Yoko Writes Her Name              

Story and Pictures by Rosemary Wells (Hyperion Books for Children ~ in 2008)

Yoko is excited for the first day of school, as she knows how to write her name in Japanese. But there are some classmates who tease her Japanese writing, and Yoko does not want to go back to the school. Now, her mother and teacher step in Yoko’s problem.

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Angel Child, Dragon Child                   

By Michele Maria Surat, Illustrated by Vo-Dinh Mai (Scholastic Inc.~ in 1989)

A little girl from Vietnam struggles to find her place at her new school in America.  She is missing deeply her mother who stays alone in Vietnam. A classmate boy, who was mean to her at first, eventually understands her loneliness, and he starts to care of her.

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All the Colors of the Earth

By Sheila Hamanaka (Morrow Junior Book ~ in 1999)

Multiethnic children lead us to celebrate our lives on the planet Earth, as presenting the colors of children and the colors of love. >>>”Peace Crane” is also by Sheila Hamanaka.


複合民族の家族をもつ作者兼イラストレイターの製作した見ごたえのある絵本。キャンバス地に描かれた様々な人種の子ども達が、地球に生きる歓びを伝えてくれる。英文は短いが、異文化環境を作る絵本として用意したら誰にでも親しまれる。”Peace Crane“も同じ作者で、イラストも描いている。

Our Big Home ~ An Earth Poem              

By Linda Glaser, Art by Elisa Kleven  (The Millbrook Press, inc ~ in 2000)

Celebrating to live on the planet Earth with beautiful poem.  Presenting the idea that we share the air, the water, the soil, and other elements not only with all peoples but with all plants and all animals on the planet.

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Is there really a Human RACE?             

By Jamie Lee Curtis, Illustrated by Laura Cornell(Joanna Cotler Books ~ In 2006)

Many questions about Human Race comes one after another. A boy asks his mother the titled question, and it starts. His imagination of running Race by people and his mother’s beautiful answer creates marvelous conversation between mother and son.


日本語訳本タイトル :「きょうそうって なあに」

英語のRACEには、競争のレースと人種の意味もある。作者の人類愛が、主人公の少年のユーモア溢れる疑問から、ほとばしり出ている。ねえ、本当に「人々の競争」(英語の意味では人種となるが)ってあるの?、「人々の競争」はいつ始まったの?、誰が”よいードン!”と掛け声をかけたの?・・・・・・どうして僕は競争しなくちゃいけないの?もし間違ってコースから外れたら、元に戻れるの? 母親との公園での会話から、この素敵なイラストの楽しい絵本が生まれた。

The Lotus Seed                

By Sherry Garland, Illustrated by Tatsuro Kiuchi                                                                        (Harcourt Brace & Company ~ in 1993, 1997)

A Vietnamese girl sees the last emperor cry on the day of his abdication, and she takes a lotus seed from the palace garden as a historical remembrance of her beloved country. When she is forced to leave Vietnam, she keeps the lotus seed with her, even after her new life starts in America.

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Grandfather Counts

By Andrea Cheng, Illustrations by Ange zhang (L& Low Books Inc.~ in 2000, 2003)

Helen’s grandfather comes from China and stays with her family in America. He disappoints all his grandchildren cannot speak Chinese. One day when Helen watches the trains, her grandfather comes to join her and starts to count the trains in Chinese. And Helen teaches him to count in English.  The family bond between Helen and her grandfather helps them overcome barriers of age and language.

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Cocoa Ice                             

By Diana Appelbaum, Pictures by Holly Meade (Orchard Books ~ in 1997)

In the late 19th century, two girls living from faraway land are connected by a taste for iced chocolate. The Caribbean island of Santo Domingo is always summer and cacao trees thrive. A young girl in the tropical island helps her parents harvest cocoa beans and prepare to trade to a Yankee mariner who shows her his niece’s picture who lives in New England. In the northern land Maine, his niece’s family operates export business of ice and prepare ice to trade in Santo Domingo.

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Tea with Milk

By Allen Say (Houghton Mifflin Company ~ in 1999, 2009)

Inspired by a real story of the Author’s mother’s experience. A Japanese American girl, Masako raised near San Francisco is uprooted after high school when her parents return to their Japanese homeland. Independent minded Masako straggles to accept Japanese traditional way of living and thinking.




By Bernard Ashley, illustrated by Derek Brazell                                                                    (Crown Publishers, Inc. ~ in 1995)

A Chinese American boy cannot excite to go to school.  There are many things the other kids can do that he cannot.  But suddenly he discovers everyone admires his ability to use chopsticks, and he is empowered.
