Woman on Top       

Directed by Fina Torres (2000)

After finding her husband’s cheating, a heartbroken beautiful Brazilian woman runs away to San Francisco, and she becomes a successful television chef.  In her new life, she is forced to choose between her macho ex-husband, her new fame and her lifelong battle with motion sickness, and her need to always to be on top. >>>>Spanish Actress, Penelope Cruz’s first American film.

スペイン人の女優、Penelope Cruz(ペネロペ・クルス)が25歳の時の映画で、ブラジル女性を演じている。まるでおとぎ話を語るような物語は、自分で運転する時以外動くものに乗ると気分が悪くなる美しい女性イザベラが主人公。イザベラは、抜群の料理の腕前。ブラジル男性と結婚したが、彼の浮気を知って、一人サンフランシスコへ行き、幸運にもテレビの料理番組に出演することになった。シンデレラ物語のようだが、しっかりと愛を追求した物語。ボサノバのリズムが全編に流れ、揺れ動く女心と男心、そして色彩鮮やかな小道具が軽快に演出されたコメディーは、笑いながら心を軽くしてくれる。

A Late Quartet

Directed by Yaron Ziberman (2012)

In New York, a world-renowned string quartet find their patriarch Peter is diagnosed with a terminal illness, the repercussions hit the group deeper than they could imagine. As their 25th anniversary performance looms, the four musicians must either find a way to overcome their troubles and preserve their legacy, or part ways forever.



Cayman Went          

Directed by Bobby Sheeham(2008)

An American TV personality Josh Anders is sent to a tiny Caribbean island of Cayman Brac. by the idea of an ultra-wealthy, powerful and unethical resort developer. Josh Anders’ show is popular in the island, and most of islanders are his big fans except the eccentric and cranky retiree Mr. Bowman. Josh finds himself the key player in a land grab scheme targeting this picturesque island.


The Bouquet

Directed by Anne Wheeler (2013)

For years, overachiever Terri and her idealistic sister Mandy have kept their distance from each other, as well as from their parents struggling florist business.  But when a tragic turn of events brings both sisters home, they discover just how much they need one another in order to continue their family legacy.


A Play’s the Thing

By Aliki (Harper Collins Publisher –New York, NY in 2005)

Miss Brilliant is the lively teacher of multiethnic class and she celebrates everything. After test, she wants to celebrate with play and all her students prepare for that  with excitements except one student, Jose.  >>>  The parents of author, Aliki Brandenberg,  were originally from Greece and Aliki’s first language was Greek.  During her traveling in Europe, she met Mr. Brendenberg. Her first book is published in 1960, and she moved to New York with her Swiss husband.


ブリリアント先生の生徒には、様々な人種や性格の生徒達がいる。クラスで劇の発表をする準備過程が描かれているが、マンガのように各自の言葉は吹き出しの中に書かれている。多彩で賑やかなクラスのまとまってゆく 様子が、実に微笑ましい。マンガを読む感覚のユニークな絵本。著者でイラストレーターのAliki女史は、1929年米国生まれであるが、両親はギリシャからの移民者。Aliki女史の夫はスイス人のBrandenberg氏であり、多くの児童図書を夫婦でも制作している。2人の子どもの母親でもある。

Time to pray

By Maha Addashi, Arabic Translation by Nuha Albitar, Illustrated by Ned Gannon (Boyds Mills Press –Honesdale, Pennsylvania in 2010)

Yasmin visits her grandmother in the Middle East. During experience of traditional daily life, Yasmin learns how and when to pray.  Yasmin’s grandmother makes her prayer clothes, and buys her player rug. Written in English-Arabic Text.



Sosu’s Call

By Meshack Asare (Kane/Miller Book Publish – La Jolla, CA in 2002. Original one published by Su-Saharan Publisher­­-Lagon, Accra, Ghana in 1997)

African boy, Sosu lives in a beautiful small village by ocean. During all village youth    go to fish for their living, Sosu has to stay home with his dog as he is not able to walk.   One day when a big storm is threaten the village, Sosu hits the drum with wishing the village youth can hear the warning sounds to save the village elders & little children.      >The author,  Meshack Asare is born in 1945 Ghana, and “Sosu’s Call” received “UNESCO Children & Youth’s Literature in the Service of Tolerance” award in 1999.


海と入り江に挟まれた土地に、小さな村があった。そこに住むSosu少年は歩くことが出来ず、いつも家にいて愛犬と一緒であった。ある日、村の若者達が漁に出た後に、嵐が襲ってきた。残された老人や幼子を助ける為に、Sosuは使ったこともないドラムをたたいて、村の危機を伝えた。1945年ガーナ生まれの制作者Asare氏は、この作品のイラストも描いている。1999年度UNESCO Children & Youth’s Literature in the Service of Toleranceの受賞作品でもあり、ほのぼのとした絵と物語の絵本。