A Mango in the Hand~A story told through proverbs

By Antonio Sacre, Illustrated by Sebastia Serra                (Abrams Books for Young Readers ~  in 2011)

A little boy Francisco ties to get mangos from the mango grove all by himself, but some problem happened forces him to return to his home. Each time his returning, his father shares a different proverb to encourage Francisco to continue trying. Finally Francisco gathers some mangoes, and one the way home he shares them with his relatives until nothing left for his own home.  >>> A glossary of Spanish words is provided.


Yoon and the Jade Bracelet

By Helen Recorvits, Illustrated by Gabi Swiatkowska                  (Frances Foster Books ~ in 2008)

This is the 3rd story of Yoon who moved from Korea to America with her family, and featured Yoon’s birthday. Yoon wants a jump rope to join the other girls on the school playground. Instead Yoon receives a Korean storybook from her mother, and a jade bracelet that once belonged to her grandmother. Next day at school, a girl offers to teach Yoon how to jump rope, if she can borrow Yoon’s jade bracelet.  Yoon agrees, but when Yoon wants to get her keepsake bracelet, the girl insists it belong to her. >>>My name is Yoon ( in 2003, 2014)、Yoon and the Christomas Mitten (in 2006)



I live in Brooklyn

Story & Pictures by Mari Takabayashi (Houghton Mifflin Company – in 2004)

Six years old Michelle lives in Brooklyn, New York and she presents her community    as delighted diversity of people, cultures, and life styles. Celebrating the dynamic environment of Brooklyn. >>>The author born in Tokyo moved to Brooklyn in 1990, and has 2 children. She is also the author of “I live in Tokyo”.

1990年にニューヨークに移った東京生まれの作者兼イラストレーターは、ブルックリンの人々や生活を、6歳の女の子の目を通して描いている。明るく楽しい色彩で細かな点まで描いたブルックリンンの絵日記のようである。描かれた多種多様な人々に、多文化のダイナミックさが、上手に伝わってくる。2児の母親でもあるTakebayahi女史は、I live in Tokyoの絵本も書いている。

Thanksgiving at OBAACHAN’S

By Janet Mitsui Brown (Polychrome Pub Corp-1994)

A young Japanese American girl who cannot speak Japanese and her OBAACHAN (grandmother) who cannot speak English, celebrate their unique thanksgiving together. This American holiday is expanded as mild with Japanese cultural heritage, and the girl remembers beautifully the uniqueness of her family event at OBAACHAN’s house.

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Yoon and the Christmas Mitten

By Helen Recorvits, Illustrated by Gabi Swiatkowska                                                 (Farrar, Straus and Giroux – 2006)

Yoon is a Korian girl who moved from Korea to America with her family, and the same heroine of “My name is Yoon”. She learns about Christmas and Santa Claus at school, and is captivated by this seasonal event. But Yoon parents insists they should follow to Korean traditional event, and Christmas celebration is not for them.  And then, Yoon and her parents figure out a way to meld a Christmas tradition and their own New Year’s event.

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2003年に出版され多くの賞を受賞したMy Name is Yoonと同じ作者とイラストレーター。アメリカに住む韓国人親子の異文化融合への過程は、多くの米国児童とその周辺の大人たちを引きつけているようだ。この作品では、学校でクリスマスやサンタクロースことを知り興奮するYoonが、韓国人の習慣でないと親から言われ、異文化の間で文化的妥協点を見つけてゆく。その発想が、ユニークであり愉快でもある。Yoonシリーズは、3作目も出版されている。

When Jessie Came Across the Sea

By Amy Hest, Illustrated by P. J. Lynch    (Candlewick-2003)

From a small village in Eastern Europe, 13 years old Jessie takes a long boat trip to New York. As Jessie learns the skill of lacemaking from her grandmother in the village, it helps her to find a job in the dressmaker’s shop in the big city. After Jessie successfully establishes her new life in America, she invites her beloved grandmother to the new world.

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Pop’s Bridge

By Eve Bunting, Illustrated by C.F. Payne                                                                     (Harcourt Children’s Books-2006)

During the time of constructing the Golden Gate Bridge, Robert and his friend Charlie Shu spend together to watch from afar the constructing sight where both fathers work. Robert’s father is a skywalker, a high-iron man which Robert believes in more important and dangerous job than painting that Charlie Shu’s father works for. One day a scaffold falls and several men die, Robert realizes the wok is equally dangerous for all crew members.

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サンフランシスコの金門橋建設工事に父親が携わっている少年は、その勇敢なる父親を誇りに思っていた。少年の友達である中国系少年の父親も、同じく建設工事に関わっていたがペンキ塗りの仕事で、自分の父親の方が重要な仕事をしていると内心信じていた。ところが工事現場で事故が起こり多くの犠牲者が出た時、少年は自分の誇りを全ての工事労働者にささげる様になった 。金門橋工事の歴史書でもあり、多くの人の勤労によって完成した偉業を、少年の視線でとらえた絵本。

You’re Not My REAL Mother!

By Molly Friedrich, Illustrated by Christy Hale                                                                              (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers-2004)

An adoptive mother tells her daughter all the reasons that she is her real mother, even though they do not look alike. The daughter accepts her mother’s heartfelt explanation.

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Black is Brown is Tan

By Arnold Adoff, Pictured by Emily Arnold McCully (Publisher; Amistad – 2004)

The Original one titled the same is published in 1973 and it was the first children’s book to feature an interracial family in the US. This 21st century version with water colored illustration is still a beautiful story poem about a family delighting in each other.

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Mama’s Saris

By Pooja Makhijani, Illustrated by Eleomez (Little, Brown and Company~ in 2007)

Every girl world widely experiences to get some impression of her mother’s dressing up in traditional way. A seven-years-old Indian descent girl finds her mother’s suitcase full of gorgeous silk, cotton and embroidered saris. Her mother wears a sari only for special events, while her grandmother dresses in one everyday. The girl is fascinated with beautiful traditional outfits, and her mother decides to dress up her daughter with a sari for celebrating her seventh birthday. >>> On the last page, a glossary of the Hindi words is provided.

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娘が母親のおしゃれな衣装に憧れるのは、万国共通のようだ。インド人の少女が、母親のサリーを着ることをねだる母と娘の対話に、ほのぼのとした愛情が語られている。 サリーの見事な色合いを楽しませてくれるイラストも、素晴らしい。絵本の始めには、言葉の解説もあり、民族文化伝承のみならず異文化理解にも楽しみながら導いてくれる。英文も内容も解りやすいので、小学校低学年から親しめる。