My Family Plays Music

By Judy Cox, Illustrated by Elbrite Brown (Holiday House, Inc – New York, NY in 2003)

Introducing each family members and their musical instruments to play. With exploring different types of music, the girl joins them as making different sounds with various musical instruments. Despite the diversity of generations, races, and characters, all music produce joyful harmony into our life. A glossary defining the musical terms and genres appears on the last page for your better understanding.

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M.O.M.(Mom Operating Manual)

By Doreen Cronin, Illustrated by Laura Cornell  (Atheneum Books for Young Readers – New York, NY in 2011)

Mom Operating Manual with IT vocabularies. Today children growing in the ere of modern information technology, they are familiar with these vocabularies, and know how to use them. Enjoy new generation’s words describing their Mom in their ways.

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Dad and Pop

By Kelly Bennett, Illustrated by Paul Meisel (Candlewick Press – Massachusetts in 2010)

 A cheerful girl who has tow fathers, biological father and stepfather, and she explains differences between them, including called them differently Dad and Pop.  After all her observation of two fathers, she is happy for being beloved by two different fathers.

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Like Crazy

Directed by Drake Doremus (2011)

A British girl studies in a College in Los Angels,  and she falls for her American classmate. They are crazy with passionate time together and forget the time passed. Negligence of her study visa expired is caused of rejection her re-entry to the States and two lovers face to the realities of their separated love and their lives beyond their control.



Girl on a bicycle

Directed by Jeremy Leven (2013)

Love-comedy of European personalities who live in Paris. Paolo, an Italian tour bus driver as well as guide in Paris, and his fiancé Greta is a German flight attendance. Once Paolo sees a beautiful French girl on her bicycle, his English friend gives Paolo a bad advice and Paolo’s upside down life begins. Beyond language barrier everyone try to communicate each other.



Directed by James L. Brook (2004)

Floe immigrates from Mexico to Los Angels with her daughter, Cristina, but Floe cannot speaks English well. Luckily Floe finds a job as a housekeeper of the family Clasky, and Floe and Cristina move in with the Claskys for the summer. Cristina helps her mother to translate, but Floe is worry that her daughter is rapidly embracing the American way of life.  The title “Spanglish” is created by mixing Spanish and English.


娘と2人きりの生活を守る為に、メキシコから母と娘はロスアンジェルスにやって来た。英語が解らない母は、家政婦の仕事を得た。言葉が通じないながらも、親子の思いは通じ合える。いつも娘に通訳を頼んでいた母だが、やがて自分で自分の言葉を話す必要性に気ずかされ、英語の勉強を始める。英語の言葉を使い、米国のライフスタイルや価値観にどんどん馴染んでゆく娘に、頼もしさと共に不安も感じる母。異なる文化圏で、青春を迎える子どもを持つ親の心配と不安が、明るいタッチで良く描かれている。タイトルの Spanglish は、Spanish と English の合成語。

The Big Wedding

Directed by Justin Zackham (2013)

A long divorced American couple are forced to pretend a long married happy couple for their adapted 2nd son’s wedding. Their son is adapted from Colombia, and his biological mother is coming for his wedding. Because the Colombian mother believes device to be a mortal sin, the son never tells her about his American parents’ divorce. On the wedding day, all different characters get together and unexpected dramas are happened one after another.

次男が結婚することになったのだが、その次男はコロンビアからの養子であり、結婚式には産みの母が参加することになった。ところが米国の両親は、熟年離婚している。敬虔なるカソリック教徒の産みの母が滞在する間、結局両親は結婚していることに。英語が喋れないながらも、次男の産みの母は色々な状況を見逃さない、、、ドタバタと繰り広げられる家族ドラマ。家族の秘密が次々と明かされ、、、、それでも、皆夫々の愛情を確認しあう。Diane Keaton と Robert De Niroが、離婚しながらも、オープンできわどい友情を育む熟年カップルを好演している。

Yum! Yuck! A foldout book of people sound

By Linda Sue Park/Julia Durango, Illustrated by Sue Rama (Charles bridge – Watertown, MA  in 2005)

Presenting people’s different sound in unexpected situation as comparing several languages. One the inner pages, the English translation is revealed along with illustration to describe the situation.  With demonstration by a native speaker of each language, will be more helpful usage of this book.

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Yo! Yes?

By Chris Raschka (Orchard Book – New York, NY in 1993)

Two boys meet on the street, and they have different racial and cultural background. Despite of their differences, they start to communicate each other with different way of speaking manner and body language. Their distance of recognition gets closer and closer, and their friendship begins.

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作者のChris Raschkaは、5月の朝郵便局の帰りにこの絵本の最初の八行を思いついたとか。作者が住んでいるニューヨークの通りが舞台で、見知らぬ黒人と白人の少年が道で出会いコミュニケートしていく様子が、短い言葉と表現豊かなイラストで表わされている。各少年の文化背景がにじみ出るボディー・ラングエッジと言葉使いは、作者の見事な観察眼が生きている証であり、英語の原語では異文化接点の醍醐味が上手に表わされていて、異文化理解の導入書としても興味深い絵本である。日本では偕成社から「やあ、ともだち!」とのタイトルで和訳版が出版されている。

New York is English, Chatta-Nooga is Creek

By Chris Raschka (Atheneum Books for Young Readers – New York, NY in 2005)

Representors of 39 cities in the United States come to attend the party, and each one has a head top with symbolic features of own city. A guest list at the beginning helps to learn the history of the names of 39 invitees and it’s an unique way to show the American diversity.

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