Happy School Year!

By Susan Milord, Illustrated by Mary Newell DePalma (Scholatis Press – 2008)

In the town, all children of diversity ethnic community wake up to be ready for the first  day of the new school year.Some of them are exciting and some are apprehensive. At school, the students and families assemble with all teachers and staff to celebrate the beginning of new school year. >>>A First Day Campaign began in 1997, in Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union.


多様なる人種が住む町の学校が始まった。学校に行く最初の日の町の子供たちの様子が描かれている。学校の始業日を生徒、家族、コミュニティー全員で祝う習慣は、1997年にSouthwest Vermont Supervisory Union にある11の学校で行われたのが切っ掛けとなり、First Day Foundationが設立され、全米にこの祝い行事は広まった。