By Archbishop Desmond Tutu & Douglas Carlton Abrams, Illustrated by A.G.Ford (Candlewick Press – Massachusetts in 2013)
Young Desmond happily rides his new bike through the street, but a group of boys shout a very mean word at him to make his feeling hurt and angry. Instantly Desmond shouts back to them with mean words, but that does not make him feel any better. With the help of Father Trevor, Desmond understands his conflicted feelings and see everyone deserve compassion, whether or not they say they are sorry. >>>Inspired by a childhood experience of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Novel Peace Prize winner in 1984, living in South Africa, and told about “Forgiveness”.
南アフリカのデズモンド・ムピロ・ツツ元大主教が、自分の体験を通して「許し」について子ども向けに語った絵本。副題はA story of forgiveness。ネルソン・マンデラが大統領に選出された時、ツツ元大主教は「真実と調和委員会」議長に任命され、南アフリカに渦巻いていた憎しみの根源を絶つために、許し合うことの大切さを説き多くの感動を呼んだ。数々の平和賞を受賞し、人権の重要性を説きながら世界中を回ったツツ元大主教が、公職を離れてから次世代の子ども達のために書いたこの絵本は、ツツ元大主教の生涯にわたるメッセージを美しく力強く伝えてくれる。