Me and Mr. Mah  

By Andrea Spalding, illustrated by Janet Wilson                                                                      (Orca Book Publishers ・Canada/WA USA ~ in 2001)  

After Ian’s parents separation, Ian moves to the new town with his mother. While waiting for his first day of new school,  Ian has no friend, no place to go, and nothing exited to do. One day Ian peeks through the fence and finds an old man next door owns the garden.  Mr. Mah and Ian become friends and Mr. Mah encourages Ian to accept change as showing his memory box of his past in China.



My Beautiful Child 

By Lisa Desimini, illustrated by Matt Mahurin (The Blue Sky Press  ~ in 2004)  

Sharing lovely moments of parents and their child/children. Poetically expressed message from each illustration helps to feel each special moments. 


余白を充分に生かした独特なイラストは、詩のような英文の短い文とマッチして迫力がある。美しい色彩のページごとに語られる子どもに伝えたいことの内容がよく解る。そして、最後のページを開けた時にはしみじみとした感動さえ伝わる。 英語の解る幼子に、是非見せてあげたい絵本。英文は英語が話せない親でも充分に読める。~神奈川県厚木市立図書館に寄贈本あり

The day of Ahmed’s Secret 

By Florence Parry Heide & Judith Heide Gilliland, illustrated by Ted Lewin           (Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books – in 1990, 1995)                                          

Ahmed, young delivery boy, works to deliver butane gas to customer all over the city of Cairo, Egypt. As riding his donkey cart through streets, Ahmed hardly keep his secret in his minds. However he knows he should reveal it only to his family, only when her returns home, only at the end of the day. 



Saturday Sancocho  

By Leyla Torres  (Farrar Straus Giroux – in 1995)

Maria Lili spends every Saturday preparing chicken sancocho, popular South American stew, with her grandparents. But this Saturday, they have only a dozen eggs, and none of the necessary ingredients. Her grandmother gets a marvelous idea to trade with the market venders to get their ingredients.


A country far away 

By Nigel Gray, illustrated by Philippe Dupasquier (Orchard Books – in 1991, 2012)

Presenting how children are alike the world over, while at the same time celebrating the rich and interesting diversity of their daily fives. Two different presenting goes on the upper/bottom of each page to help comparison easily and clearly.


Masai and I

By Virginia Kroll, illustrated by Nancy Carpenter (Four Winds Press ~ in 1997)

When a little girl learns in school about Masai, tall African people, she cannot stop to expand her images of comparing and sharing her life with them in Africa. >>>The author is the mother of 6 children, and a former school teacher.


Selina Alko and Sean Qualls

< Author and Illustrator of Children’s Picture Books >

Plese meet Selina Alko and Sean Qualls, and check their books:

The Case for Loving: The Fight for Interracial Marriage

Two Friends

I’m your peanut butter big brother  

They are married couple who have 2 children, and they live in Brooklyn, New York. They created and published several wonderful children’s picture books, based in cultural diversity stories, and their new book will be published soon !

Please visit  and                         

img_0468                                                       Photo by N.T.M.@ Vegas Valley Book Festival, on Oct. 15, 2016                                  在ニューヨーク、ブルックリン区の Selina Alko &Sean Qualls 夫婦には2人のお子さんがあり、数々の素晴らしい児童絵本を制作,出版しています。作品の詳細は、写真上のウエブページにリンクしてありますので、是非ご覧下さい。

An A-MAZE-ING Farm Adventure      

By Jill Kalz, Illustrated by Mattia Cerato  (Picture Window Books ~ in 2011)

It’s a game book as following Maze with a finger. Each opened pages shows a different scene of the farm, and there are totally 11 scenes with start and finish marks for each.  As enjoying a farm adventure with the diversity of children, related vocabularies and questions are appeared on each page as well. The answers are included at the end.


迷路を指で通りながら、StartからFinishまでで導くゲーム本ではあるが、背景は11 の異なる農場の様子が描かれている。見開きで一つの背景の迷路には、農場独特の施設の単語が記載され、人、動物、道具などの位置の質問がされている。楽しみながら農場の文化に親しみがわくし、描かれている人物も多人種の子ども達。コンピュータ利用のイラストには、デザイナーやアートディレクターも参加して制作されている。アイドルの犬も各迷路に潜んでいて、巻末には各迷路の通過図と隠れている犬の位置を示す回答がある。

Always by my side               

By Susan Kerner, Illustrated by Ian P. Benfold Haywood  (Star Bright Books ~in 2013)

Presenting several families without his/her/their father, as introducing the diversity of mother-child/children’s family. Even without a real existing father, their fathers’ love is eternal and makes children sure to feel him always in their minds. Celebrating their fathers’ love for every children.



Joha Makes a Wish, a Middle Eastern Tale       

By Eric A. Kimmel, Illustrated by Omar Rayyan (Marshall Cavendish ~ in 2010)

Inspired by a folktale in the Middle East.  On the way to walk to Baghdad, Joha finds a whishing stick from the broken walls. No instruction how to use it, but Joha just wishes a new pair of slippers strong enough to continue his journey. But his old sandals disappear. When he wishes a donkey to carry him, he has to carry a donkey on his back. And the Sultan comes…..! How will Joha learn its secrets before he wishes himself into more trouble?

