Little Stone Buddha

By K.T. Hao, Illustrated by Giuliano Ferri (Purple Bear Books ~ in 2005)

A stone little Buddha suddenly appears in a mountain. He blesses the beauty of nature and awakes to use his power wisely. The stone Buddha heartens weary travelers and protects the foxes from hunters in the forest of mountain, and the forest becomes their sanctuary.            >>> The author is a well known Taiwanese Children’s book writer.

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台湾の児童作家Haoが書いた話だが、仏教の教えの一つ「おもいやり」を、 子供向けに解りやすく語ってくれる。石仏が主人公でありながら、宗教めいた 読み物よりも親しみがわくのは、イラストレートされた石仏の人間味が 伝わるからに違いない。異なることに幼い時から接する大切さを、教えてくれる絵本の一冊。

Peek ! ~ A Thai Hide-and-Seek

By Minfong Ho, Illustrated by Holly Meade (Cadlewick Press ~ in 2004)

Just as American seekers might say ” Peek-A-Boo”,  in Thailand they say “Juy-Ay” when they look for somebody in hiding. A Tai father is looking for his toddler daughter who hides in various places in her surrounding envelopments.  Rhyming text are including sound expressions of Tai language which are familiar for Tai children through Tai nature and Tai culture.

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Mama & Papa have a store          

Story & Pictures by Amelia Lau Carling (Dial publisher ~ in 1998)

A Chinese family immigrates to Guatemala, and the parents work hard at a store for all day long. Their customers speaking Spanish, Chinese, and Mayan, come to buy cloth, buttons, and thread in many different colors. The children of Chinese store owner observe how their parents manage the business, as providing warmly service for all their customers.

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Mama Says ~ A book of Love for Mothers and Sons   

By Rob D. Walker, Illustrated by Leo & Diane Dillon                   (The Blue Sky Press ~ in 2009)

Tenderly and powerfully telling life lessons from mother to her son. Twelve different mothers and sons around the world reveal their immutable love in their own language,  and along with English translation.

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The Name Jar

Story & Pictures by Yangsook Choi (Alfred A. Knof ~ in 2003)

A Korean girl hesitates to tell her name at her new school in America, as her Korean name is hardly to pronounce.  Her new classmates are fascinated by this no name girl, and decide to help out by finding a glass jar with names for her to pick from. >>> Based on an experience of the author who immigrated to America in 1991.>>>Yangsook Choi’s books in SHI collection.

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1991年に韓国から米国に移民した作者自身の体験を 基に描かれた絵本。発音しにくい韓国名を名乗れなかった少女に、クラス・メートがアメリカ名を集める行動が面白い。 最終的には自分の名前を名乗るのだが、その過程で自国文化と新しい文化の交差が、子どもらしく、しかも大人の配慮も交えて展開する。この作者のような、アジア系アメリカ人の活躍に大いに期待したい。>>>SHIコレクションにあるYangsook Choiの作品

Only One Neighborhood

By Marc Harhman & Barbara Garrison, Illustrated by Barbara Garrison                    (Dutton Children’s Books ~ in 2007)

As visiting though the neighborhood, showing how expanding one to many,  like as ” One bakery has many different breads.”  An easy way to make understanding that neighborhood is connecting with the bigger world.

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No Two Snowflakes

By Sheree Fitch, Illustrated by Janet Wilson (Orca Book Publishers ~ in 2002)

A Canadian boy writes to his pen pal in Africa about Snow. His African pen pal never experiences of snow, and he describes the snow as much as possible of her understanding. Through their correspondence, two children reach halfway around the world and touch each other.

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Papa, Do You Love Me?

By Barbara M. Joosse, Illustrated by Barbara Lavallee (Chronicle Books LLC ~ in 2005)

This follow-up to ” Mama, do you love me?” captures the universal love between a father and child. Setting in Africa, and featuring the Massai culture.

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Mama, Do You Love Me? (アラスカの母娘)と同じ作者とイラストレイター。今回はアフリカ・マサイ族の父と息子の会話だが、マサイ族の生活観と親子のたくましくも暖かい愛情が伝わってくる。絵本作家の人たちの多くが、実に色々な文化に精通していることに驚くが、この二人もアラスカのみならずアフリカにも実際に訪れ、深くその文化に感銘をしていればこそ、このように素晴らしい絵本が生まれるのであろう。

I Am LATINO ~ The Beauty in Me

By Sandra L. Pinkney, Photographs by Myles C. Pinkney                           (Little, Brown and Company ~ in 2007, 2013)

Photo Images of Latino children to celebrate their rich and joyful culture.  Mr. and Mrs. Pinkney’s joyous photographs and buoyant text showcase traditional food, music, and more through each of the five senses.

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Gregory Cool                          

Story and Pictures by Caroline Binch                                                                                        (Dial Books for Young Readers ~ in 1994, 2012)

Gregory raised in American big city visits his grandparents in Tobago surrounded by Caribbean Ocean. Island lifestyle and environments are very boring for Gregory at first, however he discovers and learns different value of life by spending days with his grandparents and his cousin.

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