The Happiest Tree : A Yoga Story

By Uma Krishnaswami, Illustrated by Ruth Jeyaveeran                                                            (Lee & Low Books Inc. ~ in 2005 )

Meena, an American girl of Indian descent, always stumbles, trips and knocks things over, causing herself terrible humiliation. Meena needs to participate school-class play, but she is afraid for embarrassing herself in front of a big audience. Fortunately Meena finds a Yoga class for children, and she joins it  to learns to breathe deeply and move more carefully. And then Meena successfully takes her part of the school play without any trouble.

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Romina’s Rangoli

By Malathi Michelle Iyengar, Illustrated by Jannifer Wanardi  ( Shen’s Books ~ in 2007)

Romina has a school project to represent the culture of her ancestors, but her father is from India and her mother is from Mexico. Romina gets a difficulty to come up with one project  that represents the both cultures. When her grandmother visited her, Romina learned about Rangoli, the intricate patterns, and she likes to draw Rangoli  on the sidewalk with chalks.  Romina inspires to harmonize and arrange Rangoli with Mexican traditional arts.

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アメリカの学校に行っているロミナのクラスで、自分の祖先を紹介するプロジェクトを作ることになった。ロミナは困ってしまった。彼女の父親はインドから、そして母親はメキシコから来ているのだった。インドから祖母が訪れた時に教わったインドにある伝統的柄をチョークで道路に書くのが、ロミナは好きであった。 しかしそれでは自分を半分しか表現出来ない。二つの異なる伝統カルチャーを、融合させる、素晴らしさを教える良き教材でもある絵本。英文は長文でも解り易く、インドとメキシコの伝統柄の解説も、写真入で巻末にある。

The Weaver

By Thacher Hurd, Illustrated by Elisa Kleven  (Farrar Straus Giroux ~ in 2010)

As the morning sun rises, a girl starts her weaving work.  All her thoughts of creatures on our planets and love feeling to them are weaved together with shinning thread to produce a beautiful cloth. At the end of the day, the girl takes off her special cloth from the loom and she starts dancing with it all over the earth. The weaver spreads the extraordinary cloth over the earth to keep us warm and protect through the night.

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Because of You

By B.G. Hennessy, Illustrated by Hiroe Nakata  ( Candlewick Press ~ in 2005 )

“Each time a child is born, the world changes.” is the starting sentence. As children grow and learn many things, adults surrounding them also learn how to care each other and grow their love. Through daily lives of multiethnic family,  celebrating universally to have a new family member.

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赤ちゃんが一人生まれる度に世界は変わると 、最初のページで謳っている。そして、例え小さな子どもでも、一人の存在がどれほど大きな意味を持つのかを、解り易く語っている。空間を上手に取り入れた暖かな子ども達の表情のイラストは、日本生まれの日本育ちの在米イラストレーターにより、各ページの内容とマッチして絵本の効果を上げている。わかり易い短い英文で、子どもにも解るように、世界平和と自分のつながりを伝えている素晴らしい絵本。

The way we do it in Japan

By Geneva Cobb Iijima, Illustrated by Paige Billin-Frye  (Albert Whitman & Company ~ in 2002)

Gregory lives in San Francisco with his American mother and Japanese father until his father trampers his job to Tokyo and they need to move over there. Once Gregory arrives in Japan, goes to a new school which is different from his imagination.  >>> Introducing Japanese way for children, and based on the experience of the author’s son. This book is also dedicated to her grandson.

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Good-bye, Curtis

By Kevin Henkes, Illustrated by Marisabina Russo (Greenwillow Books ~ in 1995)

Curtis is a mailman who has been delivering for 42 years, and today is his last day. All mailboxes along his route are filled with surprises.  And then when Curtis knocks the door of his last house to delivery,  more and beautiful surprise has been waiting for him.

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Grandma calls me Beautiful

By Barbara M. Joosse, Illustrated by Barbara Lavallee  (Chronicle Books ~ in 2008)

The same author and illustrator with “Mama, do you love me?” & “Papa, do you love me?”. Set in Hawaii, featured the beautiful bond between grandmother and her granddaughter. Explanations of Hawaiian culture and language are provided on the last pages.

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Traditionに集録されている Mama, do you love me? (アラスカの母と娘)、Papa, do you love me? (マサイ族の父と息子)と、同じ作者とイラストレーターのコンビで、ハワイの祖母と孫娘の話。ハワイ語やハワイの文化を散りばめながら、祖母の孫娘への愛情が、ほとばしるように描かれている。巻末には、ハワイ語や文化の解説もあり、ハワイの香りいっぱいの素敵な絵本である。

The Doorbell Rang

By Pat Hutchins (Greenwillow Books ~ in 1986)

Mam bakes cookies for her two children, and her children love Mam’s cookies as telling they are so good just like their grandmother made one. While they enjoy the cookies, their doorbell ring. Neighbor kids come and Mam invite them into the house to share her cookies. And then, another doorbells ring. Each ring of the doorbell brings more kids to share the delicious cookies………….and Again, the doorbell ring!

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My Father’s Shop    

By Satomi Ichikawa ( Kane/Miller Book Publishers, Inc. ~  in 2006)

Mustafa, a young Moroccan boy comes to his father’s shop full with beautiful rugs. His father welcomes all tourists from around the world, and greets them in their language. Mustafa finds a little rug which he loves, and his father gives it to him since it has a big hole. Instead of that, his father encourages Mustafa to learn different languages to entertain foreign tourist. Mustafa runs out of the shop to the market with his favorite rug over his head, he encounters a rooster hearten by his bright colored rug. End up Mustafa attracts many tourists to his father’s shop as speaking the rooster’s sound in 5 different languages.

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The first bear in Africa

By Satomi Ichikawa ( Philomel Books ~ in 2001)

When a family of tourists from far away visits Meto’s village in African savanna, he is fascinated by the teddy bear which the little girl holds. Meto never see such kind of animal in his savanna. And then Meto finds the stuffed bear left behind the girl, as the family drives off from his village. Meto starts to run to catch the car, and chases it through the savanna. Finally Meto can hand the bear to the delighted girl, just about their departure within a small air plane.

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