと暖か味を含んでいる。ラホール生まれでカナダに住む著者は、多くの児童書を著作し受賞作品もあり、Big Red Lolipop も彼女の作品である。

Karate Girl

By Mary Leary  (Farrar Straus Giroux ~in 2003)

During summer holidays, Mary starts to learn Karate, martial arts, to fight back the bullies who bother her young brother at school. However Mary begins to understand Karate is more than mastering self-defense, and it helps individuals develop the inner confidence to avoid a fight.  At the same time with her learning at Karate class with her diverse group of boys and girls, Mary explains us more details of Karate.  Once summer holidays ends and everyone comes back to school, but no more bullies as they know Mary learned Karate. And then, Mary’s brother also joins the Karate class.



Ocean Wide, Ocean Deep

By Susan Lendroth, llustrated by Raul Allen  (Tricycle Press ~ in 2008)

In the 19th century in Cape Cod, New England, a young girl lives with her mother and baby brother, as waiting for her father’s returning . She is thinking of her father, and images strange places where her father might be on his trading business. With gentle rhyming text, it shows the power of love to cross distances as wide and deep as the ocean.



Father’s Chinese Opera

By Rich Lo   (Sky Pony Press ~ in  2014)

Inspired by the life story of the author’s father who moved with his family to Hong Kong from China in 1960’s. A young Chinese boy watches his father conduct opera in Hong Kong, and he enjoys watching the acrobats. He wants to become one and trains with his best. But it’s not easy for him, and his father explains his path to become a successful musician. One day when his family needs to immigrate to America, his father decides to seals up his musical career in Hong Kong. His father has worked as a cook for 25 years in America, even experienced struggling with discrimination.



The Kite Runner

Directed by Marc Forster (2007)

Based on the bestselling novel published in 2003.  Amir is a young Afghani from   a well-to-do Kabul family and his friend Hassan is the son of a family servant. Together the two boys form a bond of friendship that breaks tragically on one fateful day. Amir and Hassan become separated and as first the Soviets and then the Taliban seize control of Afghanistan, Amir and his father escape to America. Years latter, Amir is called back to Kabul to right the wrongs he and his father committed years ago.



Run Boy Run

Directed by Pepe Danquart (2013)

Based on the bestselling novel by Uri Ortev. In 1942, a Polish boy separates from      his father as following his father’s order to run toward the opposite direction of the father’s running way. His father is shot but the boy survives as keeping running. He seeks the kindness of others in his solitary struggle to outlast the Nazi occupation and keep alive his Jewish faith. The extraordinary survival story of 8 years old boy  during over 3 years.


児童文学作家Uri Orlev(ウーリー・オルレブ)の実話に基ずいた小説の映画化。主役の8歳のユダヤ人少年を演じたのは、2001年ポーランド生まれの双子兄弟Kamil TkaczとAndrzej Tkacz。ストーリーは、1942年のワルシャワのゲットーから一人逃げ出し少年の3年以上となるサバイバルの過酷な物語だが、戦時下で少年をかばおうとする多くの人々の善意と欧州大陸の美しい映像に感動させられる。欧州大陸の白人人口が圧倒的に多かった当時でも、民族のラベルを張って分断しようとした人間の愚かさを、再認識させられる。 息子の命を救うために、自分とは反対の方向の森へ向って走り逃げ延びるように念を押した父親の言葉を胸に、少年は失いかけた勇気を幾度も蘇らせては生き延びた。戦争の終結を告げる教会の鐘を、残された左手で綱にぶる下がりながら打つ少の表情が、実に素晴らしい。フランス、ドイツ、ポーランド合作の優秀作品である。


Directed by Brent McCorkle (2012)

Inspired by true events of “Papa Joe” caring for low-income community children in Tennessee.  Samantha is living a storybook life: happily married, lives on a ranch as keeping her beloved horse, and publishes her long dreaming children’s picture book. When her husband is killed in a senseless act of violence, Samantha loses her faith and her will to live. But a death-defying encounter with two children leads to reunion with Joe, her oldest friend.


The painted Veil

Directed by John Curran (2006)

In 1920’s a young English couple, a middle class doctor and an upper-class woman, marry for the wrong reasons and they relocate to Shanghai where the husband uncovers his wife falls in love with someone else. The doctor accepts a job in a remote village in China ravaged by a deadly epidemic and takes his wife along.  Their journey brings meaning to their relationship.



Little Boy

Directed by Alejandro Monteverde (2015)

A little boy ,who lives in a small town in North California, gets teased by other boys because of his smallness. But he has two big heroes, his father and clowns. The World War II starts and his father is sent to an Asian war frontier as a soldier. The boy tries with all his might to achieve the impossible, especially bring his father home from the war.


時代は第二次世界大戦の前から終戦まで、北カリフォルニアの小さな町で育った小さな男の子の信念と友愛と父親との絆。小さくていつも虐められていた少年は、父親と人気の魔術師を彼のヒローとして崇めていた。その父親がアジア戦線に送られた。戦争を大人の目や政治的な視点から描くのではなく、純粋なあどけない少年の思いで見事に描いているメキシコ人監督によるユニークな作品。一般民が戦争に巻き込まれてゆく切なさを語りながらも、奇跡を信ずる少年の信念に大人達が励まされる。少年役のJakob Salvatiと日系米国人役Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawaの作品中会話も見逃せない。

Palm Trees in the Snow

Directed by Fernando González Molina (2015)                                                   

After her father’s funeral in deeply snowed mountain, a Spanish young woman finds her father’s past documents and decides to takes a trip to follow her family’s story. In 1953 Kilian traveled to the exotic Equatorial African island, in Spanish Guinee, to work in a cacao plantation alongside his father and his brother. During his 20 years in this island, until the troubled days of independence, he undertook  a journey towards maturity and knowledge, but also had to deal with pain and loss.      

スペインの雪深い故郷での父の埋葬を終えた娘は、遺品の中から見つけた手紙や日記を頼りに、先代の家族ドラマをたどる旅に出かける。数十年前に、南の国で広大なカカオのプランテーションを経営していたスペイン人の息子が、異郷の異文化の異次元の世界で、美しい娘に魅了された。異なる風習や激動の時代に妨げられながらも、二人の愛は育まれていった。カルチャーショックを幾度も繰り返しながらも、美しい映像が癒しを与えてくれる。世代と距離と異文化を超越したドラマを、スペイン人の若手俳優達が熱演している。村の娘を演じたウクライナ生まれの24歳黒人女優(両親はエチオピアからの移民)Berta Vázquezの今後の活躍にも期待したい。欧州映画界には、彼女のような新しいアイデンティティーの世代が登場する時代を迎えているようだ。