By Langston Hughes, Illustrated by Daniel Miyares (Schwartz & Wade Books – 2017, Original poem in 1924)
Follow one child on a walk through his small segregated town in the 1950s. Then watch his mind take flight as he imagines a brighter, more inclusive world. >>>Langston Hughes’s inspiring and timeless poem “Dream Variation” comes joyously to life in a gorgeously illustrated picture book.
1950年代に、人種分離政策が行われていた小さな町を黒人の男の子が歩く。そして男の子の想像は膨らみ、分離ではなく融合ある明るい社会を夢見る。>>>Langston Hughesが1924年に制作した詩”Dream Variation”に、見事なイラストが加わり誕生した絵本。