By Rachel Isadora ( Nancy Paulsen Books – 2013)
Old Mikamba had a farm E-I-E-I-O. And on this farm he had a Baboon!, a Zebra!, a Lion!, an Elephant! and many more! You can enjoy to sing along with a whole new cast of animals in the book irresistible version of “Old MacDonald” set on a game farm in Africa. >>> Explanation of the animals is on the last pages. The author Isadora’s another book “The Fisherman and His Wife”.

“Old MacDonald” の歌の中の動物が、すべてアフリカの野生動物保護地区の動物に代り、馴染みのある歌のアフリカ版となっている。歌を歌いながら、アフリカの動物達への親しみと知識を養ってくれる、大変にユニークで楽しい絵本。>>>巻末で登場する動物達を説明。同じ作者の絵本 “The Fisherman and His Wife” もある。