By Shlomo Abas, Illustrated by Omer Hoffmann, Translated by Gilah Kahn-Hoffmann (Green Bean Books – 2019 for English Edition, the original in 2016)
Once upon a time in Eastern Europe, there was a small city called Chelm. The people there were known as ”The sages of Chelm” because they were supposedly very wise and intelligent. One night when the moon disappeared, they had many troubles in the darkness, and they decided to buy a new moon.

昔々、東ヨーロッパ(ポーランド東部)に 小さな町ヘルムがあり,そこの住民は”ヘルムの賢者”と呼ばれるほど賢くて頭の良い人たちばかりのはずであった。月のないある夜、町の住民達は暗闇の中で様々な問題を起こし、ついに新しい月を買いに行くことに決めた。